Emerging Issues for ACRP
Emerging Issues for ACRP: Airport Sustainability
Emerging Issues for ACRP:
Airport Sustainability
Background Statement
Airport sustainability has many multi-disciplinary definitions, including operational efficiency. The airline system is national and an airport is a community facility. Sustainability reports are often among an airport’s communication outreach goals (e.g., WN One Heart Report to increase transparency). The meat of a sustainability report is not just environmental but also encourages smart practices in the normal course of business. The struggle is how to make a sustainable activity a financially smart move, prioritized correctly
Research Ideas
- Identify interactions between airline and airport sustainability activities. Airlines typically have 12-18-month ROI requirements and airports typically operate with longer ROI requirements. How do airports and airlines align their differing ROI requirements and lifecycle calculation mechanics?
- How can airports concisely communicate/convey messages around sustainability?
- Integrate tenant and concessionaire sustainability programs into airport program reporting.
- Create airport specific sustainability metrics from current national and international airport best practices to complement appropriate master plan timelines.
- How do you tell the story, collect the data, develop constituencies, and provide what it takes to enhance airport capacity to support the communities they serve?
- Where should sustainability staff reside in the airport organization?
- Develop a guidebook on implementing the “License to Grow” concept. Key activities in this "license to grow" strategy consist of proactive engagement with diverse stakeholders, including working with competitors in a precompetitive framework. In addition, integrating environmental and social sustainability strategies into business strategies. This new way of thinking about growth is a departure from a more traditional risk mindset (social license to operate).
Related ACRP Research
- ACRP Synthesis 66: Lessons Learned from Airport Sustainability Plans (July 14, 2015).
- ACRP Synthesis 77: Airport Sustainability Practices (September 14, 2016).
- ACRP Report 42: Sustainable Airport Construction Practices (January 17, 2011).
- ACRP Synthesis 42: Integrating Environmental Sustainability into Airport Contracts (June 6, 2013).
- ACRP Synthesis 69: Airport Sustainability Practices—Drivers and Outcomes for Small Commercial and General Aviation Airports (April 13, 2016).
- ACRP Report 119: Prototype Airport Sustainability Rating System—Characteristics, Viability, and Implementation Options (December 18, 2014).
- ACRP Report 80: Guidebook for Incorporating Sustainability into Traditional Airport Projects (November 4, 2012).
- ACRP Report 110: Evaluating Impacts of Sustainability Practices on Airport Operations and Maintenance (July 4, 2014).
- ACRP Report 174: Green Stormwater Infrastructure - Volume 1: Primer (June 13, 2017).
- ACRP Report 174: Green Stormwater Infrastructure - Volume 2: Guidebook (June 13, 2017).
- ACRP Report 151: Developing a Business Case for Renewable Energy at Airports (March 31, 2016).