TRB conducted a webinar on Thursday, July 11, 2019, from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM ET that featured research from the
Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP)
Research Report 184 and
Web-Only Document 44: Understanding FAA Grant Assurance Obligations.
More than 3,000 airports in the United States have, at one time or another, received an Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grant from the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to fund airport planning or development. Each AIP grant currently issued by the FAA includes 39 numbered grant assurances that further define the conditions and obligations associated with these grants. This webinar will discuss the frequency that grant compliance issues arise and the specific grant assurances that are most often the subjects of complaints or investigations.
The recorded webinar is available below.
Webinar Presenter
- Barry Molar, Unison Consulting, Inc.
Moderated by: Stephanie Ward,
Mead & Hunt, Inc.
Continuing Education Units for Accredited Airport Executives
The American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) will provide 1 Continuing Education Unit (CEU) to accredited airport executives who attend this webinar. Claim CEUs by visiting For questions about AAAE continuing education units, please contact
American Institute of Certified Planners Certification Maintenance Credits
This webinar is approved by the American Institute of Certified Planners for 1.5 Certification Maintenance Credits. Please make sure that you register for this session and log-in using the link that TRB provides to your email account. We use this as your record that you attended this session. TRB only maintains the records of attendees who use their email address to log into the webinar, and cannot verify attendance of individuals who view the webinar without personally logging into the session.
Please visit the Certification Maintenance section of APA’s website, Certification Maintenance webpage at to claim your credits. You may use the following steps:
1. Log in using your ID# and password.
2. Select View my CM log.
3. Select Add CM-Registered Credits.
4. Using the CM Search option, type in the name of the event or event number (e.g. 21064) and click "Go". Please note: If searching for an event by Provider, use the search option, type in the name of the provider and click “Go”. From the results below, select by clicking on the name of the provider.
5. From the results below, find your event and select "Add to My Log." If this is a multi-part event, you will have the option to select from a list of activity sessions.
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7. Click submit and the CM credits should appear in your CM log.
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Registration questions? Contact Reggie Gillum at
This Summary Last Modified On: 7/30/2019