The full PDF version of the May-June TR News examines the shift in the U.S. energy outlook, including the increase in domestic natural gas production, and the implications for energy security, transportation, and climate policies. Another article describes how public–private partnerships in West Virginia are used to build roads and other facilities. A third feature identifies ten research areas to follow in the field of automated vehicle technology. Two opinion pieces offer insights on programming research funding and on the promises and pitfalls of driverless vehicles. Other articles highlight findings from National Cooperative Highway Research Program projects on an economic analysis for highway investment, automated enforcement for speeding and red light running, identifying and evaluating the historic significance of World War II housing, and more.
The May-June 2014 issue of TR News includes the following articles:

The Rapidly Improving U.S. Energy Outlook: Positive Implications for Transportation

The King Coal Highway: West Virginia Department of Transportation’s First Public–Private Partnership

Automated Vehicle Technology: Ten Research Areas to Follow

Who Is in Charge? The Promises and Pitfalls of Driverless Cars

A Note About Programming Research Funding

Assessing Highway Research and Development Priorities

Automated Enforcement for Speeding and Red Light Running

Communicating the Value of Preservation: A Playbook

Engineering Economic Analysis Practices for Highway Investments

A Model for Identifying and Evaluating the Historic Significance of Post–World War II Housing

Framework for Making Safe Transportation Decisions: Seven Principles for Prioritizing Safety

Issues with Airport Organization and Reorganization: Finding the Perfect Organizational Structure for an Airport
The TR News is TRB's bimonthly magazine featuring timely articles on innovative and state-of-the-art research and practice in all modes of transportation. It also includes brief news items of interest to the transportation community,
research pays off articles profiles of transportation professionals,
workshop and conference announcements, new book notices, and news of TRB activities.
Submissions of manuscripts for possible publication are accepted at any time.
Copies of the TR News may be purchased individually or ordered on an
annual subscription basis. TRB policy is to release the full PDF version of a TR News four months after its release in print format.
This Summary Last Modified On: 11/1/2016