Requests for Proposals or Information
Below is a list of requests for proposals and requests for information (RFPs and RFIs) that have been issued by TRB’s Cooperative Research Programs, which include the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP), the Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP), and the Behavioral Traffic Safety Cooperative Research Program (BTSCRP). Proposals and responses should evidence strong capabilities gained through extensive successful experience in relevant problem areas. Any agency interested in submitting a proposal or response should first make a frank, thorough self-appraisal to determine whether or not it possesses the capability and experience necessary to ensure successful completion of the project.
Please note that TRB Cooperative Research Program subawards (selected proposers are considered subawards to the National Academy of Sciences, the parent organization of TRB) must comply with 2 CFR 200 – Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. These requirements include a provision that proposers without a federally Negotiated Indirect Costs Rate Agreement (NICRA) or audited indirect rates shall be subject to a maximum allowable indirect rate of 15% of Modified Total Direct Costs (de minimis rate). Modified Total Direct Costs include all salaries and wages, applicable fringe benefits, materials and supplies, services, travel, and up to the first $50,000 of each lower-tier subaward. Modified Total Direct Costs exclude equipment, capital expenditures, charges for patient care, rental costs, tuition remission, scholarships and fellowships, participant support costs and the portion of each lower-tier subaward in excess of $50,000.
Request for proposals and information are published periodically throughout the year by TRB’s various programs. You should check this site frequently to identify new projects that have entered the request-for-proposal phase. In addition, notices are included at appropriate times of the year in TRB’s Transportation Research E-Newsletter--you are encouraged to subscribe to TRB Weekly. Finally, e-mail notices on RFPs and RFIs are sent out to subscribers of appropriate CRP listservs. Information on becoming a member of one of TRB’s CRP listservs is available on CRP’s Information for Proposers page online.
For more information about procedures for submitting Synthesis Letters of Interest, go to the instructions page for the respective program: ACRP Synthesis, NCHRP Synthesis, TCRP Synthesis.
Notification of New Requests for Proposals
To sign up for NCHRP, TCRP, or BTSCRP Announce listserv, please send an email to LISTSERV@LSW.NAS.EDU from the email address you would like to receive the announcements with one or more of the following lines as the body of the email depending on which list or lists you would like to join:
You may send multiple commands in a single email. To stop receiving emails, substitute "UNSUBSCRIBE" for "SUBSCRIBE." If you need help subscribing to or unsubscribing from the listserv, contact Joseph Snell at 202-334-3502 or jsnell@nas.edu
Those interested in being notified of ACRP RFPs and other information can visit https://www.trb.org/ACRP/ACRPGetNotfiied.aspx
Jump to: ACRP | ACRP Synthesis | BTSCRP | NCHRP | NCHRP Synthesis | TCRP | TCRP Synthesis | TRB/FHWA Program Evaluations
ACRP Synthesis Letters of Interest
NCHRP Synthesis Letters of Interest
TCRP Synthesis Letters of Interest
TRB/FHWA Program Evaluations