Maintenance Operations: Work Zones, Pavement Markings, and Weather
TRB’s Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2015 includes 15 papers explore issues related to work zones such as speed-activated signs, a variable advisory speed limit system, the use of drone radar, sequential portable changeable message signs, alternative dates for advance notification on portable changeable message signs, worker safety, nighttime construction work zone devices, and crashes. This issue of the TRR also examines pavement markings, including their wet night visibility, retroreflectivity under continuous wetting conditions, temperature sensitivity within a mobile retroreflectometer unit, and finite element modeling of stresses inside a raised pavement marker. In addition, this issue highlights weather-related maintenance issues such as estimating friction coefficients of winter road surfaces, weather effects on crash number and severity, and enhancing road weather information through vehicle-infrastructure integration.
Individual TRRs, which are published on an irregular basis throughout the year, consist of collections of peer-reviewed papers on specific transportation subject areas and modes. TRB's TRR Online service allows all visitors to identify papers of interest and review abstracts of those papers. Access to the full papers is available to service subscribers and employees of TRB sponsors. Papers may also be purchased on an individual basis.
Printed copies of TRR Journals may also be purchased on an annual subscription basis. Each year, TRB publishes approximately 45 volumes of the TRR Journal, containing more than 800 papers grouped by subject.
This Summary Last Modified On: 5/5/2016