Carbon Footprint of Supply Chains: A Scoping Study
11/26/2013 12:00:47 PM
TRB’s National Cooperative Freight Research Program (NCFRP) Web-Only Document 5: Carbon Footprint of Supply Chains: A Scoping Study defines a standardized, conceptual approach to assessing global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the transportation component of supply chains, critiques current methods and data used to quantify greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and outlines a work plan to develop a decision tool to help estimate the carbon footprint of the transportation component of supply chains.
Identification and Evaluation of Freight Demand Factors
2/24/2012 5:50:46 AM
TRB’s National Cooperative Freight Research Program (NCFRP) Web-Only Document 4: Identification and Evaluation of Freight Demand Factors focuses on the identification of independent variables that may be used to explain gross measures of freight demand over time.
Truck Tolling: Understanding Industry Tradeoffs When Using or Avoiding Toll Facilities
12/21/2011 12:02:41 PM
TRB’s National Cooperative Freight Research Program (NCFRP) and National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) have jointly released NCFRP Web-Only Document 3/NCHRP Web-Only Document 185: Truck Tolling: Understanding Industry Tradeoffs When Using or Avoiding Toll Facilities. The report explores the value that shippers, trucking companies, and truck drivers seek from toll roads.
Multi-State Freight Transportation Organizations
10/7/2011 4:20:28 AM
TRB’s National Cooperative Freight Research Program (NCFRP) Web-Only Document 2: Multi-State Freight Transportation Organizations examines approaches to establishing multi-state freight transportation organizations that can develop and implement long-term investment plans. The report has a special focus on the legal and financial requirements as well as the composition, structure, and decision-making facets of the organizations.