ACCESS (BT) - 1992-2015
Accident Analysis & Prevention (TRB) - 1969-Current / ISSN: 0001-4575
Accident Reconstruction Journal (TRB) - 1992-Current / ISSN: 1057-8153
ACI Materials Journal (S) (TRB) - 1987-2022 / ISSN: 0089-325X
ACI Structural Journal (S) (TRB) - 1987-2022 / ISSN: 0089-3241
ACRP Legal Research Digest (TRB) - 2008-Current
ACRP Report (TRB) - 2007-2017 / ISSN: 1935-9802
ACRP Research Report (TRB) - 2017-Current / ISSN: 2572-3731
ACRP Research Results Digest (TRB) - 2007-Current
ACRP Synthesis (TRB) - 2007-Current / ISSN: 1935-9187
ACRP Web Only Document (TRB) - 2008-Current
Advances in Bridge Engineering (TRB) - 2021-Current / ISSN: 2662-5407
Advances in Cement Research (ARRB) - 2003, 2011-Current / ISSN: 0951-7197
Advances in Civil Engineering (S) (TRB) - 2009-Current / ISSN: 1687-8086
Advances in Civil Engineering Materials (S) (TRB) - 2015-Current / ISSN: 2379-1357
Advances in Mechanical Engineering (S) (TRB) - 2009-Current / ISSN: 1687-8132
Advances in Structural Engineering (S) (TRB) - 2018-Current / ISSN: 1369-4332
Advances in Transportation Studies (TRB) - 2003-Current / ISSN: 1824-5463
Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance (S) (TRB) - 2015-Current / ISSN: 2375-6314
Air & Space Smithsonian (N) - 1988-2019 / ISSN: 0086-2257
Air Beat (N) - 1992-2020
Air Cargo Focus (N) - 2005-2019
Air Cargo World (N) - 1983-2018 / ISSN: 0745-5100
Air Line Pilot (N) - 1977-2020
Air Traffic Management (N) - 2008-2020
Air Transport World (N) - 1968-2020 / ISSN: 0002-2543
Airfinance Journal (N) - 1985-2020 / ISSN: 0143-2257
Airline Business (N) - 1985-2020
Airline Monitor (N) - 1991-2004
Airport Experience News (N) - 2018-2020 / ISSN: 1948-4445
Airport Magazine (TRB) - 1990-2015 / ISSN: 0744-5326
Airport Press (N) - 1989, 2003-2013
Airport World (N) - 1973-2014 / ISSN: 1360-4341
American Journal of Preventive Medicine (S) (TRB) - 1999-Current / ISSN: 0749-3797
Analytic Methods in Accident Research (TRB) - 2014-Current / ISSN: 2213-6657
Applied Ergonomics (S) (TRB) - 1971-Current / ISSN: 0003-6870
Applied Geography (S) (TRB) - 2009, 2012, 2017-Current / ISSN: 0143-6228
Applied Ocean Research (S) (TRB) - 1980, 2017-Current / ISSN: 0141-1187
The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics (TRB) - 2017-Current / ISSN: 2092-5212
ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering (S) (TRB) - 2015-Current / ISSN: 2376-7642
Asian Transport Studies (TRB) - 2012-2019 / ISSN: 2185-5560
Asphalt (S) (TRB) - 1976, 1980, 1988-2019 / ISSN: 0004-4954
ASTM Standardization News (S) (TRB) - 1974-1976, 1981-2015 / ISSN: 1094-4656
ATSE Focus (ARRB) - 2000-2013 / ISSN: 1326-8708
ATZ Elektronik (BASt) - 2006-Current / ISSN: 0005-6650
Australasian Medical Journal (ARRB) - 2013, 2014, 2017 / ISSN: 1836-1935
Australian Economic Review (ARRB) - 1986-2018 / ISSN: 0004-9018
Australian Journal of Civil Engineering (ARRB) - 2003-Current / ISSN: 1448-8353
Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs (S) (TRB) - 2015-Current / ISSN: 1836-6503
Australian Journal of Multi-Disciplinary Engineering (ARRB) - 2004 / ISSN: 1488-8388
Australian Journal of Structural Engineering (ARRB) - 1998, 2005-Current / ISSN: 1328-7982
Automation in Construction (S) (TRB) - 1996, 2008-Current / ISSN: 0926-5805
Auto Touring (KfV) - 1999, 2001-2008
Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift (BASt) - 1967, 1972-Current / ISSN: 0001-2785
Automotive and Engine Technology (TRB) - 2016-Current / 2365-5127
Automotive Engineering International (N) - 1998-2013 / ISSN: 0098-2571
Automotive Fleet (N) - 1979-2020 / ISSN:0005-1519
Automotive News (N) - 1974-2020 / ISSN: 0005-1551
Aviation (TRB) - 1993-1994, 2011-Current / ISSN: 1648-7788
Aviation International News (N) - 1988-2020 / ISSN: 0087-9877
Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine (S) (TRB) - 1976-2014 / ISSN: 0095-6562
Aviation Strategy (N) - 1998-2014
Aviation Week & Space Technology (N) - 1960, 1970-2020 / ISSN: 0005-2175
The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering (TRB) - 2006-Current / ISSN: 1822-427X
Bauingenieur (BASt) - 1996-Current / ISSN: 0005-6650
Bauinstandsetzen und Baudenkmalpflege (BASt) - 2007-2014 / ISSN: 1864-7251
Bauportal(BASt) - 2009-Current / ISSN: 1866-0207
Bautechnik (BASt) - 1966-Current / ISSN: 0932-8351
Beitraege zu Einer Oekologisch und Sozial Vertraeglichen Verkehrsplanung (KfV) - 1991-2016
Berichte der Bundesanstalt fuer Strassenwesen. Unterreihe Allgemeines (BASt) - 1993-2017 / ISSN: 0943-9285
Berichte der Bundesanstalt fuer Strassenwesen. Unterreihe Bruecken- und Ingenieurbau (BASt) - 1993-2018 / ISSN: 0943-9293
Berichte der Bundesanstalt fuer Strassenwesen. Unterreihe Fahrzeugtechnik (BASt) - 1993-2018 / ISSN: 0943-9293
Berichte der Bundesanstalt fuer Strassenwesen. Unterreihe Mensch und Sicherheit (BASt) - 1993-2019 / ISSN: 0943-9315
Berichte der Bundesanstalt fuer Strassenwesen. Unterreihe Strassenbau (BASt) - 1993-2019 / ISSN: 0943-9323
Berichte der Bundesanstalt fuer Strassenwesen. Unterreihe Verkehrstechnik (BASt) - 1993-2019 / ISSN: 0943-9331
Berkeley Transportation Letter (TRB) - 2010-2013
Beton-Informationen (FGSV) - 1977-1978, 1984, 1986, 1988, 1991-2016 / ISSN: 0170-9283
Beton- und Stahlbetonbau (BASt) - 1957, 1965, 1969, 1971-Current / ISSN: 0005-9900
Better Roads (TRB) - 1954, 1964-2014 / ISSN: 0006-0208
BFU-Report (KfV) - 1978-2016
BFU-Sicherheitsdossier (KfV) - 2009-2016
Blutalkohol (BASt) - 1968-Current / ISSN: 0006-5250
The Bridge (S) (TRB) - 1992, 2003, 2008-Current / ISSN: 0737-6278
Bridge Design and Engineering (TRB) - 1999-2016 / ISSN: 1359-7493
Bridge Structures: Assessment, Design and Construction (TRB) - 2005-Current / ISSN: 1573-2487
Brueckenbau (BASt) - 1970-1971, 1994, 2004-2018 / ISSN: 1867-643X
BTSCRP Research Report (TRB) - 2021-Current / ISSN: 2766-5976
Bulletin/Lund University (VTI) - 2011-Current / ISSN: 1653-1930
Bus Ride (N) - 1975-2020 / ISSN: 0192-8902
Buses (N) - 1976-2020 / ISSN: 0007-6392
Business and Commercial Aviation (N) - 1978-2020
Case Studies in Construction Materials (S) (TRB) - 2014-Current / ISSN: 2214-5095
Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis (S) (TRB) - 2013-2017 / ISSN: 2213-2902
Case Studies in Structural Engineering (S) (TRB) - 2014, 2016 / ISSN: 2214-3998
Case Studies on Transport Policy (TRB) - 2013-Current / ISSN: 2213-624X
CE News (TRB) - 2005-2014 / ISSN: 1051-9629
Cement and Concrete Research (S) (TRB) - 1966, 1971-2023 / ISSN: 0008-8846
Cement Science and Concrete Technology (TRB) - 2012-2017 / ISSN: 0916-3182
The Chronicle for Driver Education Professionals (TRB) - 2008, 2011-2013
Civil Engineering (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1938, 1946, 1964-2021 / ISSN: 0885-7024
Civil Engineering and Architecture (ARRB) - 2014-Current / ISSN: 2332-1121
Cities (S) (TRB) - 1984, 1990, 1997, 1998, 2000-Current / ISSN: 0264-2751
Cities & Health (S) (TRB) - 2018-Current / ISSN: 2327-8834
Coast Guard Journal of Safety Security at Sea, Proceedings of the Marine Safety & Security Council (S) (TRB) - 2006-Current
Cognition, Technology & Work (S) (TRB) - 2006-Current / ISSN: 1435-5558
Cold Regions Science and Technology (S) (TRB) - 1979-1980, 2007-2009, 2017-Current / ISSN: 0165-232X
Collegiate Aviation Review (TRB) - 1997-2013 / ISSN: 1523-5955
Collision. The International Compendium for Crash Research (TRB) - 2006-2017 / ISSN: 1934-8681
Commercial Carrier Journal (CCJ) (N) - 1982-2020 / ISSN: 1099-4173
Communications in Transportation Research (TRB) - 2021-Current / ISSN: 2772-4247
Community Transportation (TRB) - 1987-2015 / ISSN: 0895-4437
Composites Technology (TRB) - 2002-2014 / ISSN: 1083-4117
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (S) (TRB) - 1998-2016, 2019-Current / ISSN: 1093-9687
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (S) (TRB) - 2010, 2015, 2023-Currenty / ISSN: 0198-9715
Computers & Operations Research (S) (TRB) - 1974-2012 / ISSN: 0305-0548
Concrete International (S) (TRB) - 1980-2022 / ISSN: 0162-4075
Concrete Journal (S) (TRB) - 1964-2017 / ISSN: 0387-1061
Concrete NZ (ARRB) - 2001 / ISSN: 1174-8540
Concrete Pavement Progress (S) (TRB) - 2011-2017
Concrete Research and Technology (TRB) - 2012-2015 / ISSN: 1340-4733
Constanta Maritime University Annals (TRB) - 2010-2016 / ISSN: 1582-3601
Construction and Building Materials (S) (TRB) - 1987-Current / ISSN: 0950-0618
Constructor (S) (TRB) - 1966-2015 / ISSN: 0162-6191
Container Management (N) - 1996-2020 / ISSN: 269-7726
Controller (N) - 1973-2013
CTBSSP Research Results Digest (TRB) - 2002-2012
CTBSSP Synthesis (TRB) - 2003-2011 / ISSN: 1544-6808
Data Science for Transportation (TRB) 2023-Current / ISSN: 2498-135X
Defense Transportation Journal (N) - 1973-2020 / ISSN: 0011-7625
Deutscher Ausschuss fuer Stahlbeton (BASt) - 1970-2018 / ISSN: 0171-7197
Deutsches Autorecht (BASt) - 1972-2020 / ISSN: 0012-1231
Doctoral Thesis/Luleå University of Technology (VTI) - 2006-Current / ISSN: 1402-1544
Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers Tekniska Hhögskola. Ny serie (VTI) - 1998-Current / ISSN: 0346-718X
Drug and Alcohol Dependence (S) (TRB) - 1982-2019 / ISSN: 0346-718X
Economics of Transportation (TRB) - 2012-Current / ISSN: 2212-0122
Electric & Hybrid Vehicle Technology International (TRB) - 2002-2015 / ISSN: 1460-9509
Elektor Electronics (ARRB) - 1988, 1991, 1992, 2005, 2008, 2010 / ISSN: 0268-4519
Energy Policy (ARRB) - 1973-Current / ISSN: 0301-4215
Engineering (S) (TRB) - 2018-Current / ISSN: 2095-8099
Engineering Structures (TRB) - 1978-Current / ISSN: 0141-0296
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science (S) (TRB) - 2010, 2012, 2017, Current / ISSN: 2399-8083
Environmental Pollution (S) (TRB) - 1975-1980, 1999, 2000, 2017-2024 / ISSN: 0269-7491
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (S) (TRB) - 2004, 2007-2021 / ISSN: 0944-1344
Ergonomics (S) (TRB) - 1965-Current / ISSN: 0014-0139
Erosion Control (S) (TRB) - 2010-2019 / ISSN: 1073-7227
eTransportation (TRB) - 2019-Current / ISSN: 2590-1168
EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics (TRB) - 2012-Current / ISSN: 2192-4376
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research (ARRB) - 2002-Current / ISSN: 1567-7133
European Transport Research Review (TRB) - 2009-Current / ISSN: 1866-8887
FAT-Schriftenreihe (BASt) - 1977-2020 / ISSN: 2192-7863
First and Fastest (N) - 2003-2020 / ISSN: 1046-5677
Fleet Owner (N) - 1965, 1968-2020
FLEETSolutions (N) - 2008-2020
Flight International (N) - 1970, 1975-2020 / ISSN: 0015-3710
Flying (N) - 1980, 1984-2020 / ISSN: 0015-4806
Forensic Science International (S) (TRB) - 1978, 1981, 1984-Current / ISSN: 0379-0738
Forschungsarbeiten aus dem Verkehrswesen (KfV) - 1986-2011
Forschungsbericht / Unfallforschung der Versicherer (UDV) (BASt) - 2007, 2010-2020
Forschungshefte Zweiradsicherheit (BASt) - 1987, 1998-2018 / ISSN: 0175-2626
Forskningsrapport (VTI) - 2015 / ISSN: 0349-0831
Fortschritt-Berichte der VDI-Zeitschriften. Reihe 12 (BASt) - 1976-2001 / ISSN: 0506-3167
Freie Fahrt (KfV) - 2002-2008
FSV-Schriftenreihe (KfV) - 2008-2017 / ISSN: 2072-7615
Geomechanics and Tunneling / Geomechanik und Tunnelbau (BASt) - 2009-2014 / ISSN: 1865-7362
Geosynthetics (S) (TRB) - 1987-2022 / ISSN:0082-4983
Geotechnical Testing Journal (S) (TRB) - 1978-Current / ISSN: 0149-6115
Geotechnik (FGSV) - 1979-2019 / ISSN: 0172-6145
Gerum. Kulturgeografi (VTI) -2005, 2011, 2012 / ISSN: 1402-5205
Governing (S) (TRB) - 1990, 1996-2019 / ISSN: 0894-3842
Great Lakes Seaway Review (N) - 2004-2019
Green Energy and Intelligent Transportation (S) (TRB) - 2022-Current / ISSN: 2773-1537
Harvard Business Review (ARRB) - 1970-1974, 1980-1987, 2009
Heavy Duty Trucking (N) - 1976, 1980, 1985-2020 / ISSN: 0017-9434
Health & Place (S) (TRB) - 2005-Current / ISSN: 1353-8292
The Helen Delich Bentley Port of Baltimore (N) - 2007-2019
Highway Research Board Special Report (TRB) - 1952-1973
Highway Research Circular (TRB) - 1965-1974
Highway Research Journal (TRB) - 2008-2018
Highway Research Record (TRB) - 1963-1973
Highways (ARRB) - 1965-2011 / ISSN: 0142-6168
HMCRP Report (TRB) - 2009-2014 / ISSN:2150-4849
Human Factors (S) (TRB) - 1966-Current / ISSN: 0018-7208
IATSS Research (TRB) - 1977-Current / ISSN: 0386-1112
ICAO Journal (N) - 1992-2011 / ISSN: 1014-8876
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine (TRB) - 2009-Current / ISSN: 1939-1390
IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems (TRB) - 2020-Current / ISSN: 2644-1330
IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology (TRB) - 2020-Current / ISSN: 2644-1330
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (B) - 1990-Current / ISSN: 2687-7813
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (TRB) - 2016-Current / ISSN: 2379-8858
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification (TRB) - 2015-Current / ISSN: 2332-7782
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (S) (TRB) - 1969-Current / ISSN: 0018-9545
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine (TRB) - 2006-Current / ISSN: 1556-6072
IET Electrical Systems in Transportation (TRB) - 2011-Current / ISSN: 2042-9738
IET Intelligent Transport Systems (TRB) - 2007-Current / ISSN: 1751-956X
Immissionsschutz (BASt) - 2002-2020 / ISSN: 1430-9262
IMSA Journal (S) (TRB) - 1982-2017 / ISSN: 1064-2560
Inbound Logistics (N) - 1988-2020 / ISSN: 0888-8493
Indian Highways (TRB) - 1970-Current / ISSN: 0376-7256
Indian Journal of Transport Management (ARRB) - 1994-2017 / ISSN: 0970-4736
Indian Railways (N) - 1974, 1978, 1984-2019 / ISSN: 0019-6274
Informationen zur Raumentwicklung (FGSV) - 1981-2019 / ISSN: 0303-2493
Informationen zur Umweltpolitik (KfV) - 1983, 2000-2017
Injury Prevention (S) (TRB) - 1995-2023 / ISSN: 1353-8047
Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (TRB) - 2016-Current / ISSN: 2364-4176
International Airport Review (S) (TRB) - 2000-2016 / ISSN: 1366-6339
International Bulk Journal (N) - 1981-2020 / ISSN: 0260-1087
International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering (TRB) - 2011-Current / ISSN: 2217-544X
International Journal of Aeroacoustics (S) (TRB) - 2016-Current / ISSN: 1475-472X
International Journal of Aerospace Engineering (S) (TRB) - 2010-2019
International Journal of Aerospace Psychology (TRB) - 2017-Current / ISSN: 2472-1840
International Journal of Automotive Composites (TRB) - 2015-2019 / ISSN: 2051-8218
International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management (TRB) - 2001, 2006-Current / ISSN: 1470-9511
International Journal of Aviation Management (TRB) - 2011-Current / ISSN: 1755-9901
International Journal of Aviation Psychology (TRB) - 1991-2016 / ISSN: 1050-8414
International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials (S) (TRB) - 2012-Current / ISSN: 1976-0485
International Journal of Crashworthiness (TRB) - 1996-Current / ISSN: 1358-8265
International Journal of Critical Infrastructures (S) (TRB) - 2004-Current / ISSN: 1475-3219
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (S) (TRB) - 2013-Current / ISSN: 2212-4209
International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (TRB) - 2007-Current / ISSN: 1751-4088
International Journal of Emergency Management (S) (TRB) - 2002-2014 / ISSN: 1471-4825
International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy (TRB) - 2014-2017 / ISSN: 2405-5352
International Journal of Engine Research (TRB) - 2000-Current / ISSN: 1468-0874
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (ARRB) - 2009-Current / ISSN: 1661-7827
International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 2003-Current / ISSN: 1532-3641
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems (TRB) - 1993-Current / ISSN: 1744-232X
International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics (S) (TRB) - 2012-Current / ISSN: 2045-7804
International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation (S) (TRB) - 2008-2019 / ISSN: 1742-5549
International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion (S) (TRB) - 2005-Current / ISSN: 1745-7300
International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems (S) (TRB) - 2012-2019 / ISSN: 1751-5866
International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research (TRB) - 2013-Current / ISSN: 1348-8503
International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (S) (TRB) - 2018-Current / ISSN: 1748-569X
International Journal of Logistics Management (N) - 1990-2019 / ISSN: 0957-4093
International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications (S) (TRB) - 2007-Current / ISSN: 1367-5567
International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management (S) (TRB) - 2007-Current / ISSN: 1742-7967
International Journal of Navigation and Observation (S) (TRB) - 2008-2013
International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics (S) (TRB) - 1995, 2006-Current / ISSN: 1080-3548
International Journal of Pavement Engineering (TRB) - 1999-Current / ISSN: 1029-8436
International Journal of Powertrains (TRB) - 2011-Current / ISSN: 1742-4267
International Journal of Protective Structures (S) (TRB) - 2010-2015 / ISSN: 2041-4196
International Journal of Rail Transportation (TRB) - 2013-Current / ISSN: 2324-8378
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics (TRB) - 2009-Current / ISSN: 1576-6517
International Journal of Sustainable Aviation (TRB) - 2015-Current / ISSN: 2050-0467
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (TRB) - 2007-Current / ISSN: 1556-8318
International Journal of Transportation (TRB) - 2013-2016 / ISSN: 2287-7940
International Journal of Transport Development and Integration (TRB) - 2016-Current / ISSN: 2058-8305
International Journal of Transport Economics (TRB) - 1976-Current / ISSN: 0391-8440
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology (TRB) - 2012-Current / ISSN: 2046-0430
International Journal of Urban Sciences (S) (TRB) - 2015-Current / ISSN: 1226-5934
International Journal of Vehicle Design (TRB) - 1979-2019 / ISSN: 1477-5360
International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems (TRB) - 2005-2013 / ISSN: 1471-0242
International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration (TRB) - 2004-Current / ISSN: 1479-1471
International Journal of Vehicle Performance (TRB) - 2014-Current / ISSN: 1745-3194
International Journal of Vehicle Safety (TRB) - 2005-Current / ISSN: 1479-3105
International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems (TRB) - 2010-Current / ISSN: 0975-3060
International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing (TRB) - 2005-Current / ISSN: 1745-6436
International Journal of Vehicular Technology (TRB) - 2008-2017
International Railway Journal (S) (TRB) - 1970-2018 / ISSN: 0744-5326
International Railway Traveler (N) - 1987, 1989-2014 / ISSN: 0891-7655
International Shipbuilding Progress (TRB) - 1957, 1958, 1962, 1968-Current / ISSN: 0020-868X
Internationales Verkehrswesen (BASt) - 1974-2019 / ISSN: 0020-9511
Issues in Aviation Law and Policy (TRB) - 2008-Current / ISSN: 1934-7170
Issues in Science and Technology (S) (TRB) - 1984, 1988, 1990, 1995, 1999, 2001-Current / ISSN: 0748-5492
ITE Journal (S) (TRB) - 1977-Current / ISSN: 0162-8178
ITM-Rapport (VTI) - 2008 / ISSN: 1103-341X
IVL Rapport (VTI) - 1992-2019
IVS-Schriften (KfV) - 1997-2016
Japanese Railway Engineering (N) - 1963, 1968, 1971-2020 / ISSN: 0048-8938
Journal of Advanced Transportation (TRB) - 1979-Current / ISSN: 0197-6729
Journal of Aerospace Engineering (S) (TRB) - 1995, 2001-Current / ISSN: 0893-1321
Journal of Aerospace Operations (S) (TRB) - 2011-2017 / ISSN: 2211-002X
Journal of Air Law and Commerce (N) - 1939, 1957, 1958, 1969-2019 / ISSN: 0021-8642
Journal of Air Traffic Control (N) - 1974-2020
Journal of Air Transport Management (TRB) - 1995-Current / ISSN: 0969-6997
Journal of Air Transportation (TRB) - 1996-Current / ISSN: 2380-9450
Journal of Airport Management (TRB) - 2007-Current / ISSN: 1750-1938
Journal of Architectural Engineering (ASCE) - (S) (TRB) - 1995-present / ISSN: 1076-0431
Journal of Architecture and Planning (Transactions of AIJ) (S) (TRB) - 1997-1998, 2012-2018 / ISSN: 1340-4210
Journal of Asian Electric Vehicles (TRB) - 2009, 2012-2018 / ISSN: 1348-3927
Journal of Big Data Analytics in Transportation (TRB) - 2019-2022 / ISSN: 2523-3556
Journal of Bridge Engineering (ASCE) (TRB) - 1996-Current / ISSN: 1084-0702
Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology (S) (TRB) - 2010-2013 / ISSN: 2141-2634
Journal of Civil Engineering Education (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 2021-Current / ISSN: 2643-9107
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (S) (TRB) - 2014-Current / ISSN: 2190-5452
Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making (S) (TRB) -2007-2008, 2013-Current / ISSN: 1555-3434
Journal of Cold Regions Engineering (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1987-Current / ISSN: 0887-381X
Journal of Composites for Construction (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1997-Current / ISSN: 1090-0268
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1987-Current / ISSN: 0887-3801
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1983-Current / ISSN: 0733-9364
Journal of Cycling and Micromobility Research (TRB) - 2023-Current / ISSN: 2950-1059
Journal of Energy Engineering (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1987-Current / ISSN: 0733-9402
Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1963-Current / ISSN: 0733-9399
Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1973-Current / ISSN: 0733-9372
Journal of Environmental Management (S) (TRB) - 1974, 1980, 1987, 1995, 2002-Current / ISSN: 0301-4797
Journal of ETA Maritime Science (TRB) - 2021-Current / ISSN: 2147-2955
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1972-Current / ISSN: 1090-0241
Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 2012-Current / ISSN: 2153-5493
Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development (TRB) - 1988-Current / ISSN: 2095-6215
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1983-Current / ISSN: 0733-9429
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 2005-Current / ISSN: 1084-0699
Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience (S) (TRB) - 2021-Current / ISSN: 2662-2521
Journal of Infrastructure Systems (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1995-Current / ISSN: 1076-0342
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems (TRB) - 2004-Current / ISSN: 1547-2450
Journal of International Maritime Safety, Environmental Affairs, and Shipping (TRB) - 2017-Current / ISSN: 2572-5084
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1964-Current / ISSN: 0733-9437
Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation (TRB) - 1967, 1976, 1980, 2007-Current / ISSN: 0388-7405
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. E1 (Pavement Engineering) (TRB) - 2012-Current / ISSN: 2185-6559
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. F1 (Tunnel Engineering) (TRB) - 2012-Current / ISSN: 2185-6575
Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 2009-Current / ISSN: 1943-4162
Journal of Location Based Services (S) (TRB) - 2007-Current / ISSN: 1748-9725
Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control (S) (TRB) - 2012, 2016-Current / ISSN: 1461-3484
Journal of Management in Engineering (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1986-Current / ISSN: 0742-597X
Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology (S) (TRB) - 2015-Current / ISSN: 2046-4177
Journal of Marine Technology and Environment (TRB) - 2009-2016 / ISSN: 1844-6116
Journal of Maritime & Transportation Sciences (TRB) - 2015-Current / ISSN: 0554-6397
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1989-Current / ISSN: 0899-1561
Journal of Mechanical Systems for Transportation and Logistics (TRB) - 2009-2013 / ISSN: 1882-1782
Journal of Mega Infrastructure & Sustainable Development (S) (TRB) - 2019-2022 / ISSN: 2472-4718
Journal of Modern Transportation (TRB) - 2011-2019 / ISSN: 2095-087X
Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics (S) (TRB) - 2011-2014 / ISSN: 2153-5434
Journal of Navigation (N) - 1972-2013
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1987-Current / ISSN: 0087-3828
Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 2010-Current / ISSN: 1949-1190
Journal of Planning Education and Research (S) (TRB) - 1985, 1991, 1994, 1996-Current / ISSN: 0739-456X
Journal of Planning Literature (S) (TRB) - 1986, 1989, 1991-Current / ISSN: 0085-4122
Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1991-2018 / ISSN: 1052-3928
Journal of Protective Coatings & Linings (JPCL) (S) (TRB) - 1984-2015 / ISSN: 8755-1985
Journal of Public Transportation (TRB) - 1996-Current / ISSN: 1077-291X
Journal of Rail Transport Planning & Management (TRB) - 2011-Current / ISSN: 2210-9706
Journal of Safety Research (S) (TRB) - 1969-Current / ISSN: 0022-4375
Journal of Ship Production and Design (TRB) - 2010-2019 / ISSN: 0022-4502
Journal of Ship Research (TRB) - 1957, 1959-2019 / ISSN: 0022-4502
Journal of Shipping and Trade (TRB) - 2016-Current / ISSN: 2364-4575
Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1983-Current / ISSN: 2364-4575
Journal of Structural Design and Construction Practice (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 2025-Current / ISSN: 2996-5136
Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance (S) (TRB) - 2016-Current / ISSN: 2470-5314
Journal of Surveying Engineering (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1983-Current / ISSN: 0733-9453
Journal of Sustainable Development of Transport and Logistics (TRB) - 2016-2019 / ISSN: 2520-2979
Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment (S) (TRB) - 2021-Current / ISSN: 2379-6111
Journal of Testing and Evaluation (S) (TRB) - 1973-Current / ISSN: 0090-3973
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (S) (TRB) - 1991-Current / ISSN: 1096-2247
Journal of the American Planning Association (S) (TRB) - 1979, 1981-Current / ISSN: 0194-4363
Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety (ARRB) - 2006-2019 / ISSN: 1832-9497
Journal of the City Planning Institute of Japan (TRB) - 2003-Current / ISSN: 0916-0647
Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (TRB) - 2007-2019 / ISSN: 1881-1124
Journal of the Indian Roads Congress (TRB) - 1965-2018 / ISSN: 0258-0500
Journal of the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers (TRB) - 2012-Current / ISSN: 1880-3717
Journal of the Transportation Research Forum (TRB) - 1987-2017 / ISSN: 1046-1469
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (TRB) - 2014-Current / ISSN: 2095-7564
Journal of Transport & Health (TRB) - 2014-Current / ISSN: 2095-7564
Journal of Transport and Land Use (TRB) - 2008-Current / ISSN: 1938-7849
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy (ARRB) - 1967-Current / ISSN: 0022-5258
Journal of Transport Geography (TRB) - 1990-Current / ISSN: 0966-6923
Journal of Transport History (TRB) - 1985-2018 / ISSN: 0022-5266
Journal of Transport Literature (S) (TRB) - 2007-2016 / ISSN: 2238-1031
Journal of Transportation Engineering (ASCE) (TRB) - 1969-Current / ISSN: 2473-2907
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems (TRB) - 2016-Current / ISSN: 2473-2907
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements (TRB) - 2017-Current / ISSN: 2573-5738
Journal of Transportation Law, Logistics and Policy (TRB) - 1994-2017 / ISSN: 1078-5906
Journal of Transportation Management (N) - 1993-2019
Journal of Transportation of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (TRB) - 2011-2015
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security (TRB) - 2009-Current / ISSN: 1943-9962
Journal of Transportation Security (TRB) - 2014-Current / ISSN: 1938-7741
Journal of Transportation Technologies (ARRB) - 2014-Current / ISSN: 2160-0473
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery (S) (TRB) - 2010-2019 / ISSN: 2163-0755
Journal of Travel Research (N) - 1975, 1977, 1985-2013
Journal of Urban Mobility (S) (TRB) - 2021-Current / ISSN: 2667-0917
Journal of Urban Planning and Development (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1965-Current / ISSN: 0733-9488
Journal of Urban Regeneration and Renewal (S) (TRB) - 2023-Current / ISSN: 1752-9638
Journal of Urban Technology (S) (TRB) - 1992-Current / ISSN: 1063-0732
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (S) (TRB) - 2004-Current / ISSN: 0733-9496
Journal of Waterway Port Coastal & Ocean Engineering (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1983-Current / ISSN: 0733-950X
Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics (S) (TRB) - 2003, 2018-Current / ISSN: 0167-6105
JR East Technical Review (TRB) - 2002-Current / ISSN: 1347-8907
Kurzberichte aus der Bauforschung (BASt) - 1971-2013 / ISSN: 0177-3550
Laermbekaempfung (BASt) - 1971-2020 / ISSN: 1863-4672
The Lancet (S) (TRB) - 1975-Current / ISSN: 0140-6736
Land Line Magazine (N) - 1994-2020
Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (S) (TRB) - 2019-present / ISSN: 2366-2557
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (S) (TRB) - 2014-present / ISSN: 1876-1100
Lecture Notes in Intelligent Transportation and Infrastructure (S) (TRB) - 2019-present / ISSN: 2523-3440
Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (S) (TRB) - 2017-present / ISSN: 2367-3370
LIC (VTI) - 2000-2017
Licentiate thesis (VTI) - 1999-2019 / ISSN: 1402-1757
Licht (BASt) - 1977-2019 / ISSN: 0024-2861
Lighting Research and Technology (S) (TRB) - 1970-Current / ISSN: 1477-1535
Lighthouse Reports (VTI) - 2018-Current
Liikenneviraston Tutkimuksia ja Selvityksia (FTA) - 2010-2013 / ISSN: 1798-6656
Linkoeping Studies in Arts and Science (VTI) - 1998-2020 / ISSN: 0282-9800
Linkoeping Studies in Management and Economics. Dissertations (VTI) - 2001, 2006, 2014 / ISSN: 0347-8920
Linköping Studies in Science and Technology. Dissertations (VTI) - 1996-Current / ISSN 0345-7524
Linkoeping Studies in Science and Technology. Licentiate Thesis (VTI) - 2005-2006 / ISSN: 0280-7971
LogForum (S) (TRB) - 2014-2017 / ISSN: 1734-459X
Logistics and Sustainable Transport (TRB) - 2005-Current / ISSN: 22324968
Logistics Management (N) - 1985-2020
Medical Journal of Australia (ARRB) - 1964, 1968-Current / ISSN: 0025-729X
Marine Log (N) - 1987-2020
Marine Pollution Bulletin (S) (TRB) - 1973-1980, 2017-2024 / ISSN: 0025-326X
Marine Structures (S) (TRB) - 1998-1990, 2018-Current / ISSN: 0951-8339
Marine Technology Society Journal (S) (TRB) - 1969-Current / ISSN: 0025-3324
Maritime Economics & Logistics (TRB) - 2002-Current / ISSN: 1479-2931
Maritime Policy & Management (TRB) - 1976-Current / ISSN: 0308-8839
Maritime Technology (N) - 2014
Materialpruefung / Materials Testing (BASt) - 1993-1996, 2001-2018 / ISSN: 0025-5300
Materials Performance and Characterization (S) (TRB) - 2014-Current / ISSN: 2379-1365
Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology (S) (TRB) - 1984-Current / ISSN: 0254-7821
Mobil und Sicher (KfV) - 1999-2013 / ISSN: 0948-843X
Mobilitaet Mit Zukunft (KfV) - 2005-2014
Mobilities (S) (TRB) - 2006-Current / ISSN: 1745-0101
Modelling and Simulation in Engineering (TRB) - 2008-2013 / ISSN: 1687-5591
Motor Ship (N) - 1955, 1970-2020
Motortechnische Zeitschrift (BASt) - 1971-2020 / ISSN: 0024-8525
MT Marine Technology (N) - 2010-2020
Multimodal Transportation (TRB) - 2022-Current / ISSN: 2772-5863
Nahverkehr (FGSV) - 2011-2019 / ISSN: 0722-8287
Naše More: International Journal of Maritime Science & Technology (S) (TRB) - 2016-Current / ISSN: 0469-6255
Natural Hazards Review (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 2000-Current / ISSN: 1527-6988
Natur und Landschaft (FGSV) - 1979-2018 / ISSN: 0028-0615
NCFRP Research Results Digest (TRB) - 2009-2011
NCFRP Report (TRB) - 2009-2016 / ISSN: 1947-5659
NCFRP Web Only Document (TRB) - 2011-2013
NCHRP Legal Research Digest (TRB) - 1988-Current
NCHRP Report (TRB) - 1964-2016 / ISSN: 0077-5614
NCHRP Research Report (TRB) - 2016-Current / ISSN: 2572-3766
NCHRP Research Results Digest (TRB) - 1968-Current
NCHRP Synthesis (TRB) - 1969-Current / ISSN: 0547-5570
NCHRP Web-Only Document (TRB) - 1995-Current
Networks and Spatial Economics (N) - 2001-2010
Neue Zeitschrift fuer Verwaltungsrecht (FGSV) - 1994-2019 / ISSN: 0721-880x
North Western Lines (N) - 1991-2019 / ISSN: 0279-5000
npj Sustainable Mobility and Transport (TRB) - 2024-Current / ISSN: 3004-8664
NRHS Bulletin (N) - 2005-2019
NTSB Reporter (N) - 1999-2020
NVF-Rapporter (VTI) - 1999, 2004 / ISSN: 0347-2485
NZV Neue Zeitschrift fuer Verkehrsrecht (BASt) - 1988-2019 / ISSN: 0934-1307
Ocean Development & International Law (S) (TRB) - 2015-Current / ISSN: 0090-8320
Ocean Engineering (S) (TRB) - 1969-Current / ISSN: 0029-8018
Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fuer Verkehrswissenschaft (KfV) - 1990-2016
Oevg Spezial (KfV) -1981-2010
On the (Bi) Level (N) - 2012-2019
The Open Transportation Journal (TRB) - 2007-2018 / ISSN: 1874-4478
Overdrive (N) - 1979, 1985-2020 / ISSN: 0030-7394
Parking (N) - 1967-2020 / ISSN: 0031-2193
Parking Professional (TRB) - 1985-2019 / ISSN: 0896-2324
Passenger Train Journal (N) - 1973-2020
Passenger Transport (N) - 1961, 1970-2020 / ISSN: 0364-345X
Passengers Voice (N) - 2020
Pavement Maintenance & Reconstruction (S) (TRB) - 1991-2020 / ISSN: 1098-5875
Pavement Preservation Journal (S) (TRB) - 2009-2022
PCI Journal (S) (TRB) 1978, 1979, 1990-2014 / ISSN: 0887-9672
Periodica Polytechnica: Transportation Engineering (TRB) - 1981, 1989, 2009-Current / ISSN: 1587-3811
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (PE&RS) (S) (TRB) - 1975-2014 / ISSN: 0099-1112
Pipeline and Gas Journal (N) - 1970-2003
Planning (S) (TRB) - 1980, 1981, 1984-2007 / ISSN: 0001-2610
Planning & Environmental Law (S) (TRB) - 2004-2014 / ISSN: 1548-0755
Planning Practice and Research (S) (TRB) - 2015-Current / ISSN: 0269-7459
PLoS One (S) (TRB) - 2008-Current / ISSN: 1932-6203
Policy Studies Journal (S) (TRB) - 1977, 1983, 1986, 1988-2016 / ISSN: 0190-292X
Polizei (BASt) - 1969-2020 / ISSN: 0032-3519
Polizei Verkehr Technik (BASt) - 1982-2019 / ISSN: 0722-5962
Pomorstvo, Scientific Journal of Maritime Research (S) (TRB) - 2010-Current / ISSN: 1332-0718
Ports & Harbors (N) - 1978-2019 / ISSN: 0554-7555
Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction (ASCE) (S) (TRB) - 1997-2024 / ISSN: 1084-0680
Preventive Medicine (S) (TRB) - 2005-Current / ISSN: 0091-7435
Prime Mover Magazine (ARRB) - 2009-2010
Procedia Computer Science (S) (TRB) - 2011, 2014-Current / ISSN: 1877-0509
Procedia Engineering (S) (TRB) - 2010-2018 / ISSN: 1877-7058
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences (S) (TRB) - 2010-2018 / ISSN: 1877-0428
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (S) (TRB) - 1993-Current / ISSN: 2169-5067
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Bridge Engineering (ARRB) - 2007-2018 / ISSN: 1478-4629
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Civil Engineering (ARRB) - 1992-2018 / ISSN: 0965-089X
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Construction Materials (ARRB) - 2006-2018 / ISSN: 1478-4629
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering History and Heritage (ARRB) - 2013-2018 / ISSN: 1757-9430
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability (ARRB) - 2004-2018 / ISSN: 1478-4637
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering (ARRB) - 1994-2018 / ISSN: 1353-2618
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Ground Improvement (ARRB) - 2008-2018 / ISSN: 1755-0750
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Municipal Engineer (ARRB) - 1992-2018 / ISSN: 0968-0903
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings (ARRB) - 1992-2018 / ISSN: 0965-0911
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport (ARRB) - 1992-2018 / ISSN: 0965-092X
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering (TRB) - 1989-Current / ISSN: 0954-4070
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit (TRB) - 2003-Current / ISSN: 0954-4097
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering (S) (TRB) - 2011-Current / ISSN: 0954-4100
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment (S) (TRB) - 2011-Current / ISSN: 1475-0902
Professional Pilot (N) - 1988-2020 / ISSN: 0191-6238
Progressive Railroading (S) (TRB) - 1973-2018 / ISSN: 0033-0817
PROMET - Traffic & Transportation (TRB) - 2009-Current / ISSN: 0353-5320
Pruefingenieur (BASt) - 1992-1996, 2001-2020 / ISSN: 1430-9084
Public Health (S) (TRB) - 2004-Current / ISSN: 0033-3506
Public Roads (TRB) - 1926-Current / ISSN: 0033-3735
Public Transport (TRB) - 2012-Current / ISSN: 1866-749X
Public Works (S) (TRB) - 1996-Current / ISSN: 1087-724X
Public Works Management & Policy (S) (TRB) - 1996-Current / ISSN: 1087-724X
Quarterly Report of RTRI (TRB) - 2009-Current / ISSN: 0033-9008
Rail Engineering International (TRB) - 1971-2017 / ISSN: 0141-4615
Rail Magazine (S) (TRB) - 2001, 2007-2015 / ISSN: 0895-4437
Rail Professional (S) (TRB) - 1999-2017 / ISSN: 1476-2196
Railfan & Railroad (N) - 1992, 1995-2020 / ISSN: 0163-7266
Railroad Heritage (N) - 2000-2020
Railroad History (N) - 1978, 1981, 1985-2019 / ISSN: 0090-7847
Railway & Locomotive Historical Society Quarterly (N) - 2008-2019
Railway Age (S) (TRB) - 1907, 1928, 1962, 1967-2022 / ISSN: 0033-8826
Railway Engineering Science (TRB) - 2020-Current / ISSN: 2662-4745
Railway Gazette International (S) (TRB) - 1969-2017 / ISSN: 0373-5346
Railway Track and Structures (S) (TRB) - 1965-2015 / ISSN: 0033-9016
Raumforschung und Raumordnung (FGSV) - 1985-2019 / ISSN: 0034-0111
REAAA Journal (ARRB) - 1990-2014 / ISSN: 1394-1054
Recherche Transports Securite (ARRB) - 1984-2018
Reliability Engineering & System Safety (S) (TRB) - 2003-2013 / ISSN: 0951-8320
Research in Transportation Business & Management (TRB) - 2011-Current / ISSN: 2210-5395
Research in Transportation Economics (TRB) - 1983-Current / ISSN: 0739-8859
Review of Policy Research (S) (TRB) - 2002-Current / ISSN: 1541-132X
Right of Way (N) - 1964-2019 / ISSN: 0035-5275
RISE Rapport (VTI) - 2018-Current
Risk Analysis (S) (TRB) - 1984, 1990-Current / ISSN: 0272-4332
Road and Transport Research (ARRB; N until 2002) - 1989-2017 / ISSN: 1037-5783
Roadmarker (ARRB) - 2014
Roadmarking News (ARRB) - 2007-2016
Road Materials and Pavement Design (TRB) - 2000-Current / ISSN: 1468-0629
Roads & Bridges (TRB) - 1985-2022 / ISSN: 8750-9229
Roads and Bridges - Drogi i Mosty (TRB) - 2012-Current / ISSN: 1643-1618
Routes/Roads (TRB) - 1986-Current / ISSN: 0004-556X
SAE EDGE™ Research Reports (TRB) - 2018-Current
SAE International Journal of Advances and Current Practices in Mobility (TRB) - 2018-2019 / ISSN: 2641-9645
SAE International Journal of Aerospace (S) (TRB) - 2008-Current / ISSN: 1946-3855
SAE International Journal of Alternative Powertrains (TRB) - 2011-2020 / ISSN: 2167-4191
SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles (TRB) - 2008-Current / ISSN: 1946-391X
SAE International Journal of Connected and Automated Vehicles (TRB) - 2016-Current / ISSN: 2574-0741
SAE International Journal of Electrified Vehicles (TRB) - 2020-Current / ISSN: 2691-3747
SAE International Journal of Engines (TRB) - 2008-Current / ISSN: 1946-3936
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants (TRB) - 2008-Current / ISSN: 1946-3952
SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing (TRB) - 2008-Current / ISSN: 1946-3979
SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars – Mechanical Systems (TRB) - 2008-2021 / ISSN: 1946-3995
SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Electronic and Electrical Systems (TRB) - 2008-2020 / ISSN: 1946-4614
SAE International Journal of Passenger Vehicle Systems (TRB) - 2022-Current / ISSN: 2770-3460
SAE International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Energy, Environment, & Policy (TRB) - 2019-Current / ISSN: 2640-642X
SAE International Journal of Transportation Cybersecurity and Privacy (TRB) - 2018-Current / ISSN: 1570-761X
SAE International Journal of Transportation Safety (TRB) - 2013-Current / ISSN: 2357-5626
SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability and NVH (TRB) - 2017-Current / ISSN: 2380-2170
SAE Technical Paper (TRB) - 1965-1966, 1968, 1972-1973, 1977-Current / ISSN: 0148-7191
Safe Ride News (N) - 1993, 2001-2019
Safety (ARRB) - 2015-Current / ISSN: 2313-576X
Safety & Health: SH (N) - 2010
Safety and Reliability (S) (TRB) - 2015-Current / ISSN: 0961-7353
Safety Science (S) .(TRB) - 2003-Current / ISSN: 0925-7535
Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Verkehrswissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (DVWG), Reihe B: Seminar (BASt) - 1988-1989
Schriftenreihe Fahreignung (BASt) - 2006-2020
Science, Engineering and Technology (S) (TRB) - 2021-Current / ISSN: 2744-2527
Science of the Total Environment (S) (TRB) - 1975, 1985, 1993-Current / ISSN: 0048-9697
Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport (TRB) - 2016-Current / ISSN: 0209-3324
Sensors (S) (TRB) - 2011-Current / ISSN: 1424-8220
Ship Technology Research (TRB) - 2015-Current / ISSN: 0937-7255
Ships and Offshore Structures (TRB) - 2015-Current / ISSN: 1744-5302
SHRP 2 Report (TRB) - 2009-2015
Silicon Chip (ARRB) - 1998-1999, 2003-2006
Sinus-Report (KfV) - 2011-2016 / ISSN: 1664-3496
SLB-Analys (VTI) - 2001 / ISSN: 1400-0806
SMHI RMK (VTI) - 1997 / ISSN: 0347-2116
Southern Africa Shipping News (N) - 2002-2017
SP Rapport (VTI) - 1990-2017 / ISSN: 0284-5172
Springer Tracts on Transportation and Traffic (S) (TRB) - 2013-present / ISSN: 2194-8119
Stadt Region Land (BASt) - 1978-2015 / ISSN: 0344-9793
Stahlbau (BASt) - 1952, 1970-2020 / ISSN: 0038-9145
Stapp Car Crash Journal (TRB) - 1999-2017 / ISSN: 1532-8546
Statens Offentliga Utredningar (VTI) - 1988-2003 / ISSN: 0375-250X
Statistische Nachrichten (KfV) 1980, 1985, 1995-2015 / ISSN: 0029-9960
Statistik der Kraftfahrzeuge. Neuzulassungen (KfV) - 2009, 2015, 2016 / ISSN: 1608-9146
Status Report (TRB) - 1980-2021 / ISSN: 0018-988X
Strassenverkehrsunfaelle (KfV) - 1978
Strassen- und Tiefbau (FGSV) - 1977, 1980, 1982, 1984-2018 / ISSN: 0039-2197
Strassenverkehrsrecht (BASt) - 2004-2020 / ISSN: 1613-1096
Strassenverkehrstechnik (FGSV) - 1970-2019 / ISSN: 0039-2219
Strasse und Autobahn (FGSV) - 1966-2019 / ISSN: 0039-2162
Structural Concrete (ARRB) - 2000-Current / ISSN:1751-7648
Structural Health Monitoring (TRB) - 2013-Current / ISSN: 1475-9217
Structural Safety (S) (TRB) - 1982-1991, 2008-Current / ISSN: 0167-4730
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering (S) (TRB) - 2009-Current / ISSN: 1573-2479
Surface Transportation (TRB) - 2005-2009
Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure (S) (TRB) - 2016-Current / ISSN: 2378-9689
Sustainable Cities and Society (S) (TRB) - 2016-Current / ISSN: 2210-6707
Sustainable Transport (TRB) - 1994-2014 / ISSN: 1536-2523
Suvremeni Promet - Modern Traffic (TRB) - 1986-2017 / ISSN: 0351-1898
TCRP Legal Research Digest (TRB) - 1994-Current
TCRP Report (TRB) - 1994-2016 / ISSN: 1073-4872
TCRP Research Report (TRB) - 2016-Current / ISSN: 2572-3782
TCRP Research Results Digest (TRB) - 1994-2017
TCRP Synthesis (TRB) - 1993-Current / ISSN: 1073-4880
TCRP Web Document (TRB) - 1995-Current
Technische Sicherheit (BASt) - 2011-2020 / ISSN: 2191-0073
Technological Forecasting and Social Change (S) (TRB) - 1976-Current / ISSN: 0040-1625
Terra et Aqua (N) - 1974-2018 / ISSN: 0376-6411
Texas Transportation Researcher (N) - 1966, 1969-2019 / ISSN: 0040-4748
Thesis for Licentiate Of Engineering (VTI) - 2017-2020
Thinking Highways (ARRB) - 2008-2015 / ISSN: 1753-433X
Tiefbau Hochbau Ingenieurbau Strassenbau THIS (FGSV) - 2014, 2015, 2017 / ISSN: 0340-5079
Tollways (TRB) - 1993, 1994, 2007-2012
TR News (TRB) - 1983-Current / ISSN: 0738-6826
Traffic Engineering & Control (TRB) - 1966-2016 / ISSN: 0041-0683
Traffic Injury Prevention (TRB) - 2002-Current / ISSN: 1538-9588
Traffic Safety (Chicago, Ill.) (N) - 2010-2020
Traffic Safety Research: An Interdisciplinary Journal (VTI) - 2021-Current / ISSN: 2004-3082
Trains (N) - 1940-2020
Tramways & Urban Transit (N) - 1998-2020 / ISSN: 1640-8324
Transactions of Navigation (TRB) - 2016-Current / ISSN: 2189-5511
Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (TRB) - 2010-Current / ISSN: 0287-8321
Transactions on Maritime Science (TRB) - 2012-Current / ISSN: 1848-3305
Transfers Magazine (BT) - 2018-Current
TransNav, the International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea (TRB) - 2010-Current / ISSN: 2083-6473
Transport (TRB) - 1967-Current / ISSN: 1648-4142
Transport Engineering in Australia (ARRB) - 1995-2011 / ISSN: 1324-1591
Transport Policy (TRB) - 1993-Current / ISSN: 0967-070X
Transport Problems (TRB) - 2019 / ISSN: 1896-0596
Transport Reviews (TRB) - 1981-Current / ISSN: 0144-1647
Transport and Telecommunication (TRB) - 2012-Current / ISSN: 1407-6179
Transport Topics (N) - 1970-2020
Transportation (TRB) - 1972-Current / ISSN: 0049-4488
Transportation Engineering (TRB) - 2020-Current / ISSN: 2666-691X
Transportation Geotechnics (TRB) - 2003-Current / ISSN: 2214-3912
Transportation in Developing Economies (TRB) - 2015-Current / ISSN: 2199-9287
Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology (TRB) - 2014-Current / ISSN: 2196-7202
Transportation Journal (TRB) - 1971-Current / ISSN: 0041-1612
Transportation Law Journal (TRB) - 1971 - Current / ISSN: 0049-450X
Transportation Leader (N) - 2001-2019
Transportation Letters: The International Journal of Transportation Research (TRB) - 2009-Current / ISSN: 1942-7867
Transportation Planning and Technology (TRB) -1972-Current / ISSN: 0308-1060
Transportation Professional (N) - 2002-2020 / ISSN: 1478-4467
Transportation Research Board Conference Proceedings (TRB) - 1994-Current
Transportation Research Board Special Report (TRB) - 1974-Current / ISSN: 0360-859X
Transportation Research Circular (TRB) - 1974-Current / ISSN: 0097-8518
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRB) - 2019-Current / ISSN: 2590-1982
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (TRB) - 1979-Current / ISSN: 0965-8564
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological (TRB) - 1979-Current / ISSN: 0191-2615
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging technologies (TRB) - 1993-Current / ISSN: 0968-090X
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (TRB) - 1996-Current / ISSN: 1361-9209
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review (TRB) - 1997-Current / ISSN: 1366-5545
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour (TRB) - 1998-Current / ISSN: 1369-8478
Transportation Research Procedia (TRB) - 2014-Current / ISSN: 2352-1465
Transportation Research Record (TRB) - 2004-Current / ISSN: 0361-1981
Transportation Safety and Environment (TRB) - 2019-2024 / ISSN: 2631-4428
Transportation Science (TRB) - 1967-Current / ISSN: 0041-1655
Transportation Technology Support for Developing Countries Compendium (TRB) - 1978-1981
Transportation Technology Support for Developing Countries Synthesis (TRB) - 1979-1982
Trasporti Europei (N) - 2002-2014
Transportmetrica A: Transport Science (TRB) - 2013-Current / ISSN: 2324-9935
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics (TRB) - 2014-Current / ISSN: 2168-0566
Travel Behaviour and Society (TRB) - 2014-Current / ISSN: 2214-367X
Travel Weekly (N) - 1986-2020 / ISSN: 0041-2082
TRITA-ABE-DLT (VTI) - 2018-Current
TRITA-ITM-AVL (VTI) - 2018-Current
TRITA-SCI-FOU/KTH Royal Institute of Technology (VTI) - 2018-Current
Trivector Rapport (VTI) - 1993
Trolleybus Magazine (N) - 1978, 1985-2020 / ISSN: 0266-7451
TRUM-Rapport (VTI) - 1993-1999 / ISSN: 1403-6924
Umeaa Studies in Economic History (VTI) - 2009 / ISSN: 0347-254X
Umwelt- und Planungsrecht (BASt) - 1992, 1998, 2005-2020 / ISSN: 0721-7390
Umwelt BMU (BASt) - 1993-2012 / ISSN: 0343-1460
Umweltbriefe (BASt) - 2009-2011 / ISSN: 1866-0037
Umweltmagazin (BASt) - / ISSN: 1972, 1976, 2001-Current / ISSN: 0173-363X
Umweltpsychologie (BASt) - 1997-2019 / ISSN: 1434-3304
Umweltschutz (KfV) - 1971-2016
Unfallforschung kompakt / Compact accident research (BASt) - 2006-2019
Urban Lawyer (TRB) - 1972-1975, 1995-2017 / ISSN: 0042-0905
Urban, Planning, and Transport Research (TRB) - 2014-Current / ISSN: 2165-0020
Urban Rail Transit (TRB) - 2015-Current / ISSN: 2199-6679
Utilities Policy (TRB) - 2008-Current / ISSN: 0957-1787
UVP-Report (FGSV) - 1988-2019 / ISSN: 0933-0690
VDI-Berichte (BASt) - 1970, 1972-2019 / ISSN: 0083-5560
Vehicle System Dynamics (TRB) - 1972-Current / ISSN: 1744-5159
Vehicular Communications (TRB) - 2014-Current / ISSN: 2214-2096
Verkehr in Oesterreich (KfV) - 1988-2009 / ISSN: 1026-3969
Verkehr und Infrastruktur (KfV) - 1997-2016
Verkehr und Technik (FGSV) - 1971-2019 / ISSN: 0340-4536
Verkehrsrechtliche Mitteilungen (FGSV) - 1998, 2007-2019
Verkehrszeichen (BASt) 1992-2016 / ISSN: 0179-535X
Verti-Flite (N) - 2010-2020
Vinnova Rapport (VTI) - 2001-2003 / ISSN: 1650-3104
Vision Zero International (TRB) - 2009-2017 / ISSN: 2014-4447
VKU Verkehrsunfall und Fahrzeugtechnik (BASt) - 2012-2020 / ISSN: 0724-2050
VTI Rapport (VTI) - 1975-Current / ISSN: 0347-6030
Wirtschaft und Statistik (BASt) - 1977, 2003-2016 / ISSN: 0043-6143
Wirtschaft & Umwelt (KfV) - 1995, 2001-2004 / ISSN: 1028-4664
Work Boat (N) - 1996, 2003-2020 / ISSN: 0043-8014
World Airnews (N) - 1979, 1985-2019 / ISSN: 0261-2399
World Highways/Routes Du Monde (TRB) - 1919, 1966, 1976-2017 / ISSN: 0964-4598
World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research (TRB) - 2006-Current / ISSN: 1749-4729
World Transport Policy & Practice (TRB) - 1995-2020 / ISSN: 1352-7614
Zeitschrift fuer Verkehrsrecht (KfV) - 1972-2019 / ISSN: 0934-1307
Zeitschrift fuer Verkehrserziehung (BASt) - 1972-2018 / ISSN: 0948-2210
Zeitschrift fur Verkehrssicherheit (BASt) - 1972-2020 / ISSN: 0044-3670
Zeitschrift fuer Verkehrswissenschaft (BASt) - 1977-2018 / ISSN: 0044-3670
Zeljeznice 21 (TRB) - 2017-2018 / ISSN: 1333-7971
ZFS Zeitschrift fur Schadensrecht (BASt) - 2005-2020 / ISSN: 9173-0568