Information for Proposers
The Highway (
NCHRP), Transit (
TCRP), Airport (
ACRP), and Behavioral Traffic Safety (
BTSCRP) Cooperative Research Programs regularly advertise for competitive proposals by releasing detailed project statements (i.e., requests for proposals) on this website. Those who have an interest in receiving research project statements must periodically browse the
Requests for Proposals webpage or register to be notified by email of new project statements as described below.
Because these programs seek practical remedies for operational problems, it is emphasized that proposals should indicate strong capability gained through extensive successful experiences in the relevant problem area. Consequently, any agency interested in submitting a proposal should first make a frank, thorough self-appraisal to determine whether it possesses the capability and experience necessary to ensure successful completion of the project.
The specifications for preparing proposals are quite strict and are set forth in the brochure entitled
Information and Instructions for Preparing Proposals.Proposals will be rejected if they are not prepared in strict conformance with the section entitled "Instructions for Preparing and Submitting Proposals." Particular issues that are often of concern are further addressed below.
Conflict of Interest
TRB has implemented new conflict of interest policies for Cooperative Research Program subawardees. Please note the specific information regarding Section 6(a), Conflict of Interest, in
Information and Instructions for Preparing Proposals, Chapter V, Details of Essential Content and more detailed information on our
Conflict of Interest Resource Page.
Liability Statement
The signature of an authorized representative of the proposing agency is required on the
Liability Statement (also available in the notes section of the request for proposals).
Proposals submitted without this executed and unaltered statement by the proposal deadline will be summarily rejected. An executed, unaltered statement indicates the agency's intent and ability to execute a subaward that includes the provisions in the statement.
As specified in the
standard subaward language, all data, written materials, computer software, and other information prepared under the subaward and the copyrights therein shall be owned by the National Academies. The subawardee and lower-tier subawardees will be able to publish this material for non-commercial purposes, for internal use, or to further academic research or studies. The subawardee and lower-tier subawardees will not be allowed to sell the project material without prior approval by the National Academies.
Subaward Type
The subaward summary should specify whether the subawardee would prefer a cost-reimbursement, cost-plus-fixed-fee, or fixed-price subaward. Proposals expressing a preference for a fixed-price subaward must still include a detailed budget, as well as a proposed payment schedule based on subaward deliverables.
The budget should follow the format described in the brochure.
- The National Academies prefer fixed, as opposed to provisional, overhead rates in a subaward. The total subaward amount is fixed and any modifications to overhead rates during the course of the subaward will force adjustments to direct cost items so that the total amount is not exceeded.
- Preliminary descriptions of the expected trips should be included for any budget that includes travel costs.
- Fixed fees may not exceed 7% of subaward costs, exclusive of any prime or sub-contract fixed fees.
Please note that TRB Cooperative Research Program subawards (selected proposers are considered subawards to the National Academy of Sciences, the parent organization of TRB) must comply with 2 CFR 200 – Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. These requirements include a provision that proposers without a federally Negotiated Indirect Costs Rate Agreement (NICRA) or audited indirect rates shall be subject to a maximum allowable indirect rate of 15% of Modified Total Direct Costs (de minimis rate). Modified Total Direct Costs include all salaries and wages, applicable fringe benefits, materials and supplies, services, travel, and up to the first $50,000 of each lower-tier subaward. Modified Total Direct Costs exclude equipment, capital expenditures, charges for patient care, rental costs, tuition remission, scholarships and fellowships, participant support costs and the portion of each lower-tier subaward in excess of $50,000.
NCHRP Active Implementation (NCHRP only)
The NCHRP is a practical, applied research program that produces implementable products addressing problems faced by transportation practitioners and managers. The benefits of NCHRP research are realized only when the results are implemented in state DOTs and other agencies. Implementation of the research product must be considered throughout the process, from problem statement development to research subaward and beyond completion of the research. Item 4(c), "Anticipated Implementation Needs”, must include the following: (a) the "product" expected from the research, (b) the audience or "market" for this product, (c) a realistic assessment of impediments to successful implementation, and (d) the institutions and individuals who might take leadership in deploying the research product. The project panel will develop and maintain an implementation plan throughout the life of the project. The research team will be expected to provide input to an implementation team consisting of panel members, AASHTO committee members, the NCHRP Implementation Coordinator, and others in order to meet the goals of
NCHRP Active Implementation: Moving Research into Practice.
Materials Required from the Selected Proposer
The proposer selected to carry out the project will be asked for several items:
- Completed subaward certifications form (the form will be included with the correspondence)
- Approved indirect cost rate agreement (or materials suitable for justifying the proposed indirect cost rates) and
- Salary and wage schedule
TRB does not identify the selected proposer until a subaward is signed and requests that that information be kept confidential.
Notification of New Requests for Proposals
To sign up for
NCHRP, TCRP, or BTSCRP Announce listserv, please send an email to
LISTSERV@LSW.NAS.EDU from the email address you would like to receive the announcements with one or more of the following lines as the body of the email depending on which list or lists you would like to join:
You may send multiple commands in a single email. To stop receiving emails, substitute "UNSUBSCRIBE" for "SUBSCRIBE." If you need help subscribing to or unsubscribing from the listserv, contact Joseph Snell at 202-334-3502 or
Those interested in being notified of
ACRP RFPs and other information can visit