Pollinators and Vegetation are Crucial Cogs in the Roadside Toolkit
Transportation agencies can make a difference for imperiled pollinators by managing existing roadside vegetation and designing new revegetation plantings with habitat needs in mind. This can generate public support for agencies and help to mitigate the negative ecological effects of roads.
Pollinator Habitat Conservation Along Roadways, Volume 1: Alaska (NCHRP Web-Only Document 362), from TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program, is the first in a 16-volume series. Each volume focuses on a specific region of the United States and is intended to provide relevant guidance to rights-of-way owners and operators for roadside vegetation management practices that support pollinators, as well as strategies that are compliant with the federal Endangered Species Act.
This volume and the next three (on California, Florida, and the Great Basin) have just been released, with four more volumes to become publicly available each of the next three weeks.
Find additional resources for improving the relationship between transportation and wildlife in our updated blog post.