Final Report: Model Deployment of a Regional, Multi-Modal 511 Traveler Information System
The U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office has recently posted to the Internet a report that evaluates the 511 telephone traveler information system "Model Deployment" in Arizona. The national 511 Model Deployment supported a wide range of enhancements to the existing statewide Arizona 511 system, including the addition of several new types of information and redesign of the user interface. The Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration jointly sponsored the Arizona 511 Model Deployment. The Model Deployment sought to demonstrate the potential of 511 services to bring together data from various sources and provide useful information to travelers through a state-of-the-art telephone interface. The national evaluation documented costs and lessons learned, measured the accomplishment of the implementers' hypothesized project impacts, and assessed the extent to which the Arizona 511 project satisfied the U.S. DOT’s objectives for the Model Deployment.
This Summary Last Modified On: 4/22/2011