Toolkit and Supplemental Information to ACRP Report 160:
Addressing Significant Weather Impacts on Airports
ACRP Project 02-49, “Addressing Significant Weather Impacts on Airports,” resulted in products to help airports become more aware of vulnerabilities caused by significant weather events and develop more robust contingency and recovery plans, in addition to their airport emergency plans. The chief product is the Airport Weather Advanced REadiness (AWARE) Toolkit, which is based on a review of the historical weather data and impacts as well as best practices and lessons learned from airports’ responses to recent significant weather events. This toolkit can help various types and sizes of airports and their stakeholders plan for, respond to, and recover from significant weather events.
The AWARE Toolkit and related products are described in detail below.
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AWARE Toolkit Files
- AWARE Toolkit
The AWARE Toolkit contains readiness modules for six different functional areas of an airport (as well as a consolidated version for small airports). These modules allow the user to (1) review best practices for preparing for different weather events, (2) assess their readiness for those events, and (3) generate customized checklists for preparing for and recovering from weather events. The Toolkit also contains the Impacts Tracking Module, a tool to help airports track costs and other impacts from weather events, such as flight delays, over time as events occur.
The AWARE Toolkit files include several Excel files integrated into one. For best results, download the Zip file and extract all files onto your computer before using. Follow instructions on the below Quick Start Guide on how to extract the Zip file and get started.
- Quick Start Guide *
The Quick Start Guide provides a rapid introduction to the AWARE Toolkit and features screenshots and tips for users interested in beginning to use the Toolkit.
- AWARE Toolkit User Guide *
The User Guide provides detailed information on how to navigate and use the AWARE Toolkit and information on each component of the toolkit.
- AWARE Toolkit Overview * (PowerPoint)
The AWARE Toolkit Overview summarizes the purpose, intended uses, components, and key features of the AWARE Toolkit.
- AWARE Toolkit Brochure *
This brochure summarizes the purpose, contents, and key features of the AWARE Toolkit.
Supplemental Information
- National Incident Management System (NIMS) Organizational Charts
These NIMS organization charts illustrate NIMS response structures under different incident types.
- Literature Review and Checklist Resources
This document lists the resources used in the literature review and development of this ACRP product.
- Airport Survey Methods and Results
This document outlines the methods and findings from a survey of 70 North American airports about the types of weather events experienced by airports; what kind of damage was associated with those events; and how the airports prepared for, responded to, and recovered from those events.
- Historical Weather Analysis Details
This resource provides an overview of the methods and data used to develop weather event type definitions used in the Toolkit as well as the Exposure Information Module.
- Airport Case Studies *
These case studies summarize the experiences of 15 airports in the United States and Canada in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from extreme weather events. The case studies explore best practices and challenges in managing extreme weather risks.
- References
This resource lists the references used in developing these ACRP products.
*ACRP Report 160:
Addressing Significant Weather Impacts on Airports: Quick Start Guide and Toolkit
ACRP Report 160, available as a printed publication and as PDF available for download, includes the Quick Start Guide, the AWARE Toolkit User Guide, and the Airport Case Studies under a single cover, to provide an easy portable reference for users.
This work was sponsored by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). It was conducted through the
Airport Cooperative Research Program, which is administered by the Transportation Research
Board (TRB) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Permission to reproduce any copyrighted material included herein was obtained by the contractor.