Cooperative Research Programs Series
Periodicals and Other Documents
Conference Proceedings
The product of select TRB conferences and workshops. They typically address the current state of practice or research needs in a particular area. They may contain individually authored papers, conference/workshop summaries or reports, and consensus views (if the product of an National Research Council appointed committee).
Conference Proceedings 56
January 10, 2019
TRB's Conference Proceedings 56: Socioeconomic Impacts of Automated and Connected Vehicles summarizes a symposium held in June 26–27, 2018, in Brussels, Belgium. Hosted by the European Commission and TRB, it was the sixth annual symposium sponsored by the European Commission and the United States. The goals of these symposia are to promote common understanding, efficiencies, and trans-Atlantic coo...
Conference Proceedings 55
January 23, 2019
TRB's Conference Proceedings 55: Airport Roles in Reducing Transmission of Communicable Diseases summarizes a 2-day Insight Event convened by the Airport Cooperative Research Program and its Insight contractor, Eastern Research Group, Inc., March 6 and 7, 2018, in Washington, D.C. The event addressed four subtopics: risk management, stakeholders, communications, and infrastructure. Discussions cen...
Conference Proceeding 54
January 07, 2018
TRB's Conference Proceeding 54: Decarbonizing Transport for a Sustainable Future: Mitigating Impacts of the Changing Climate documents a symposium held May 17–18, 2017, at the National Academies of Sciences Building in Washington, D.C. Hosted by the European Commission and the Transportation Research Board (TRB), part of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, it was the fif...
Conference Proceeding 53
December 21, 2016
Transportation Resilience: Adaptation to Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events summarizes a symposium held June 16–17, 2016 in Brussels, Belgium. The fourth annual symposium promotes common understanding, efficiencies, and trans-Atlantic cooperation within the international transportation research community while accelerating transport-sector innovation in the European Union (EU) and the Unite...
TRB Conference Proceedings 52
December 15, 2015
TRB Conference Proceedings 52: Towards Road Transport Automation: Opportunities in Public-Private Collaboration summarizes the Towards Road Transport Automation Symposium held April 14-15, 2015, in Washington, D.C. The third of four symposiums in a series, this event aimed to share common practices within the international transportation research community to accelerate transport-sector innovation...
Conference Proceedings 51
March 24, 2015
TRB Conference Proceedings 51: Transportation Research Implementation: Application of Research Outcomes summarizes the Second EU-U.S. Transportation Research Symposium held April 10–11, 2014, in Paris, France. The Symposium shared common practices for implementing surface transportation research at the local, state, national, and international levels.
Conference Proceedings 50
December 19, 2013
TRB Conference Proceedings 50: City Logistics Research: A Transatlantic Perspective is a compilation of the presentations and a summary of the ensuing discussions at a May 2013 international symposium held in Washington, D.C. The May 2013 symposium was the first in a series of four symposia that will be held from 2013 to 2016. The series is supported and conducted by an international consortium co...
TRB Conference Proceedings 49
July 12, 2013
TRB Conference Proceedings 49: Performance Measurement of Transportation Systems: Summary of the Fourth International Conference is the proceedings of a May 2011 conference. These proceedings follow the conference format, with the plenary sessions and the breakout sessions for each of the five tracks--driving forces for change; performance-based decision making--the bucks start here; data collecti...
April 30, 2012
TRB’s Conference Proceedings 48: Financing Surface Transportation in the United States: Forging a Sustainable Future—Now summarizes a May, 2010 conference that focused on developments in innovative funding techniques and options for securing continued revenue to support national infrastructure and mobility needs. Views presented in Conference Proceedings 48 reflect the opinions of the individual p...
August 06, 2010
TRB Conference Proceedings 47: Research on the Transmission of Disease in Airports and on Aircraft is the summary of a September 2009 symposium. The symposium examined the status of research on or related to the transmission of disease on aircraft and in airports, and the potential application of research results to the development of protocols and standards for managing communicable disease ...
January 19, 2011
TRB’s Conference Proceedings 46: Women’s Issues in Transportation: Summary of the 4th International Conference, Volume 1: Conference Overview and Plenary Papers includes an overview of the October 2009 conference and six commissioned resource papers, including the two keynote presentations. Women’s Issues in Transportation: Summary of the 4th International Conference, Volume 2: Technical Papers &n...
May 04, 2011
Women’s Issues in Transportation: Summary of the 4th International Conference, Volume 2: Technical Papers includes 27 full peer-reviewed papers that were presented at the October 2009 conference. The conference highlighted the latest research on changing demographics that affect transportation planning, programming, and policy making, as well as the latest research on crash and injury prevention f...
March 16, 2009
TRB Conference Proceedings 45: U.S. Marine Salvage Assets and Capabilities in a Maritime Disaster is the proceedings of a September 2008 workshop that focused on a scenario involving an incident that shuts down the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. The proceedings examine the threat and explore key issues relating to an efficient, effective, and coordinated U.S. salvage industry response ...
February 09, 2009
TRB Conference Proceedings 44: U.S. and International Approaches to Performance Measurement for Transportation Systems is the proceedings of a September 2007 conference that explored opportunities for and experiences in using performance measurement as a strategic tool to better communicate goals, objectives, and results to a wide range of stakeholder groups.
December 08, 2008
TRB Conference Proceedings 43: Key Issues in Transportation Programming summarizes plenary and breakout sessions of a November 2006 conference that explored the current state of the practice and long-term implementation experience associated with the programming process, successful practices in linking planning and programming, and the linking of programming processes to the development of perfor...
November 19, 2008
TRB Conference Proceedings 42, Innovations in Travel Demand Modeling, Volume 1: Session Summaries summarizes the sessions of a May 21-23, 2006, conference that examined advances in travel demand modeling, explored the opportunities and the challenges associated with the implementation of advanced travel models, and reviewed the skills and training necessary to apply new modeling techniques.
January 14, 2009
TRB Conference Proceedings 42, Innovations in Travel Demand Modeling, Volume 2: Papers includes the papers that were presented at a May 21-23, 2006, conference that examined advances in travel demand modeling, explored the opportunities and the challenges associated with the implementation of advanced travel models, and reviewed the skills and training necessary to apply new modeling techniques.&...
July 02, 2008
TRB’s Conference Proceedings 41: Interagency–Aviation Industry Collaboration on Planning for Pandemic Outbreaks summarizes a September 5-7, 2007, workshop that took place in Washington, D.C. Among the issues explored in the proceedings are the current state-of-the-practice for pandemic planning by airports and airlines, coordination among various agencies and the aviation sector...
June 12, 2008
TRB Conference Proceedings 40, Freight Demand Modeling: Tools for Public-Sector Decision Making, summarizes a September 25–27, 2006, conference held in Washington, D.C. that focused on freight modeling methodologies, applications of existing models, and related data needed to support modeling efforts. The proceedings also includes five papers prepared in connection with the conference.
November 12, 2007
TRB’s Conference Proceedings 39: The Metropolitan Planning Organization, Present and Future summarizes an August 2006 conference that explored the organizational structure of metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), the current state of the practice for regional decision making among MPOs of various sizes, and approaches to integrating a wide array of additional considerations into the MPO plan...
January 17, 2006
TRB’s Conference Proceedings 38: Future Truck and Bus Safety Research Opportunities are the proceedings from a conference held on March 23-24, 2005, in Arlington, Virginia. The purpose of the conference was to ponder the future of the commercial vehicle industry and to explore the types of research needed to meet the challenges of the future. These proceedings summarize the issues, com...
January 18, 2006
TRB Conference Proceedings 37: Integrating Sustainability into the Transportation Planning Process summarizes a July 11-13, 2004, conference in Baltimore, Maryland, that examined whether and how sustainability objectives can be introduced into the planning process for surface transportation facilities and operations. The report explores issues associated with sustainability, the vision of a ...
January 05, 2006
TRB’s Conference Proceedings 36, Performance Measures to Improve Transportation Systems: Summary of the Second National Conference are the proceedings from a conference held on August 22-24, 2004, in Irvine, California. The purpose of the conference was to explore the implementation and use of performance measures and to discuss how to monitor the impact of performance measures on the delive...
June 20, 2006
TRB’s Conference Proceedings 35, Research on Women’s Issues in Transportation, Volume 1: Conference Overview and Plenary Papers contains the conference summary, the four peer-reviewed overview papers presented by the topic leaders, and a list of conference participants from a November 18–20, 2004, conference held in Chicago, Illinois. The conference was designed to identif...
October 11, 2005
TRB’s Conference Proceedings 35: Research on Women’s Issues in Transportation – Volume 2: Technical Papers contains peer-reviewed breakout and poster papers and several abstracts of papers presented at the November 18–20, 2004, conference in Chicago, Illinois. The conference was designed to identify and explore additional research and data needed to inform transportation policy decisions that add...
August 02, 2005
TRB Conference Proceedings 34: International Perspectives on Road Pricing is the proceedings of the International Symposium on Road Pricing held on November 19-22, 2003, in Key Biscayne, Florida. The event was a collaborative effort of TRB, the Florida Department of Transportation, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, and the federal Highway Administration. The re...
June 27, 2005
TRB Conference Proceeding 33--Transportation Finance: Meeting the Funding Challenge Today, Shaping Policies for Tomorrow summarizes the Third National Conference on Transportation Finance, held October 2002 in Chicago, Illinois and includes committee findings and recommendations developed largely on the basis of information presented and discussion held at the conference. The conference exam...
April 11, 2005
TRB’s Conference Proceedings 32: Smart Growth and Transportation: Issues and Lessons Learned summarizes the highlights of a conference—Providing a Transportation System to Support Smart Growth: Issues, Practice, and Implementation—held September 8-10, 2002, in Baltimore, Maryland. The conference was designed to address how transportation policy makers and frontline professionals can support ...
August 12, 2004
TRB Conference Proceedings 31: Geospatial Information Infrastructure for Transportation Organizations -- Toward a Foundation for Improved Decision Making summarizes the importance of geospatial information in decision making and the committee’s recommendations resulting from three workshops held in 2002. Also included are selected current practices, trends in decision-making tools, and a det...
July 06, 2004
TRB Conference Proceedings 30: Marine Salvage Capabilities: Responding to Terrorist Attacks in U.S. Ports—Actions to Improve Readiness is the report of the TRB Marine Board Workshop on Marine Salvage Response Capability held on August 5-6, 2003, in Washington, DC. The workshop addressed economic, legal, forensic, environmental, and human casualty issues related to salvage. The report contain...
October 13, 2003
TRB has published the proceedings from the Conference on Remote Sensing for Transportation Products and Results: Foundations for the Future. The conference, held December 10-12, 2001, was the second in a series of three on the subject of remote sensing in transportation. The objectives of the conference were to enhance communication between the transportation and remote sensing communities, develo...
May 01, 2002
ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH NEEDS IN TRANSPORTATION: REPORT OF A CONFERENCE, WASHINGTON, D.C., MARCH 21-23, 2002: Every 5 years the Transportation Research Board conducts a Transportation Environmental Research Needs Conference to select and draft top-priority statements of environmental research needs. This report contains the proceedings of the most recent of these conferences which was held in March...
May 28, 2004
TRB's Conference Proceedings 27 -- Transportation in an Aging Society: A Decade of Experience includes the technical papers and reports from a 1999 conference that examined issues associated with achieving safer mobility for older persons. The issues discussed and papers presented at the meeting are judged to be important to the field and are being published so they are available to a broader audi...
April 29, 2002
TRB Confernce Proceedings 26: Performance Measures to Improve Transportation Systems and Agency Operations: Report of a Conference addresses the following: organizational approaches to implementing and using performance measures in transportation systems, including the connection between performance measures and decision making; implementation experience regarding the state of the practice as well...
June 01, 2001
TRB Conference Proceedings 25: Global Intermodal Freight -- State of Readiness for the 21st Century includes conference presentations and the following appendices: (A) Intermodal Freight Transportation Report Card; (B) Summary of U.S. Department of Transportation Actions on Recommendations of the National Commission on Intermodal Transportation; (C) Conference Exhibits and Posters; and (D) List of...
June 01, 2001
TRB Conference Proceeding 24: Second National Conference on Transportation Finance examines legislative developments since the 1998 enactment of the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century,the implementation of state and local programs that did not even exist at the time of the first conference (April 1997), and matters for consideration in the 2003 reauthorization of the nation's highway a...
December 01, 2000
With support from the U.S. Coast Guard and the California Department of Fish & Wildlife, the Marine Board hosted a symposium in March 1999 on the application of risk management in the marine transportation system. The symposium brought together risk assessment experts, port representatives, and marine transportation managers to examine ways to integrate risk assessment methodologies into the p...
December 01, 1999
The goal of the symposium was to promote discussion of the issues raised and recommendations presented in the National Research Council (NRC) report "Contaminated Marine Sediments in Ports and Waterways: Cleanup Strategies and Technologies," released in March 1997. Appendix D of the proceedings provides an Executive Summary of this NRC report. Although there are no simple solutions to the problems...
February 17, 2004
TRB's report, Moisture Sensitivity of Asphalt Pavements, documents the work accomplished during the national seminar held in San Diego, California, on February 4-6, 2003. The proceedings identify best practices, gaps in knowledge, and research needs on moisture damage in asphalt pavements. Moisture damage in asphalt pavements is a national concern. Correctly identifying the problem and isolating t...