NCHRP Impacts on Practice
Among the variety of methods the National Cooperative Highway Research Program uses to showcase the value of NCHRP research is a series of success stories titled "Impacts on Practice." These brief case studies highlight how transportation agencies have put critical NCHRP research results to use nationwide.
Administration and Management
NCHRP Impacts on Practice: Knowledge and Information - Critical DOT AssetsJuly 14, 2016 TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) latest Impacts on Practice explores how guidance from two NCHRP reports have been applied by state departments of transportation to manage resources and run as efficiently as possible. Guidance on knowledge management has helped state departments of transportation train new employees as well as preserve and relay critical information f...
Risk-Based Methods Predict Bridge ScourNovember 11, 2015 TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) latest Impacts on Practice explores a report that helped close the gaps between hydraulic predictions and the field experience of structural engineers by using a risk-based methodology. NCHRP Report 761 : Reference Guide for Applying Risk and Reliability-Based Approaches for Bridge Scour Prediction, is now an important tool for bridge ...
NCHRP Synthesizes Highway SolutionsOctober 29, 2015 TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) latest Impacts on Practice explores how the NCHRP Synthesis Program facilitates the sharing of promising practices and techniques that can be applied by transportation practitioners and further evaluated by academia. The NCHRP program has published nearly 500 syntheses that condenses practices that are often fragmented or hard-to-find ...
U.S. Domestic ScanJune 18, 2015 TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) latest Impacts on Practice explores how the NCHRP project on the U.S. Domestic Scan Program has provided state transportation agencies with the ability to share practices to accelerate the transfer of promising ideas from one agency to the next.
NCHRP Meets DOT Executives’ Unique NeedsApril 30, 2012 State DOT chief executives must serve deftly and effectively in a number of roles. They are at once policymakers, the public faces of their agencies, and managers of organizations with thousands of employees. The short- and long-term challenges that CEOs face are often quite different from those of other transportation professionals.
Making Every Asset CountJanuary 12, 2011 From stop signs to suspension bridges to assets of every size in between, transportation agencies have zeroed in on asset management in recent years as an important strategy to help direct spending decisions. AASHTO’s Transportation Asset Management Guide, published in 2002 based on NCHRP research, is the key resource they turn to.
NCHRP Pays Off for Caltrans Leveraging the State Research Investment April 8, 2010 Randy Iwasaki, director of the California Department of Transportation, knows the three steps to getting the most out of research: "Deploy, deploy, deploy." Caltrans invests in research to get results it can implement at the highest possible return on its research dollar. |
Traffic and Safety
Advancing the Science of Highway SafetyApril 30, 2012 Delivering a safe transportation system is a universal goal among state DOTs. NCHRP was the driving force behind AASHTO’s Highway Safety Manual, which provides states with a modern, science-based approach to safety management, analysis, planning, and delivery.
A National Authority on RoundaboutsApril 17, 2012 Roundabouts have seen unprecedented growth across the United States, from just a handful a decade ago to more than 2,000 and counting. National guidance had to keep pace with the needs of states and communities planning and implementing roundabouts, and NCHRP took a lead role.
The Capacity Balancing Act Highway Capacity Manual February 7, 2011 Highway capacity: Too little means gridlock, but paving over America isn’t the answer either. The right balance involves careful policy decisions and compromise—and using the right tools to address concerns and defuse controversy.
Securing Our Highways and Bridges Report 525 SeriesApril 8, 2010 The attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, ushered in a new era of security planning in transportation. The situation was urgent: State DOTs needed a coordinated effort to protect their infrastructure and the people who use it.
Safety Guides Help States Save Lives Report 500 Series April 8, 2010 It was 1996, and significant gains in highway safety appeared stalled. Experts declared that the "low-hanging fruit" had been picked and more innovative strategies were needed to significantly reduce highway deaths in the U.S.
Construction and Materials
Better Designs Mean Longer Pavement Life NCHRP Project 1-37A July 28, 2010 A lot has changed on our highways since the 1950s—traffic volumes, pavement materials, truck weights, and customer expectations. So when it came time for AASHTO to update its pavement design guidance to state DOTs, engineers needed a new approach.
Better, Safer Bridges For When the Earth ShakesApril 9, 2012 In regions across the nation, bridge engineers know that the next major seismic event is coming—maybe tomorrow, maybe centuries from now. DOTs have the critical charge of designing for earthquakes and protecting the lives of travelers.
NCHRP & AASHTO Advance Bridge SpecificationsDecember 21, 2010 The calendar was counting down to October 1, 2007. From that date forward, states were to design all new federally funded bridges using Load and Resistance Factor Design specifications. Would they be ready?
Better Designs Mean Longer Pavement Life NCHRP Project 1-37A July 28, 2010 A lot has changed on our highways since the 1950s—traffic volumes, pavement materials, truck weights, and customer expectations. So when it came time for AASHTO to update its pavement design guidance to state DOTs, engineers needed a new approach.
Environment, Energy, and Planning
NCHRP Impacts on Practice: A Long-Term View of SustainabilityJuly 4, 2016 TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) latest Impacts on Practice explores NCHRP Report 750, Volume 4 : Sustainability as an Organizing Principle for Transportation Agencies explores sustainability as a “triple bottom line” of environmental, economic, and social sustainability. The summary explores how the California Department of Transportation and New York State Departmen...
Making Every Asset CountJanuary 12, 2011 From stop signs to suspension bridges to assets of every size in between, transportation agencies have zeroed in on asset management in recent years as an important strategy to help direct spending decisions. AASHTO’s Transportation Asset Management Guide, published in 2002 based on NCHRP research, is the key resource they turn to.
Improving Transportation With Smarter PlanningJanuary 11, 2011 Before the shovel hits the dirt—even before the back-of-the-envelope design calculations are made—transportation projects, programs, and policies all start at the same important place: planning |
Maintenance and Preservation