explore the conduct of research in a specific project and present the findings of the research team. All SHRP 2 research reports are available on the Internet and about half are printed and available from the TRB Bookstore.
November 01, 2010
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R16-RR-1: Strategies for Improving the Project Agreement Process between Highway Agencies and Railroads examines the process by which highway agencies and railroads develop agreements for highway projects which interact with railways. The report examines the underlying causes of delay in the project-agreement process and developed ...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R03-RW-1
April 06, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R03-RW-1: Identifying and Reducing Workforce Fatigue in Rapid Renewal Projects documents worker fatigue impacts during rapid renewal operations in the highway construction industry; and describes development of an integrated fatigue management toolkit. SHRP 2 Report S2-R03-RW-1 is only available electronically. The same p...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R21-RR-2
July 04, 2013
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R21-RR-2: Composite Pavement Systems, Volume 1: HMA/PCC investigates the structural and functional performance of surfacing a new portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement layer with a high-quality hot mix asphalt (HMA) layer. The second report in the series, Composite Pavement Systems Volume 2: PCC/PCC Pavements ,explores the ...
SHRP 2 Report
April 08, 2013
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R19A-RW-2: Design Guide for Bridges for Service Life provides information and defines procedures to systematically design new and existing bridges for service life and durability.
SHRP 2 Report
September 01, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Reliability Project L38 has released a prepublication, non-edited version of a report that tested SHRP 2's Reliability analytical products at a Washington pilot site. This research project tested and evaluated SHRP 2 Reliability data and analytical products, specifically the products for the L02 , L05 , L07 , L08 , and C11 projects. Oth...
SHRP 2 Report
September 01, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Renewal Project R06D has released a pre-publication, non-edited version of a report that documents guidelines for use of ground penetrating radar and mechanical wave nondestructive technologies to detect delamination between asphalt pavement layers. This report builds upon the research reported in SHRP 2 Report S2-R06D-RR-1: Testing to Ident...
September 03, 2011
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R01-RW-2: Development of the Selection Assistant for Utility Locating Technologies documents the development of the Selection Assistant for Utility Locating Technologies (SAULT) web-based software tool that provides decision-support software and supporting information databases for the selection of utility-locating approaches for t...
SHRP 2 Report
April 04, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Renewal Project R10 has released a report titled Project Management Strategies for Complex Projects: Case Study Report, which includes case studies of 15 projects in the United States and three international projects that used tools that aid project managers in the delivery of complex projects. The 18 projects represent a number of different...
March 06, 2015
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R01C-RW-1: Innovations to Locate Stacked or Deep Utilities documents research and tested tools that could be used to help locate buried utilities or utility systems in highway construction projects. SHRP 2 Renewal Projects R01B and R01C developed a report about the testing of the geophysical tools developed in the ...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R06B-RW-1
March 23, 2013
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R06B-RW-1: Evaluating Applications of Field Spectroscopy Devices to Fingerprint Commonly Used Construction Materials documents evaluation results of practical, portable spectroscopic equipment for in-situ analysis of a wide range of commonly used construction materials. The report also includes proposed American Asso...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R23-RW-2
October 30, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R23-RW-2: Guide to Using Existing Pavement in Place and Achieving Long Life provides guidance for selecting, designing, and constructing long-life pavements using existing pavement structure. The guide is intended to complement the design tools developed by SHRP 2 Report S2-R23-RR-1: Using Existing Pavement in Place and Achieving L...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R07-RR-2
April 28, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R07-RR-2: Strategies for Implementing Performance Specifications: Guide for Executives and Project Managers is designed to provide a broad overview of the benefits and challenges associated with implementing performance specifications. The guide explores various cultural, organizational, and legal considerations that can affect the...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R06C
April 12, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Renewal Project R06C has released a prepublication, non-edited version of a report titled Pre-Implementation of Infrared and Ground-Penetrating Radar Technologies for Improving Asphalt Mixture Quality that explores infrared (IR) and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) for measuring uniformity and segregation in new asphalt mixture construction. T...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R01A-RW-1
March 21, 2015
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R01A-RW-1: Technologies to Support the Storage, Retrieval, and Use of 3-D Utility Location Data includes strategies, processes, and systems that may be applied to help acquire, store, use, and maintain 3-D utility location data from prior projects, in order to prevent repeated re-inventory of utility features on new renewal project...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R04-RR-2
March 16, 2013
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) SHRP 2 Report S2-R04-RR-2: Innovative Bridge Designs for Rapid Renewal: ABC Toolkit describes standardized approaches to designing and constructing complete bridge systems for rapid renewals. The report includes design standards and design examples for complete prefabricated bridge systems, and proposes specification language for accelerated...
July 06, 2010
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R21-RW-1: 2008 Survey of European Composite Pavements explores in-service composite pavement sites in the Netherlands, Germany, and Austria in order to help assess the design, construction, and performance of composite pavement systems. The report also examines other issues that should be considered in the design and construction o...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R02-RW-2
March 30, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R02-RW-2: Development of the Geoconstruction Information and Technology Selection Guidance System describes the development of a web-based information and guidance system, Geotechnical Solutions for Transportation Infrastructure, designed to access critical information on geoconstruction technologies. The web-based tool is in...
SHRP 2 Report
September 01, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report: E-Learning for Training Traffic Incident Responders and Managers explores the development and implementation of an e-learning system developed in the L12 and L32A projects. The project was designed to promote the certification of responders to achieve the objectives of the traffic incident management (TIM) national unified goal (NUG)...
October 10, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R01B-RW-1: Utility-Locating Technology Development Using Multisensor Platforms documents the development of multisensor technologies and geophysical software as applied in underground utility detection and location. SHRP 2 Renewal Projects R01B and R01C developed a report about the testing of the geophysical tools ...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R06D-RW-3
June 28, 2013
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R06D-RW-3: Nondestructive Testing to Identify Delaminations Between HMA Layers, Volume 3 describes the controlled evaluations used in the development of nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques capable of detecting and quantifying delaminations in HMA pavements. SHRP 2 Report S2-R06D-RW-2 was developed as part of SHRP 2 Renewa...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R06D-RW-5
June 28, 2013
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R06D-RW-5: Nondestructive Testing to Identify Delaminations Between HMA Layers, Volume 5 describes the field core verifications used in the development of nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques capable of detecting and quantifying delaminations in HMA pavements. SHRP 2 Report S2-R06D-RW-2 was developed as part of SHRP 2 Rene...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R04-RW-1
August 10, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R04-RR-1: Innovative Bridge Designs for Rapid Renewal documents the development of standardized approaches to designing and constructing complete bridge systems for rapid renewal. The report also describes a demonstration project on US-6 over Keg Creek near Council Bluffs, Iowa, that was completed in 2011 using the accelerated brid...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R06D-RW-2
June 15, 2013
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R06D-RW-2: Nondestructive Testing to Identify Delaminations Between HMA Layers, Volume 2 describes the theoretical models used in the development of nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques capable of detecting and quantifying delaminations in HMA pavements. SHRP 2 Report S2-R06D-RW-2 was developed as part of SHRP 2 Renewal Project ...
SHRP 2 Report
September 01, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Renewal Project R31 has released a prepublication, non-edited version of a report titled Integrated Delivery of SHRP 2 Renewal Research Projects. This report documented the research performed under SHRP 2 Project R31, which originally had a goal to develop a tool to promote and support systematic and integrated application of the products de...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R02-RW-1
March 30, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R02-RW-1: Geotechnical Solutions for Soil Improvement, Rapid Embankment Construction, and Stabilization of the Pavement Working Platform addresses issues designed to help mitigate obstacles that have the potential to prevent the widespread use of geoconstruction technologies. The main end-user umbrella product from the project is a...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R07-RR-3
April 28, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R07-RR-3: Framework for Performance Specifications: Guide for Specification Writers presents a flexible framework that specifiers may use to assess whether performance specifying represents a viable option for a particular project or project element. If it is indeed a viable option, the Guide discusses how performance specific...
November 04, 2009
TRB's second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R01-RW: Encouraging Innovation in Locating and Characterizing Underground Utilities explores underground utility locating practices, examines current and emerging technologies, and identifies potential areas for improvement and for subsequent research. Report S2-R01-RW is only available in electronic format.
November 26, 2011
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R26-RR-1: Preservation Approaches for High-Traffic-Volume Roadways documents the state of the practice of preservation treatment on asphalt and concrete pavements. The report focuses on treatments suitable for application on high-traffic-volume roadways but also discusses current practices for low-volume roadways. The same pr...
September 01, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Renewal Project R16A has released a prepublication, non-edited version of a report titled Communicating Railroad–DOT Mitigation Strategies. This project established a collaborative forum between transportation agencies and railroads and initiated dissemination of the research best practices developed by an earlier SHRP 2 project, Strate...
SHRP 2 Report : S2-R11-RW-1
February 17, 2013
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) S2-R11-RW-1: Strategic Approaches at the Corridor and Network Level to Minimize Disruption from the Renewal Process documents the development of the work zone impact and strategy estimator (WISE)--a decision support software system designed to help evaluate the impact of work zones and determine strategies to reduce those impacts. ...
March 07, 2015
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R10-RW-2: Guide to Project Management Strategies for Complex Projects facilitates the application of a five-dimensional management approach for complex projects. The objective of the guide is to identify and communicate the critical factors involved in successfully managing complex transportation design and construction projec...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R06D-RD-1
June 15, 2013
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R06D-RR-1: Nondestructive Testing to Identify Delaminations Between HMA Layers, Volume 1 describes development of nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques capable of detecting and quantifying delaminations in HMA pavements. The NDT techniques should be applicable to construction, project design, and network-level assessments. SHRP 2...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R10-RW-1
August 17, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) S2-R10-RW-1: Project Management Strategies for Complex Projects describes a five-dimensional project management approach for complex projects. The goal of the five-dimensional approach is to identify issues that should be planned and managed proactively, rather than retroactively. The five areas of the new project management approach address...
SHRP 2 Report
June 30, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Renewal Project R15C has released a prepublication, non-edited version of a report titled Identification of Utility Conflicts and Solutions: Pilot Implementation of the SHRP 2 R15B Products at the Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA). This report introduces the utility conflict data model and database, and implements a stand-alone uti...
September 18, 2009
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R06-RW: A Plan for Developing High-Speed, Nondestructive Testing Procedures for Both Design Evaluation and Construction Inspection examines existing and emerging nondestructive evaluation (NDE) technologies and their current state of implementation to satisfy the NDE needs for highway renewal. The report also explores a research pl...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R06G-RR-1
October 25, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R06G-RR-1: Mapping Voids, Debonding, Delaminations, Moisture, and Other Defects Behind or Within Tunnel Linings identifies techniques that appear to provide useful information for evaluating tunnel linings. The results of Renewal Project R06G were incorporated into an electronic repository for practitioners known as the&n...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R06F-RW-1
June 01, 2013
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R06F-RW-1: Assessment of Continuous Pavement Deflection Measuring Technologies catalogs existing continuous deflection measuring technologies and assesses the capabilities of select devices. It also includes case studies that illustrate the application of the technology for supporting various pavement management decision...
February 01, 2015
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R09-RW-1: Developing the "Guide for the Process of Managing Risk on Rapid Renewal Projects" documents the development of Guide for the Process of Managing Risk on Rapid Renewal Projects , which is geared to manage risk during rapid renewal projects. Additionally, three electronic tools may assist with successfully i...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R23-RW-1
August 04, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) S2-R23-RR-1: Using Existing Pavement in Place and Achieving Long Life describes a procedure for identifying when existing pavements can be used in place as part of the rehabilitation solution and the methods necessary to incorporate the original material into the new pavement structure while achieving long life. The R23 project also produced...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R06E-RW-1
April 12, 2013
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R06E-RR-1: Real-Time Smoothness Measurements on Portland Cement Concrete Pavements During Construction explores real-time smoothness measuring technologies for concrete paving. For the purposes of the report, real-time smoothness refers to measuring and evaluating the concrete pavement surface profile during construction along the ...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R06C-RR-1
January 20, 2013
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R06C-RR-1: Using Infrared and High-Speed-Ground Penetrating Radar for Uniformity Measurements on New HMA Layers explores infrared imaging and ground-penetrating radar technologies as non-destructive techniques to assess hot-mix asphalt (HMA) density and degree of segregation. The report also includes suggestions for how these techn...
SHRP 2 Report
September 01, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Renewal Project R06B has released a pre-publication, non-edited version of a report that documents the preliminary implementation activities to achieve integration of advanced testing methods into routine quality assurance/quality control processes. This report builds upon the research reported in SHRP 2 Report S2-R06B-RW-1: Evaluating Appli...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R21-RR-3
July 04, 2013
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R21-RR-3: Composite Pavement Systems, Volume 2: PCC/PCC Composite Pavements investigates the structural and functional performance of placing a relatively thin, high-quality PCC surface atop a thicker PCC layer. The first report in the series, Composite Pavement Systems, Volume 1: HMA/PCC Pavements , explores the structu...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R07-RR-1
April 20, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R07-RR-1: Performance Specifications for Rapid Highway Renewal describes suggested performance specifications for different application areas and delivery methods that users may tailor to address rapid highway renewal project-specific goals and conditions. SHRP 2 Renewal Project R07 also produced: Implementation Guidelines: Volume ...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R09-RW-1
August 15, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) S2-R09-RW-2: Guide for the Process of Managing Risk on Rapid Renewal Projects describes a formal and structured risk management approach specifically for rapid renewal design and construction projects that is designed to help adequately and efficiently anticipate, evaluate, and address unexpected problems or “risks” before they occur. I...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R06D-RW-4
June 28, 2013
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R06D-RW-4: Nondestructive Testing to Identify Delaminations Between HMA Layers, Volume 4 describes the uncontrolled evaluations used in the development of nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques capable of detecting and quantifying delaminations in HMA pavements. SHRP 2 Report S2-R06D-RW-2 was developed as part of SHRP 2 Rene...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R19A-RW-1
May 16, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R19A-RW-1: Bridges for Service Life Beyond 100 Years: Innovative Systems, Subsystems, and Components develops approaches and procedures to enhance service life design for existing and new bridges.
SHRP 2 Report S2-R11-RW-2
August 15, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) S2-R11-RW-2: WISE Software Users Guide explains how to use the work zone impact and strategy estimator (WISE)—a decision support software system designed to help evaluate the impact of work zones and determine strategies to reduce those impacts. In addition, SHRP Renewal Project R11 produced Strategic Approaches at the ...
March 08, 2011
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R26-RR-2: Guidelines for the Preservation of High-Traffic-Volume Roadways provides suggested guidelines for the application of preservation treatments on high-volume roadways. The guidelines consider traffic volume, pavement condition, work-zone requirements, environmental conditions, and expected performance. Errata (October 2011)...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R06A-RR-1
February 14, 2013
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R06A-RR-1: Nondestructive Testing to Identify Concrete Bridge Deck Deterioration identifies nondestructive testing technologies for detecting and characterizing common forms of deterioration in concrete bridge decks. The report also documents the validation of promising technologies, and grades and ranks the technologies based on r...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R05-RR-1
May 31, 2013
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R05-RR-1: Precast Concrete Pavement Technology reviews the available precast concrete pavement (PCP) systems; summarizes PCP applications; and offers suggested guidelines for the design, fabrication, installation, and selection of PCP systems. An e-book version of this report is available for purchase at Amazon...
SHRP 2 Report
September 01, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Renewal Project R16B has released a prepublication, non-edited version of a report titled Tools for Communicating Railroad-DOT Mitigation Strategies. This report summarizes the background, approach, and activities conducted in the R16 Report, along with the tools developed during the final phase of an earlier SHRP 2 project, Stra...
SHRP 2 Report S2-R03-RR-2
May 01, 2014
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R03-RR-2: Guide to Identifying and Reducing Workforce Fatigue in Rapid Renewal Projects is designed to help in the development and implementation of fatigue risk management in rapid renewal highway construction environments. The guide includes organizational practices guidance, technical reference materials, fatigue training m...
SHRP 2 Report Report S2-R15B-RW-1
October 29, 2012
TRB’s second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) Report S2-R15B-RW-1: Identification of Utility Conflicts and Solutions provides concepts and procedures to identify and resolve utility conflicts that public agencies and utilities can use to help improve the highway project development process. Tools described in the report include utility conflict matrices that enable users to organize, tr...