TCRP Announces Call for FY 2025 Synthesis Study Topics
TCRP is seeking potential synthesis study topics for the 2025 TCRP Synthesis Program. Topics may be submitted at any time; however, the deadline for the upcoming submission cycle is March 28, 2025.
In the coming year, TCRP will fund six (6) new synthesis topics. Anyone may propose topics. All proposals for topics must be submitted through the TCRP Synthesis Topic Submission Portal: TCRP Synthesis Topic Submission Portal
A synthesis study documents current practice and experience for specific public transportation topics. The following factors are considered in the selection process for new topics:
The objective of the scope of work is to document current practices in public transportation and/or public transit agencies;
The synthesis documents current practice, not best practice; it is not a research project or a guidebook;
The topic addresses an area of practice that is widespread and of general interest to public transit and/ or public transportation; and
The topic should be timely and critical for expediting delivery, improving the quality, or lowering the cost of programs.
For further information on the TCRP synthesis program and processes, please see the Overview section of this Web site. Click on the following links to view TCRP Synthesis topics currently under study or completed.
Current Studies
Completed Studies
If you require further information please contact Jamaal Schoby
Consultant contracts are a fixed-fee of $55,000. Payment is based on the submittal and acceptance of four staged deliverables. The deliverables are: Stage I, Work Plan, Outline, and Questionnaire; Stage II, First Draft; Stage III, Second Draft; and Stage IV, Final Deliverables. The contract duration is up to 8 months. Further information can be found at "Instructions for Consultants Preparing Syntheses."
Please send comments on the TRB Synthesis website to Jamaal Schoby