Evaluation of Small Quantities of Class 3 and Class 9 Hazardous Materials in Transportation
12/16/2016 9:14:57 PM
TRB's Hazardous Materials Cooperative Research Program (HMCRP) Web-Only Document 3: Evaluation of Small Quantities of Class 3 and Class 9 Hazardous Materials in Transportation identifies the commodities comprising Class 3 (Packing Group II and III) and Class 9 liquid hazardous material (HAZMAT) (UN 3082) to determine the risks of transportation of the HAZMAT in commerce by motor carriers. The research analyzes incident databases to discover patterns in the datasets, categorizes the failure causes of inci...
Model Education Curricula and Toolkit for the Transportation of Hazardous Materials
10/15/2013 4:36:07 AM
TRB’s Hazardous Materials Cooperative Research Program (HMCRP) Web-Only Document 2: Model Education Curricula and Toolkit for the Transportation of Hazardous Materials includes model post-secondary education curricula that address the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed for the safe, secure, and efficient transportation of hazardous materials (hazmat). The model curricula, presented in the form of a toolkit that can be adapted for different audiences and educational purposes, consist of PowerPoint pr...
Current Hazardous Materials Transportation Research and Future Needs
12/6/2012 5:15:24 AM
TRB’s Hazardous Materials Cooperative Research Program (HMCRP) Web-Only Document 1: Current Hazardous Materials Transportation Research and Future Needs explores existing research, planned research, and research gaps; and includes list of potential research projects in the area of hazardous materials transportation research.