TR News 348: Intercity Buses: Planning for a Post-Pandemic ParadigmApril 11, 2024 The intercity bus industry experienced unprecedented growth before the COVID-19 pandemic and seemed poised for further expansion. The industry embraced technology to provide dynamic scheduling and pricing, booking and boarding were simplified through customer-friendly applications and electronic ticketing, and customers were enticed by free Wi-Fi and onboard entertainment. " Intercity Buses: Pl...
TR News 348: Fresh Perspectives: Artificial Intelligence Frontiers in TransportationFebruary 29, 2024 AI technologies have fueled advances in autonomous driving and intelligent transportation systems, for example, enabling the public in Phoenix, San Francisco, and other cities to hail a self-driving taxi from their smartphone apps. Transportation professionals also are tapping computer-vision technologies to manage transportation assets, collect traffic data, and dynamically adjust traffic sign...
TR News 348: Fresh Perspectives: Native American Artists Portray Transportation’s ImpactFebruary 22, 2024 When gauging how roads, rails, or runways affect the societies they run through, the numbers often paint an incomplete picture. To illuminate the impact of transportation on tribal communities, the TRB Standing Committee on Native American Transportation Issues took an imaginative leap last year and announced a Call for Artwork. The competition reflected the committee’s focus on highlighting an...
TR News 348: Transportation Influencer: Margaret-Avis Akofio-SowahFebruary 20, 2024 "This year, TRB and members of the International Coordinating Council are supporting an initiative I am leading to establish the African Transportation Research Alliance, referred to by some as 'TRB in Africa,'" says Margaret-Avis Akofio-Sowah, a global organizational change management lead for WSP and a TRB volunteer who is featured as the Transportation Influencer in the January-March 2024 ed...
TR News 347: Geofoam: Colorado’s Innovative Answer to an Emergency Highway RepairJanuary 23, 2024 In 2019, the Colorado Department of Transportation (DOT) was faced with a mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) bridge abutment failing catastrophically, closing U.S. 36 between Denver and Boulder. The geotechnical design subconsultants suggested the use of geofoam blocks to fast-track the project and get the embankment reconstructed prior to winter. "Geofoam: Colorado’s Innovative Answer to an E...
IDEA Program Announcement 2024January 12, 2024 The TRB IDEA (Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis) Program's IDEA Program Announcement 2023 describes the IDEA programs and how they are administered, provides instructions and documents for submitting proposals for funding, and lists general research topics derived from program goals.
TR News 347: Wheels Up! Alaska’s Rural Air ServiceDecember 15, 2023 Rural aviation in Alaska is critical for providing access to essential services and supporting the state’s mostly rural way of life. However, current airport infrastructure faces significant operational and maintenance challenges. "Wheels Up! Alaska’s Rural Air Service," by Rebecca Douglas and Dylan Blankenship, details how the state’s geographical environment calls for the Alaska Department of...
TR News 346: Opening Doors: Including People with Disabilities in the Transit WorkforceNovember 6, 2023 In the transportation industry, individuals with disabilities should comprise part of a diverse workforce and can be included in recruitment and retention initiatives. "Opening Doors: Including People with Disabilities in the Transit Workforce," by Judy Shanley, Shayna Gleason, and Patricia Greenfield, offers an overview of strategies and is one of the feature articles in the July-August 2023 e...
TR News 346: Invisible Disabilities: Seeing the UnseenOctober 20, 2023 Most people are willing to assist others when there are visual cues of a disability, such as a wheelchair or guide dog. However, many individuals have disabilities that are not visible and can pose signifi cant transportation accessibility challenges for them. "Invisible Disabilities: Seeing the Unseen," by Steven Jones, Roger Mackett, and Julia Castillo, is one of the feature articles in the J...
TR News 345: Indirect Tension Asphalt Cracking Test: Ensuring Asphalt Mix Designs for Durable PavementsSeptember 20, 2023 Over the past five years, researchers at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute developed and implemented a simple and practical indirect tension asphalt cracking test (IDEAL-CT) for use during asphalt balanced mix design and quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) testing. "Indirect Tension Asphalt Cracking Test: Ensuring Asphalt Mix Designs for Durable Pavements," by Fujie Zhou and Kell...
TR News 345: Peaks and Valleys: Forecasting Recreational Travel DemandAugust 31, 2023 National and state parks welcome millions of visitors annually, but seasonal surges can jam roads and overcrowd facilities. A TRB National Highway Cooperative Research Program project is harnessing smartphone data to develop recreational travel-demand models aimed at helping public lands transportation planners better forecast and manage congestion. "Peaks and Valleys: Forecasting Recreational ...
TR News 344: 2023 TRB Annual Meeting HighlightsJuly 6, 2023 Restaurant hosts knew. Metrorail riders knew—from the oversized badges hanging from attendees’ necks. Uber drivers certainly knew. “Are you here for the big transportation conference?” one asked. The word was out! More than 12,000 transportation professionals from around the world had converged on Washington, DC, for the 102nd TRB Annual Meeting, held January 8–12, 2023, at the Walter E. Washin...
TR News 343: Vibration Mitigation Boosts Structure Life and BudgetsMay 15, 2023 Building upon TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program IDEA research, the Valmont TR1 Mitigator vibration damper was designed to support traffic signal structures that have been increasingly observed to be susceptible to vibrations resulting from both normal and extreme wind conditions. "Vibration Mitigation Boosts Structure Life and Budgets," by Carl J. Macchietto and Mark Taylor, is ...
IDEA Program Announcement 2023December 22, 2022 The TRB IDEA (Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis) Program's IDEA Program Announcement 2023 describes the IDEA programs and how they are administered, provides instructions and documents for submitting proposals for funding, and lists general research topics derived from program goals.
IDEA Program Announcement 2022December 10, 2021 The TRB IDEA (Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis) Program's IDEA Program Announcement 2022 describes the IDEA programs and how they are administered, provides instructions and documents for submitting proposals for funding, and lists general research topics derived from program goals.
TR News: Research Pays Off: State Water Quality Requirements Addressed Via an Innovative PavementOctober 22, 2020 The Texas Department of Transportation had a rare opportunity to investigate how pavement type affects the quality of stormwater runoff, something that is often difficult to address in the limited space available in highway rights-of-way. The research showed that roadways paved with permeable friction course/open-graded friction course (PFC/OGFC) produced runoff with substantially reduced conce...
TR News: Five Pillars of Construction Stormwater ManagementOctober 8, 2020 Faced with ever-increasing regulatory scrutiny and a realization that traditional stormwater management approaches largely were ineffective in a transportation setting, stormwater professionals at the Alabama Department of Transportation (DOT) began to explore approaches that were outside of those prescribed by regulation and existing guidance materials. Based on these experiences, the Alabama ...
TR News: Integrating Stormwater Infrastructure into State Department of Transportation ProcessesSeptember 24, 2020 The Alabama Department of Transportation (DOT) incorporated post-construction stormwater management design into the overall roadway design process. The Texas DOT developed the approval process for products used in the construction of a roadway to promote vegetation. And the Virginia DOT improved the management of data associated with stormwater infrastructure best management practices to effect...
Critical Issues in Transportation 2019September 17, 2020 Critical Issues in Transportation 2019 now includes addendums focused on COVID-19 and racial equity . In this report, which is updated periodically by the TRB Executive Committee, a series of challenging questions are posed to explore issues and opportunities that may arise 10 to 20 years into the future. These questions, 63 in all, have been organized into 12 topic areas and provide a way to f...
TR News 326: MaaS Ready: International Study Mission for Mobility-as-a-ServiceJune 11, 2020 In Europe, public transportation plays a greater role in serving the public than it does in the U.S. and Canada. It generally is widely acknowledged in Europe that transit agencies should lead the integration of urban and regional transportation options. In North America, there is more work to be done in convincing local decision makers that the transit agency should be at the center of a Mobil...
TR News: Meeting the Transportation Needs of Rural CommunitiesJune 4, 2020 It was advocacy by people—often riders of rural transit who brought issues of equity before Congress in the early 1970s—that resulted in dedicated federal funding. Today, researchers, policymakers, and politicians explore rural and urban equity issues, and the need for transit funding of all types remains paramount. This is the subject of a feature in TR News magazine, Number 325, January-Febru...
TR News 326: Implications of the California Wildfires for Health, Communities, and PreparednessMay 28, 2020 The increasing incidence of wildfires, especially in the western half of the United States, poses many challenges to communities. Along with needs related to aspects of the environment, rebuilding communities, public health, and emergency preparedness, addressing transportation and infrastructure-related issues is key to helping to prevent future wildfires, fighting them while they are happenin...
TR News 326: Driver Training for Advanced Driver Assistance SystemsMay 21, 2020 Issue Number 326 of TR News magazine is available in full to subscribers. Here is a sample from the issue: a feature article on the trap that drivers could fall into by believing that autonomous vehicles are more capable than they really are. As with traditional driving instruction, a solid understanding of the concepts of automation is important—not just knowing which buttons to press.
TR News 326: A Century of Progress ... Foundation for the FutureMay 15, 2020 Issue Number 326 of TR News magazine is available in full to subscribers. Here is a sample from the issue: a 14-page photo collage of the 99th Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting from January 12–16, 2020 in Washington, D.C. Do you see yourself in any of the photos?
Highway Capacity Manual, Sixth Edition: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility AnalysisApril 27, 2020 Purchase the Highway Capacity Manual, Sixth Edition: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis The latest version, Highway Capacity Manual 7th Edition , is also available for purchase in e-book or paperback formats. The Highway Capacity Manual, Sixth Edition: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis (HCM) provides methods for quantifying highway capacity. In its current form, it serves as a fun...
TR News: Data's Critical Role in Transportation DecisionsApril 2, 2020 One of the most time-honored of the technical activities that TRB performs, state visits revealed lots of interesting issues in 2019, including a lot around the important role state Departments of Transportation increasingly have around data needs. The TRB staff summary of the visits, each of which last one or two days and typically consist of meetings with various levels of DOT management; dis...
TR News: Radical logistics in the heavy traffic of the Burning Man FestivalMarch 26, 2020 Each summer, tens of thousands of people journey to the Nevada desert by land and by air to participate in a unique event. For one week, the volume of traffic on nearby desert roads and at an otherwise sleepy airport rivals the operational volume at some of the largest highways and commercial airports in the country. A modern-day Brigadoon—the mythical Scottish town that magically appears and d...
Everyone interested is invited: A short history of TRBDecember 26, 2019 This article is adapted from The Transportation Research Board, 1920–2020: Everyone Interested Is Invited , to be published by the National Academies Press in January 2020. TRB can be best understood as an infrastructure—one that people purposely designed, carefully constructed, and devotedly maintained to share and strengthen knowledge about transportation. The core missions and structures tha...
Building a business case for increasing diversity in the transportation workforce December 5, 2019 Recent studies show that organizations with the most diverse workforces realize better decision-making and more efficiency, innovation, and profitability than do their less-diverse peers. This article in TR News Issue 323 (September/October 2019) details demographic trends shaping the nation’s workforce—the large millennial population, the rise of neurodiverse workers, and dramatically increase...
Toward Railroad Trespassing SolutionsAugust 21, 2019 The July-August 2019 TR News includes a featured story that examines the data behind railroad trespassing fatalities, as well as countermeasures and research to reduce the rates of these deaths. The limitations of current interventions, from design solutions to procedures and rules, demonstrate the trespassing challenge: system-wide, the most beneficial interventions are seen as hard to impleme...
Mainstreaming Gender Data Collection in TR NewsJuly 10, 2019 The May-June 2019 TR News includes a featured story that outlines the need for gender-sensitive transportation data collection. Transportation policies that affect both men and women require multiple data collection methods to ensure appropriate statistical analysis; however, research shows that sociodemographics are not sufficiently studied. Collecting more comprehensive and useful data on wom...
Women’s Constrained Travel Behavior: Austrian Case StudyJuly 3, 2019 The May-June 2019 TR News includes a featured story that explores how when someone feels unsafe, it can affect their travel intentions, behavior, and patterns. This constrained travel behavior—which manifests variously as avoiding certain modes, changing routes, and employing self-defense measures—is still a fairly unexplored topic. The authors present the methodology and findings of their stud...
TR News 326 March-April 2019: Critical Issues in TransportationJune 5, 2019 A featured article in the March-April 2019 issue of TR News explores TRB's most recent list of the critical issues facing transportation today. Theses issues include transformational technologies and services; serving a growing and shifting population; energy and sustainability; resilience and security; safety and public health; equity; governance; system performance and management; fundin...
TR News March-April 2019: Guidebook for Airport Terminal Restroom Planning and DesignMay 29, 2019 A featured article in the March-April 2019 issue of the TR News explores the restroom upgrade initiative at Minneapolis–Saint Paul International Airport (MSP), which served as the inspiration for ACRP Research Report 130. This article offers details on the MSP restroom project, the development of the ACRP guidebook for airport terminal restroom planning and design, and future directions of rese...
January-February 2019: Harnessing Technology for a Safe, Equitable, Resilient SystemMarch 20, 2019 A featured article in the January-February 2019 issue of the TR News explores emerging trends, applied research, research needs, and innovative solutions to challenges across all transportation modes and functions. State departments of transportation are deploying new technologies, streamlined and innovative processes, research-driven methods, and holistic systems approaches to further the goal...
Transportation Research Record (TRR) - Select Full Text Articles Now AvailableFebruary 13, 2019 Transportation Research Record (TRR), through SAGE Publications, has released full text articles of the most read and cited papers of 2016 and 2017. This collection highlights the unparalleled depth and breadth of coverage TRR provides to the transportation community. Submit comments and suggestions at . TRR presents the latest research findings in policy, planning, administration,...
TRB Security, Emergency Management, and Infrastructure Protection Research Status ReportJanuary 9, 2019 Since September 11, 2001, more than 200 security-, emergency management-, and infrastructure protection-related planning and implementation projects have been initiated through programs managed by TRB. This report, updated monthly, provides information on more than $30 million worth of completed and ongoing TRB security-related research. The report includes information on research that is forma...
TR News November-December 2018: Eliminating Alcohol-Impaired Driving FatalitiesNovember 29, 2018 A featured article in the November-December 2018 issue of the TR News examines the implementation and results of various designated driving programs to deter alcohol-impaired driving. The TR News is TRB's bimonthly magazine featuring timely articles on innovative and state-of-the-art research and practice in all modes of transportation. It also includes brief news items of interest to the trans...
TR News September-October 2018: Total Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017October 10, 2018 A featured article in the September-October 2018 issue of the TR News explores observations and lessons from the August 2017 total solar eclipse to better understand successful strategies and areas for improvement so that transportation agencies can prepare for the next total one in 2024. The TR News is TRB's bimonthly magazine featuring timely articles on innovative and state-of-the-art...
TR News July-August 2018: Transportation Project Delivery: Alternative Contracting Methods ResearchAugust 27, 2018 A featured article in the July-August 2018 issue of the TR News examines the latest application and implementation of alternative contracting methods for faster project delivery of transportation infrastructure. The TR News is TRB's bimonthly magazine featuring timely articles on innovative and state-of-the-art research and practice in all modes of transportation. It also includes brief news it...
TR News May-June 2018: Transportation Economic Regulation in PracticeJuly 12, 2018 A featured article in the May-June 2018 issue of the TR News examines how deregulation has played out over the intervening 40 years and what this experience means for the future of transportation. The Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 deregulated the railroad, trucking, and intercity bus industries. The TR News is TRB's bimonthly magazine featuring timely articles on innovative and state-of-the-...
TR News May-June 2018: Impacts of Airline DeregulationJuly 5, 2018 A featured article in the May-June 2018 issue of the TR News examines how deregulation has affected the airline industry. The author discusses the changes to the airline industry as a result of the Airline Deregulation Act, including business practices, service realignments, and safety features. The TR News is TRB's bimonthly magazine featuring timely articles on innovative and state-of-the-art...
The Integration of the Humanities and Arts with Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in Higher Education May 23, 2018 The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine have released the report, The Integration of the Humanities and Arts with Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in Higher Education. This report examines the evidence behind the assertion that educational programs that mutually integrate learning experiences in the humanities and arts with science, technology, engineering, mathematics,...
TR News March-April 2018: Highlights from the TRB Annual Meeting 2018April 26, 2018 A featured article in the March-April 2018 issue of the TR News explores highlights from the 2018 TRB Annual Meeting. This article provides information about the number of attendees and sessions. It includes pictures of individual events, presenters, and award winners. The TR News is TRB's bimonthly magazine featuring timely articles on innovative and state-of-the-art research and practi...
TR News January-February 2018: Preparing for the Future, Building ResilienceMarch 7, 2018 A featured article in the January-February 2018 issue of the TR News explores findings from the Transportation Research Board's 2017 State Partnership Visits Program. This article presents an overview of how states are preparing for the fast pace of technological change, strengthening the resilience of transportation systems, ensuring equitable and accessible mobility, and utilizing resources e...
TR News January-February 2018: Marine Transportation and the EnvironmentMarch 2, 2018 Innovative problem solving, trends, applied research, and research needs at the state transportation agency level are the focus of a feature article highlighting findings from the 2017 state partnership visits by TRB senior program officers, covering all transportation modes and functions. TR News 313: January–February 2018 also includes articles on measures to control the environmental impacts...
TR News November-December 2017: A New Port Authority Bus Terminal in New YorkJanuary 16, 2018 A featured article in the November-December 2017 issue of the TR News explores the International Design and Deliverability Competition to develop a redesign plan for New York City's Port Authority Bus Terminal. This bus terminal is the world's busiest, and the author describes the challenges and opportunities in the redesign process. The TR News is TRB's bimonthly magazine featuring timely arti...
TR News November-December 2017: The Six Minute Pitch: A Retrospective on an Innovation ShowcaseDecember 28, 2017 A featured article in the November-December 2017 issue of the TR News explores previous Six Minute Pitch ideas from the TRB Annual Meeting. The Six Minute Pitch is the transportation industry start-up competition sponsored by TRB, and in 2018, it enters its sixth year. This article discusses how past winners have progressed with their ideas. The TR News is TRB's bimonthly magazine featuring tim...
TR News September-October 2017: Governance and ResilienceNovember 22, 2017 A featured article in the September-October issue of the TR News explores the current practices that are used to prepare for and to recover from disruptions quickly, to manage highly varied stakeholder groups, and to strengthen performance after a disruptive event. The article identifies an emerging framework for community resilience governance and decision making before and after disruptions. ...
NCHRP: Supporting Transportation Agency LeadersSeptember 29, 2017 TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) has developed a brochure for CEOs of state departments of transportation (DOTs) to help familiarize them with the range of research-based, practical benefits provided to states through NCHRP. The brochure explores the types of products released by NCHRP to help states with developing cost-efficient, safer, or more reliable practices or...
Strategies to Advance Automated and Connected VehiclesAugust 31, 2017 TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) has released Strategies to Advance Automated and Connected Vehicles: Briefing Document. It is intended for state, regional, and local agency and political decision makers who are framing public policy making for these transformational technologies. The briefing document makes the case for taking action in spite of uncertainties ...
TR News May-June 2017: Valuing a Mature Highway System: In Search of the Holy GrailAugust 15, 2017 A featured article in the May-June 2017 issue of the TR News examines how to develop appropriate evaluation frameworks that account for the integration of new technologies into the infrastructure in order to accurately value the current highway system. The TR News is TRB's bimonthly magazine featuring timely articles on innovative and state-of-the-art research and practice in all modes of trans...
2018 TRB Annual Meeting: Requirements for Submitting PapersJune 28, 2017 TRB has released its requirements for submitting papers for presentation at the 2018 TRB Annual Meeting and/or publication in the Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board . This guide covers the organization and formatting of manuscripts for peer review and for publication, as well as instructions for submission. Papers that do not follow the guidelines will ...
TR News March-April 2017: Highlights from the TRB Annual Meeting 2017: Transportation Innovation: Leading the Way in an Era of Rapid ChangeMay 31, 2017 A featured article in the March-April 2017 issue of the TR News highlights photos from the 96th TRB Annual Meeting, January 8-12, 2017. The article features photographs of sessions, workshops, committee meetings, and awards. Bruce M. Smith, Apperson Crump PLC, and General Counsel, Memphis Area Transit Authority, delivered the delivered the 2017 Thomas B. Deen Distinguished Lecture on “Ethical I...
TR News March-April 2017: Highlights from the TRB Annual Meeting 2017: Transportation Innovation: Leading the Way in an Era of Rapid ChangeMay 31, 2017 A featured article in the March-April 2017 issue of the TR News highlights photos from the 96th TRB Annual Meeting, January 8-12, 2017. The article features photographs of sessions, workshops, committee meetings, and awards. Bruce M. Smith, Apperson Crump PLC, and General Counsel, Memphis Area Transit Authority, delivered the delivered the 2017 Thomas B. Deen Distinguished Lecture on “Ethical I...
TR News November-December 2016: Freight Transport in a Low-Carbon World (Feature Article)February 3, 2017 A featured article in the November-December 2016 issue of the TR News highlights the challenges of freight transportation with regards to meeting new emissions standards. The TR News is TRB's bimonthly magazine featuring timely articles on innovative and state-of-the-art research and practice in all modes of transportation. It also includes brief news items of interest to the transportation com...
Access Management Application GuidelinesDecember 13, 2016 TRB's Access Management Application Guidelines (AMAG) focuses on the applications of access management concepts and provides research-based guidelines on access management treatments and procedures for their applications. The AMAG is a how-to tool for continuing the evolution of access management applications in the United States. The AMAG addresses general access management concepts; policy-re...
TR News September-October 2016: Developing a Knowledge Management Practice: One State’s ExperienceDecember 2, 2016 A featured article in the September-October 2016 issue of the TR News explores the impacts of the Michigan Department of Transportation's (DOT) shrinking workforce. The article examines how Michigan has been challenged with finding ways to operate more efficiently and cost-effectively, specifically how Michigan DOT's data management has been affected. The TR News is TRB's bimonthly magazine fe...
TR News July-August 2016: The Aviation Workforce of TomorrowOctober 11, 2016 A featured article in the July-August 2016 issue of the TR News explores advances in the future of the aviation workforce, focusing on the diversity of those who make up the workforce and which aviation activities are employing which people. The article also discusses how the landscape of the workforce is changing in the aviation industry and how the industry has responded to these changes. The...
TR News May-June 2016: The Decline and Revival of Intercity Bus ServiceAugust 2, 2016 The May–June 2016 issue of the TR News explores how curbside bus operators are rejuvenating a sector of transportation providing trip between 125 to 350 miles—distances considered too short for airline trips but uncomfortably long for driving. The TR News is TRB's bimonthly magazine featuring timely articles on innovative and state-of-the-art research and practice in all modes of transportation...
TR News March-April 2016: Research Convergence for a Multimodal FutureMay 27, 2016 A featured article in the March-April 2016 issue of the TR News highlights photos from the 95th TRB Annual Meeting, January 10-14, 2016. The article features photographs of sessions, workshops, committee meetings, and awards. Dr. Hani Mahmassani, William A. Patterson Distinguished Chair in Transportation and professor, Northwestern University, and Director, Northwestern University Transportatio...
TR News January-February 2016: Steering the Way Through Disruptions and TransformationsApril 12, 2016 A featured article in the January-February 2016 issue of the TR News explores the concerns and benefits of transformational technologies through the lens of state departments of transportation (DOTs). States are experiencing technological disruptions in every mode, and are exploring how new technologies will impact social issues, environmental issues, legal issues, and have other ramifications....
Driver Crash Risk Factors and Prevalence Evaluation Using Naturalistic Driving DataMarch 8, 2016 The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences has published a paper that evaluates the riskiest factors faced by drivers based on data collected by TRB's second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Naturalistic Driving Study (NDS). According to the paper, many secondary tasks or activities, particularly resulting from the use of handheld electronic devices, are of detriment to driv...
Big Data Hit the Road: The First Year of Use of the SHRP 2 Safety DatabasesJanuary 28, 2016 A featured story in the November-December 2015 TR News provides an overview of the data and the tools available to researchers during the Phase 1 experimental operational period of the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) naturalistic driving study data. The SHRP 2 naturalistic driving, unprecedented in size and scope, has produced unparalleled data on how drivers actually drive, ...
Rockfall: Characterization and ControlJanuary 20, 2016 TRB's Rockfall: Characterization and Control addresses rockfall hazard identification and evaluation, investigation process, mitigation options, and maintenance and management programs. A recent survey of readers indicates that the publication has demonstrated usefulness in the field. The 600-plus page publication includes a DVD with video clips of rockfall field tests and several histori...
Role and Value of Transportation for State DOTsJanuary 18, 2016 TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Project 20-24(89): Role and Value of Transportation for State DOTs clarifies and explains the role and value of transportation in relation to the U.S. economy. The initial deliverables includes a website and videos that introduce the topics to general audiences and may be used by other agencies considering production of similar informa...
TRID Search Tips from TR News 298December 3, 2015 The June-July-August 2015 TR News featured search tips to navigate the TRID database . TRID holds more than 1.09 million records of published research covering all modes of transportation. More than 156,000 records contain links to full-text documents. TRID is an integrated database that combines the records from the Transportation Research Information Services and the Joint Transport Rese...
TR News 299: Why Public Health and Transportation: Setting the StageNovember 12, 2015 The feature article in the September-October 2015 edition of the TR News examines the impacts of transportation on public health in terms of safety, air quality, physical activity, equitable access to opportunities, and noise. The article also explores potential societal benefits of focusing on public health when investing in active transportation options like walking, bikin...
Access Management Manual, 2nd ed.September 7, 2015 TRB’s Access Management Manual, second edition, provides guidance on a coordinated approach to transportation and community design that is designed to help enhance mobility, provide greater mode choice, and improve environmental quality. The content is interdisciplinary, with guidance pertinent to various levels of government as well as to pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorized vehicles—includi...
U.S. Gulf Ports Harbor the Changing Energy SupplySeptember 1, 2015 The feature article in the June-July-August 2015 edition of the TR News explores the critical role of Gulf of Mexico ports and terminals for production and exploration of U.S. energy. While petroleum dominates the region’s energy sector, other industries like natural gas and coal, as well as renewable energy sources are beginning to take hold in the region. The TR News ...
Highway Capacity Manual 2010 (HCM2010)July 30, 2015 The fifth edition of the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM2010), which updates HCM2000, will significantly enhance how engineers and planners assess the traffic and environmental effects of highway projects. Order your copy of the HCM 2010 today and it will be shipped within 24 hours. Rush order received by 12:00 p.m. Eastern will be shipped the same day. The HCM2010: • provides an integrated...
2015 Annual Meeting Highlights: Corridors to the Future—Transportation and TechnologyJune 24, 2015 TR News 297 includes a feature article that provides highlights of the 94th TRB Annual Meeting, January 11-15, 2015. The article features photographs of sessions, workshops, committee meetings, and awards. The article provides a highlight of Daniel Sperling, Professor of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science and Policy, University of California (UC), Davis, as the 2015 Chair of the TRB Ex...
Caretakers and Change Makers: The Nine Leaders Who Built the Transportation Research BoardFebruary 18, 2015 A featured article in the November — December 2014 issue of TR News examines the contributions of the nine TRB Executive Directors, including Robert E. Skinner, Jr., who retired in January 2015 after 21 years at TRB’s helm. These nine individuals— all engineers—have shared a strong commitment to TRB and its mission, and each has contributed to shaping the institution. The TR News is TRB's...
Foresight NCHRP Report 750 Series: Informing Transportation’s FutureDecember 30, 2014 TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 750 Series: Strategic Issues Facing Transportation has released a brochure summarizing reports that examine global and domestic long-range, strategic issues and their implications for departments of transportation. Published as NCHRP Report 750: Strategic Issues Facing Transportation, Volumes 1-6 , the reports address topics suc...
Organizational Support for Performance ManagementSeptember 20, 2014 A featured article in the July—August 2014 issue of the TR News explores the challenge faced by state departments of transportation (DOTs) to provide greater results with budgets that are not growing in proportion to increased needs. State DOTs are incorporating performance management practices to assist with making decisions to meet public needs while operating within budget limitations. The T...
The Rapidly Improving U.S. Energy Outlook: Positive Implications for TransportationAugust 30, 2014 A featured article in the May-June 2014 TR News explores the booming natural gas industry in the United States, and its potential impact on providing fuel for various modes of transportation. The TR News is TRB's bimonthly magazine featuring timely articles on innovative and state-of-the-art research and practice in all modes of transportation. It also includes brief news items of interest to t...
SHRP 2 Products ChartMay 22, 2014 TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) project chart briefly describes the program's products and how their use can impact current practice. The product chart also provides information on where to find the tools and resources, implementation status of the product as of May 2014.
2014 TRB 93rd Annual Meeting Highlights: Celebrating Our Legacy, Anticipating Our FutureMay 21, 2014 The March-April 2014 issue of the TR News includes a photo essay that documents sessions, workshops, special events, poster presentations, awards, exhibits, committee meetings, and other highlights of TRB’s 93rd Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., January 12-16, 2014.
SHRP 2 in Transition: Moving Research Results into ImplementationFebruary 15, 2014 A featured article in the November-December 2013 issue of the TR News describes how the Federal Highway Administration and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials are working to achieve the routine use of second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) products by state departments of transportation and other agencies by enlisting a critical mass of early adopt...
Imagining the Second Strategic Highway Research Program in Action: A Product Showcase ScenarioFebruary 11, 2014 A featured story in the November-December 2013 issue of the TR News tells the story of how late in 2011 SHRP 2 staff and researchers negotiated the initial turn of the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) from research to implementation and developed a scenario featuring an imaginary highway corridor to illustrate real-world applications of various SHRP 2 products and how they mig...
Critical Issues in Transportation: 2013February 1, 2014 TRB’s Executive Committee periodically identifies a set of critical issues in transportation to focus attention on their likely impact on the nation’s economy and quality of life. The discussion of the critical issues identified in this document is intended to facilitate debate and to encourage research leading to their resolution. Previous editions of Critical Issues in Transportation have hig...
SHRP 2 Publications CatalogJanuary 20, 2014 TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) has released a catalog of the program’s available reports that document more than 100 research projects. The catalog also highlights publications that provide guidance and tools to help implement SHRP 2 research results.
Improving Postdisaster Humanitarian Logistics: Three Key Lessons from Catastrophic EventsSeptember 27, 2013 A featured article in the May-June 2013 TR News present three practical lessons gleaned from fieldwork after the Port-au-Prince, Haiti, earthquake and the Tohoku, Japan, tsunami: the strategic differences between disasters and catastrophes, the need to control the spontaneous flow of supplies, and the benefits of integrating the civic society into the response and recovery.
Crash Energy Management: An Overview of Federal Railroad Administration ResearchJuly 30, 2013 A featured article in the May-June 2013 TR News explores the results of a series of six impact tests to assess the crashworthiness of rail passenger equipment--both conventional and that with crash energy management features. The TR News is TRB's bimonthly magazine featuring timely articles on innovative and state-of-the-art research and practice in all modes of transportation. It also includes...
TRB Legal Resources Group BrochureJuly 16, 2013 TRB’s Marine Group has released a brochure that highlights why and how to get involved in TRB marine transportation-related technical committee activities. The technical committees are communities of individuals who share a common interest and expertise. Standing committees are communities of individuals that share a common interest and expertise. They serve as open and unparalleled forums to d...
TRB Marine Group BrochureMay 23, 2013 TRB’s Marine Group has released a brochure that highlights why and how to get involved in TRB marine transportation-related technical committee activities. The technical committees are communities of individuals who share a common interest and expertise. Standing committees are communities of individuals that share a common interest and expertise. They serve as open and unparalleled forums to d...
2013 TRB 92nd Annual Meeting Highlights: Deploying Transportation Research: Doing Things Smarter, Better, FasterMay 22, 2013 The March-April 2013 issue of the TR News includes a photo essay that documents sessions, workshops, special events, poster presentations, awards, exhibits, committee meetings, and other highlights of TRB’s 92nd Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., January 13-17, 2013.
TRB Aviation Group BrochureApril 22, 2013 TRB’s Aviation Group has released a brochure that highlights why and how to get involved in TRB aviation-related technical committee activities. The technical committees are communities of individuals who share a common interest and expertise. Each committee proposes research, shares research findings, sponsors a broad range of activities, and provides a forum for professionals to discuss today...
Review of the Federal Transit Administration’s Transit Economic Requirements ModelApril 12, 2013 TRB's Review of the Federal Transit Administration’s Transit Economic Requirements Model (TERM) examines whether TERM provides reasonable and appropriate estimates of condition and investment needs for its intended purposes. The report also examines TERM’s reliance on a backlog of capital investments as an appropriate basis for developing future capital funding requirements. The U.S. Federal Tr...
TRB’s IDEA Programs Turn 20: Sparking Innovation Through High-Risk, High-Payoff ResearchFebruary 12, 2013 A featured article in the November-December 2013 issue of the TR News helps celebrate the 20th anniversary of TRB’s Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) programs, which offer early-stage funding for promising but unproven innovations for highways, transit, and railroad safety and performance. The programs’ goals are to promote innovations that can progress to next generation techno...
A Half Century of Delivering Research That Works: Lessons from a Proven Organizational ModelFebruary 5, 2013 A featured article in the November-December 2013 issue of the TR News explores how the 50 year old National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) model for delivering practical research products works successfully by involving stakeholders, using resources efficiently and effectively, upholding objectivity, and selecting consultants competitively. The TR News is TRB's bimonthly magazine ...
The SHRP 2 Naturalistic Driving Study: Addressing Driver Performance and Behavior in Traffic SafetyNovember 16, 2012 A featured article in the September-October 2012 issue of TR News reviews the largest-ever naturalistic driving study, which is being conducted at six sites by TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2). The high-technology program will support a comprehensive assessment of how driver behavior and performance interact with roadway, environmental, vehicular, and human factors and h...
The Highway Safety Manual: Improving Methods and ResultsNovember 9, 2012 A featured article in the September-October 2012 issue of TR News reviews the basic concepts, software tools, supporting documents, ongoing research, training, implementation, and upcoming revisions related to the Highway Safety Manual (HSM), which was created to reduce fatal and serious crashes on the nation’s highways. The HSM represents a dedicated effort to drive the science of safety into ...
Ecodriving: The Science and Art of Smarter DrivingSeptember 12, 2012 A featured article in the July-August 2012 issue of the TR News explores ecodriving, which incorporates techniques and technologies to reduce fuel consumption and costs, greenhouse gas and other air pollutant emissions, vehicle miles traveled, vehicle and road degradation, and accident-related costs—such as property damage, injuries, fatalities, and insurance.
Walking and Cycling in Western Europe and the United States: Trends, Policies, and LessonsJuly 18, 2012 A featured article in the May-June 2012 issue of the TR News provides an overview of cycling and walking trends and policies in Western Europe and draws lessons for programs that might succeed in the United States. Highlights include improvements in the transportation infrastructure, with a focus on safety; traffic calming in residential neighborhoods; coordinating walking and cycling with publ...
Walking and Bicycling in the United States: The Who, What, Where, and WhyJuly 11, 2012 A featured article in the May-June 2012 issue of the TR News explores what makes the United States so different from Western European countries, where the percentage of daily trips made by walking or bicycling is far higher. The article examines the demographics and the frequency, distance, and purpose of pedestrian and bicycle travel; the influences of the natural and built environments; safet...
2012 TRB 91st Annual Meeting Highlights: Transportation: Putting Innovation and People to WorkMay 16, 2012 The March-April 2012 issue of the TR News includes a photo essay that documents sessions, workshops, special events, poster presentations, awards, exhibits, committee meetings, and other highlights of TRB’s 91st Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., January 22-26, 2012.
SHRP 2 Renewal Products Brief: March 2012March 4, 2012 TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) has released a Renewal Products Brief, which summarizes the status of products being produced within the Renewal area of SHRP 2. The goal of Renewal research in SHRP 2 is to advance the methods and materials that transportation agencies can use to renew the nation’s vital but aging highway system even as we continue to use and live n...
SHRP 2 Reliability Products Brief: March 2012March 4, 2012 TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) has released a Reliability Products Brief, which summarizes the status of products being produced within the Reliability area of SHRP 2. Reliability research in SHRP 2 addresses the root causes of unpredictable travel times by focusing on highway system operations. Travel time reliability, which is valued for many reasons, is co...
SHRP 2 Safety Products Brief: March 2012March 3, 2012 TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) has released a Safety Projects Brief, which summarizes the status of products being produced within the Safety area of SHRP 2. Safety research in SHRP 2 will apply advanced technologies to understand how drivers interact with and adapt to a variety of factors—the vehicle, the traffic, the roadway characteristics, traffic control...
SHRP 2 Capacity Products Brief: March 2012March 3, 2012 TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) has released a Capacity Projects Brief, which summarizes the status of products being produced within the Capacity area of SHRP 2. The objective of Capacity Research in SHRP 2 is to develop tools for systematically integrating environmental, economic, and community requirements into the analysis, planning, and design of new highway c...
The Metamorphosis of Long-Term Pavement Performance Traffic DataJanuary 17, 2012 A featured article in the November-December 2011 issue of the TR News Traffic explores the goals, the problems encountered, the solutions, and the results of the long-term pavement performance traffic data collection effort that has generated the largest repository of high-quality traffic data ever collected.
NCHRP at 50 YearsJanuary 14, 2012 TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) has released a brochure that commemorates the first 50 years of the program and highlights some of the milestones in research that continue to have an impact on how state highway agencies are building, managing, maintaining, and evolving the nation’s highway system. NCHRP celebrated its 50th anniversary on June 19, 2012.
Expanding the Benefits of Aviation: Answering Key ChallengesNovember 9, 2011 A featured article in the September-October 2011 issue of the TR News examines key challenges to the aviation system including new air traffic control technologies, sustainability, alternative fuels, security, and economics.
Brittle Infrastructure, Community Resilience, and National SecuritySeptember 27, 2011 A featured article in the July-August issue of the TR News examines trends, hindrances, solutions, rationales, policies, and practical models in efforts to counter natural and man-made threats to our nation’s security. According to the authors, countering threats effectively and efficiently requires cooperative, public–private, practitioner-guided programs to build infrastructure resilience at ...
Case Studies in CollaborationMay 23, 2011 TRB's Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) as released a series of case studies that explore the successful use of collaboration in a wide variety of transportation applications. Topics addressed by the case studies include long-range transportation planning, corridor planning studies, integrated programming and fiscal constraint, environmental review merged with permitting, stakeholder ...
Findings from the Transportation Research Board's 2010 State Partnership Visits ProgramMarch 16, 2011 Each year, TRB’s Technical Activities Division staff visit state departments of transportation, as well as selected universities, transit and other modal agencies, and industry organizations, to determine the issues they are facing and how TRB can help in addressing those issues. The 2010 field visits by TRB Technical Activities staff reveal that despite diminished resources, the efforts of ded...
Trends and Fundamentals: Guiding TRB to Its 2020 Centennial—and BeyondJanuary 6, 2011 A featured article in the November-December 2010 issue of the TR News by Robert E. Skinner, Jr., TRB’s executive director, reflects on the organization’s resiliency and adaptability during its 90-year history and offers insights on what lies ahead in the next decade, identifying the fundamentals that have held true in the past and are likely to hold true in the future. The article is part of TR...
The Transportation Research Board at 90: Everyone Loves It, but No One Can Explain WhyJanuary 6, 2011 A featured article in the November-December 2010 issue of the TR News by Thomas B. Deen explores the “institutional mystery” of TRB. The author—active in the organization since 1956 and its executive director from 1980 to 1994—offers personal, professional, and historical perspectives on the Board’s achievements and prospects. As long as future transportation legislation sustains the collaborat...
Maritime Freight Transportation, National Economic Recovery, and Global SustainabilitySeptember 23, 2010 A featured article in the July-August 2010 TR News explores how shifts in the trade and transport environment—at the local, national, and international levels—may pose a dynamic challenge and point to the need for a strategic freight plan for the U.S. Marine Transportation System, addressing such issues as intermodal transport capability, energy use, sustainability, and the effects of the expan...
What Do You Know About Globalization and International Transportation?September 16, 2010 A featured article in the July-August 2010 TR News includes a 21-question, true-or-false and multiple choice quiz that gauges knowledge of basic information, general and specific, related to globalization and transportation. The enlightening answers to the quiz are accompanied by citations of readily available resources for additional information and reference.
Investing in Our Transportation Future: Bold Ideas to Meet Big ChallengesJune 11, 2010 A photo essay in the March-April issue of the TR News documents sessions, workshops, special events, poster presentations, awards, exhibits, committee meetings, and networking at TRB’s 89th Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., January 10–14, 2010, including a speech by U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood and panel discussions with U.S. Department of Transportation leaders.
Vanguard Technologies on the Move: Delivering Innovations into the Mainstream of PracticeJune 4, 2010 A featured article in the March-April issue of the TR News explores the U.S. Federal Highway Administration’s Vanguard Technologies initiative, which is promoting proven, high-payoff innovations that save time, boost safety and quality, and decrease congestion during highway construction. Examples of innovation being promoted include road safety audits, prefabricated bridge elements and systems...
Strategic View of SHRP 2 Renewal, Capacity, and Reliability Research ProductsFebruary 7, 2010 While TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) research has four focus areas, the findings will not sort themselves into such tidy categories. The outcomes of the research and their applications will cross the traditional boundaries of function and discipline; seeing the full benefits may require a strategic view. Three documents are available that match the expected produc...
Air Quality Management: Successes and Emerging Challenges July 27, 2009 A featured article in the TR News: May-June 2009 issue explores the improved understanding and control of transportation-related air pollution as well as new challenges such as tightened standards for ozone and emissions of particulate matter and efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
Critical Issues in Transportation: 2009June 17, 2009 TRB’s Executive Committee periodically identifies a set of critical issues in transportation to focus attention on their likely impact on the nation’s economy and quality of life. The discussion of the critical issues identified in this document is intended to facilitate debate and to encourage research leading to their resolution. Previous editions of Critical Issues in Transportation have hi...
Transportation, Energy, and Climate Change: Highlights from TRB's 2009 Annual MeetingMay 26, 2009 A photo feature in the March-April 2009 issue of TR News highlights the five days in January when Washington, D.C., becomes the capital of transportation research—or at least the connecting hub—with more than 10,000 researchers, practitioners, and administrators representing government, industry, and academia gathering from the United States and abroad to network with peers, share information,...
Committee for Pavement Technology Review and Evaluation Letter Report: March 2009March 24, 2009 TRB’s Committee for Pavement Technology Review and Evaluation has issued its third letter report to Jeffrey F. Paniati, Acting Deputy Administrator and Executive Director of the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The letter report addresses stakeholder involvement; the issues, needs, and gaps within the program’s various focus areas; targeted program performance meas...
Preserving and Maximizing the Utility of the Pavement Performance DatabaseFebruary 10, 2009 TRB’s Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Committee has released a report that presents a recommendation for the safekeeping, management, and operation of the LTPP database for decades to come. The LTTP Committee advises the Federal Highway Administration and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials on the planning and execution of the LTPP studies. ...
Intercity Rail Passenger Systems Update: Winter 2009January 25, 2009 TRB has released the latest issue of the Intercity Rail Passenger Systems Update. The online newsletter is published intermittently and is designed to disseminate information about current research and developments in intercity rail passenger systems. Articles in this issue explore the growth of the European passenger rail systems, recent developments in the high-speed rail movemen...
In This Together: Collaboration and Communication During the Marquette Interchange ProjectNovember 18, 2008 A featured article in the September-October 2008 issue of the TR News explores a process developed by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and Marquette University to communicate and collaborate effectively to minimize disruptions for all groups affected by $810 million reconstruction of the Marquette Interchange in downtown Milwaukee—the largest road project in Wisconsin’s h...
Building Partnerships for Progress Through Transportation Research: Highlights from TRB's 2008 Annual MeetingMay 27, 2008 Photos in the March-April 2008 issue of the TR News highlight the five days in January when Washington, D.C., becomes the capital of transportation research—or at least the connecting hub—with more than 10,500 researchers, practitioners, and administrators representing government, industry, and academia gathering from the United States and abroad to network with peers, share information, and i...
LRT News: April 2008May 7, 2008 The latest issue of TRB’s LRT (Light Rail Transit) News is now available. With the support of the Federal Transit Administration, the LRT News is published intermittently by TRB to disseminate information on new developments in light rail transit planning, technology, and operations. The newsletter also reports on new studies, completed research, and current literature. Artic...
TRB Publications Catalog: All 2007 TitlesApril 30, 2008 The TRB Publications Catalog: All 2007 Titles lists all publications produced by TRB for calendar year 2007. Titles of publications are listed in this catalog in alphabetical order under subject area. Many titles are listed under several subject areas. The catalog also includes information on the Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board TRR Onlin...
Intercity Rail Passenger Systems Update: Winter 2008April 28, 2008 TRB has released the latest issue of Intercity Rail Passenger Systems Update, an online newsletter. Articles in this issue discuss tradeoffs in mainline capacity as freight volumes grow and passenger service becomes a more attractive option in the public mind; a report on building a Southeastern coalition to extend high-speed rail south of Washington, D.C., and Richmond, Virginia; and an...
Committee for Pavement Technology Review and Evaluation Letter Report: February 2008March 8, 2008 TRB’s Committee for Pavement Technology Review and Evaluation has issued its second letter report to J. Richard Capka, Administrator of the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The committee was established at the request of the FHWA to provide strategic advice and guidance on the FHWA’s Pavement Technology Program as authorized under the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, E...
Intercity Rail Passenger Systems Update: Summer 2007August 6, 2007 TRB has released the latest issue of Intercity Rail Passenger Systems Update. This issue includes information on California’s preparations for implementation of its transportation bond program, the benefits of intercity rail, rail news from Europe, and more.
2007 TRB 86th Annual Meeting HighlightsMay 11, 2007 A pictorial section in the TR News March-April 2007 issue highlights some of the many activities that took place at TRB’s 86th Annual Meeting, which attracted approximately 10,400 transportation researchers, practitioners, and administrators representing government, industry, and academia from the United States and abroad to Washington, D.C., January 21–25, 2007. The 5-day pr...
Highways Through Habitats: The Banff Wildlife Crossings ProjectMay 8, 2007 A featured article in the March-April 2007 issue of TR News explores Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada, which has been a testing site for innovative passageways to mitigate the effects of roads on wildlife. The Trans-Canada Highway bisects the park, but a range of engineering mitigation measures—including a variety of wildlife underpasses and overpasses—has helped maintain large mam...
TRB Publications Catalog: All 2006 TitlesMay 1, 2007 The TRB Publications Catalog: All 2006 Titles lists all publications produced by TRB for calendar year 2006. Titles of publications are listed in this catalog in alphabetical order under subject area. Many titles are listed under several subject areas. The catalog also includes information on the new Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board TRR O...
SHRP 2 Updated Program Briefs Now AvailableApril 29, 2007 TRB’s Strategic Highway Research Program 2 (SHRP 2) has released updated versions of its Program Briefs for each of the program’s four focus areas: safety , renewal , reliability , and capacity . Each brief describes issues being explored, research methods, and current projects within that focus area.
Committee for Pavement Technology Review and Evaluation Letter Report: February 2007February 27, 2007 TRB’s Committee for Pavement Technology Review and Evaluation has issued its first letter report to J. Richard Capka, Administrator of the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The committee was established at the request of the FHWA to provide strategic advice and guidance on the FHWA’s Pavement Technology Program as authorized under the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Ef...
SHRP 2 Focus Area Technology BriefsFebruary 7, 2007 The second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) has released a series of program briefs that describe the safety , renewal , reliability , and capacity focus areas that make up the SHRP 2 program.
Transit Research Analysis Committee Letter Report: September 27, 2006October 3, 2006 TRB’s Transit Research Analysis Committee (TRAC) has delivered a letter report to Ronald Hynes, the deputy associate administrator for research, demonstration, and innovation for the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). The letter advises FTA on the development of its 3- to 5-year program plan for research, with emphasis on the creation of a compelling research agenda identifying topics...
Fast Lanes on the Transportation Information SuperhighwayMay 22, 2006 A featured article in the TR News March-April 2006 issue examines usage of the web for transportation research. The article covers search engines and search tips, the invisible web, web portals, indexes and abstracts, library resources, monitoring misinformation, keeping up, and more.
Struck by Lightning: The Curious World of ProbabilitiesApril 19, 2006 Joseph Henry Press (JHP) has released Struck by Lightning: The Curious World of Probabilities, which explores the world of probabilities by explaining the mechanics of randomness and teaching how to develop an informed perspective on probability. The JHP is an imprint of the National Academies Press (NAP). From terrorist attacks to big money jackpots, Struck by Lightning deconstruc...
TRB Rail-Related Activities and Publications: March 2006 UpdateMarch 21, 2006 TRB has released an updated list of rail-related activities that are taking place within TRB and other divisions of the National Academies. The report includes information on recent publications and letter reports, a listing of many of the TRB rail-related committees, ongoing rail-related studies being conducted through TRB’s cooperative research programs, TRB rail-related events f...
Critical Issues in Transportation: 2006January 20, 2006 TRB’s Executive Committee periodically identifies a set of critical issues in transportation to focus attention on the most significant transportation issue facing the country and on the areas most in need of innovation. Meeting the challenges posed by these issues—congestion, emergencies, energy and environment, equity, finance, human and intellectual capital, infrastructure, institutio...
Transportation Security Research in ProgressJanuary 1, 2006 TRB’s Research in Progress (RiP) database includes information on more than 130 transportation security-related research projects underway or recently completed as part of its overall database of more than 8,000 projects. The RiP website allows users to browse and search information in the database, which is maintained by the transportation research organization conducting the research. ...
Superpave: Performance by DesignNovember 10, 2005 The TRB Superpave Committee has released its final report summarizing the committee’s work since 1999, when it was formed to advise the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials and the Federal Highway Administration on a research plan that would further the development and implementation of the Superpave system for selecting materials and designing asphalt mixtures to...
Bridge Aesthetics Around the WorldJune 1, 2004 This one-of-a-kind TRB book is as attractive and informative today as it was when first produced in 1991. Bridge Aesthetics Around the Word presents the perspectives and insights of the world’s authorities on bridge aesthetics and design. Bridge engineers and architects representing 16 nations examine and highlight the aesthetic appearance of existing bridges with the goal of improving tomorrow...
Critical Issues in Transportation 2002May 20, 2002 Because transportation is important to the U.S. economy and to individual well-being, the Executive Committee of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) periodically identifies and assesses critical issues in transportation to • Direct attention to the issues, • Facilitate debate on how to address the issues, and • Encourage research to resolve the issues. The terrorist attacks of September 11,... |