Web-only documents are fully searchable PDFs of contractor-prepared reports or supporting appendix materials. Web-only documents are linked to other related project products, as well as to the relevant project write-ups.
TCRP Web-Only Document 76
November 09, 2023
Poor transit ride quality may not be an indicator of unsafe operation but may point to a vehicle or to an area of track that needs maintenance to prevent further geometry degradation. TCRP Web-Only Document 76: Performance-Based Track Geometry, Phase 3 , from TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program, helps to develop methods to identify track conditions and locations that cause poor ride quality...
TCRP Web-Only Document 75
May 16, 2022
Command-level decision making is a critical factor in successfully managing and mitigating critical incidents. The TRB Transit Cooperative Research Program's TCRP Web-Only Document 75: Command-Level Decision Making for Transportation Emergency Managers is a document done in collaboration with TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) and Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP...
TCRP Web-Only Document 73
May 21, 2021
Joint development is a subset of transit‐oriented development. It consists of residential, commercial, civic, or mixed‐use development that is closely coordinated with a transit facility and in which the transit agency participates through the use of its property, funding, or some other form of real estate or business transaction. The TRB Transit Cooperative Research Program's TCRP Web-Only Docume...
TCRP Web-Only Document 71
March 23, 2018
TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Web-Only Document 71: A Transit Agency Guide to Evaluating Secondary Train Detection/Protection Systems in Communications-Based Train Control Systems provides a practical approach to evaluating the appropriate level of secondary train detection/protection systems (STD/PS) for a given communications-based train control system application. In terms o...
TCRP Web-Only Document 72
August 12, 2020
There are three major perspectives on transit reliability: from the customer, agency, and operator points of view. The TRB Transit Cooperative Research Program's TCRP Web-Only Document 72: Developing a Guide to Bus Transit Service Reliability finds, through a transit agency survey, that most agencies do not have a formal bus service reliability improvement program. The guidebook presents a framewo...
TCRP Web Only Document 70: Volume 1
December 19, 2017
TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Web Only Document 70: Improving the Resilience of Transit Systems Threatened by Natural Disasters, Volume 1: A Guide offers practices for transit systems of all sizes to absorb the impacts of disaster, recover quickly, and return rapidly to providing the services that customers rely on to meet their travel needs. The report shows how to identify an...
TCRP Web Only Document 70: Volume 3
December 19, 2017
TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Web Only Document 70: Improving the Resilience of Transit Systems Threatened by Natural Disasters, Volume 3: Literature Review and Case Studies includes appendicies that outline the literature reviewed and 17 case studies that explore how transit agencies absorb the impacts of disaster, recover quickly, and return rapidly to providing the services ...
TCRP Web Only Document 70: Volume 2
December 19, 2017
TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Web Only Document 70: Improving the Resilience of Transit Systems Threatened by Natural Disasters, Volume 2: Research Overview summarizes elements of the research effort that offers practices for transit systems of all sizes to absorb the impacts of disaster, recover quickly, and return rapidly to providing the services that customers rely on to me...
TCRP Web-Only Document 69
June 15, 2017
TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Web-Only Document 69: Decision-Making Toolbox to Plan and Manage Park-and-Ride Facilities for Public Transportation: Research Report and Transit Agency Case Studies supplements TCRP Research Report 192 : Decision-Making Toolbox to Plan and Manage Park-and-Ride Facilities for Public Transportation: Guidebook on Planning and Managing Park-and-R...
TCRP Web-Only Document 68
July 05, 2016
TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Web-Only Document 68: Developing an ITS Technology Web Portal for Transit System Leaders documents the creation of a prototype portal that assists transit agency leaders with learning about technologies that can be applied to transit operations. When fully implemented, the ITS Technology Portal will reside on the American Public Transportation Asso...
Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Web-Only Document 67 and National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Web-Only Document 221
May 13, 2016
TRB's Protection of Transportation Infrastructure from Cyber Attacks: A Primer provides transportation organizations with reference materials concerning cybersecurity concepts, guidelines, definitions, and standards. The primer is a joint product of two TRB Cooperative Research Programs, and is categorized as Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Web-Only Document 67 and National Cooperative...
TCRP Web-Only Document 66
April 11, 2016
TRB’s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Web-Only Document 66: Improving Transportation Network Efficiency Through Implementation of Transit-Supportive Roadway Strategies documents the research methodology used to develop TCRP Report 183 : A Guidebook on Transit-Supportive Roadway Strategies. The web-only document provides detailed information on when these transit preferential treatments...
TCRP Web-Only Document 65
April 16, 2015
TRB’s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Web-Only Document 65: Wheel Profile Maintenance Guidelines examines current wheel profiles and maintenance practices, design and maintenance guidelines for rail transit operation, and the development of new wheel profiles for the Port Authority Trans-Hudson.
TCRP Web-Only Document 64
March 30, 2015
TRB Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Web-Only Document 64: Performance Based Track Geometry Phase 2 explores a track inspection method known as performance based track geometry, and explores the potential for this method to be applied in transit to optimize maintenance and ride quality. This report, as well as others in this TCRP project series, explores the extent to which research per...
TCRP Web-Only Document 63
March 27, 2015
TRB Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Web-Only Document 63: Treatments Used at Pedestrian Crossings of Public Transit Rail Services presents methods and research activities that informed the development of TCRP Report 175: Guidebook on Pedestrian Crossings of Public Transit Rail Services . The research activities conducted to develop the Guidebook include conducting a literature rev...
TCRP Web-Only Document 62
January 07, 2014
TRB’s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Web-Only Document 62: Standardizing Data for Mobility Management explores opportunities for the standardization of data relevant to mobility management systems. The report focuses on near-term and long-term objectives.
Web-Only Document 61
October 01, 2013
TRB’s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Web-Only Document 61: Millennials and Mobility: Understanding the Millennial Mindset and New Opportunities for Transit Providers is designed to help public transit providers increase ridership by better understanding Millennials lifestyle and mobility decision-making processes. A quantitative survey was used in the development of TCRP Web-Only Docu...
TCRP Web-Only Document 60
December 10, 2013
TRB’s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Web-Only Document 60 and National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Web -Only Document 200: Command-Level Decision Making for Transit Emergency Managers describes a Transit Emergency Response Application (TERA) that is designed to train transit command-level decision makers through simulation guided experiential learning. TERA provides t...
TCRP Web-Only Document 59
April 29, 2013
TRB’s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Web-Only Document 59: Using Pictograms to Make Transit Easier to Navigate for Customers with Communication Barriers explores whether pictograms–picture-based communication tools that use illustrations with few or no words–can be effective in communicating emergency information and behavioral modification to people with communication challenges ...
TCRP Web-Only Document 58
April 16, 2013
TRB’s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Web-Only Document 58: Methods for Forecasting Demand and Quantifying Need for Rural Passenger Transportation supplements TCRP Report 161 by describing how the research team developed the report’s need and demand estimation methods, the findings of the analyses, and recommendations for functions to be used in estimation of need and demand. TCRP Repo...