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TRB Weekly
TRB Weekly is a free weekly email newsletter designed to keep you up-to-date on TRB activities and to highlight select transportation research-related activities taking place at the federal and state levels, and within the academic and international transportation communities. Subscribe to have the latest version delivered to your inbox.
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TRB Weekly covers the latest in transportation research.
Working conditions for employees who often operate on a 24/7/365 schedule are noted in TRB's Critical Issues in Transportation for 2024 and Beyond as something that management and labor must come to terms with in efforts to retain engaged, committed workers. This week, TRB released two publications that will help attain these workforce goals.
NCHRP Synthesis 637: Tracking Safety Leading Indicators to Improve DOT Employee Safety Performance, from TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program, explores issues related to safety leading indicator practices used by state departments of transportation to track and prevent occupational injuries and other incidents. It also includes findings from a survey related to safety leading indicators of practices used by state DOTs.
TR News (January-March 2025) includes articles on mitigating injury and death in work zones. It also has features on the business jet industry in the United States, how air service development supports regional economies, and ways to reduce the use of dry salt for winter pavement maintenance. This is Issue 352 and the last print edition before the magazine goes all digital.
Additionally, join conversations on workforce goals by registering for TRB's National Summit on the Future of the Transportation Workforce held June 2-4 in Westminster, CO.
Read more about how a safe, healthy workforce keeps transportation moving, or focus on detailed research, planning, and technology to improve work zone safety in particular, or start your research with the TRB Snap Search on Workforce.
New research has developed a comprehensive hazard-perception test using AI and virtual environments. A four-step process published in TRB's Transportation Research Record journal includes training an AI with superhuman performance, clustering reward scores, generalizing the test for scenario variability, and analyzing learning curves. The method improves upon traditional approaches, potentially reducing driving accidents by over 25% and offering applications for autonomous vehicles and other safety-critical industries.
Sage Perspectives has published an article detailing the findings.
Nominate yourself or others to serve on a TRB Transit Cooperative Research Program panel. Volunteer experts in fare enforcement and capping, bus collisions, rural transit, design, employee care, paratransit, and economic analysis, especially transit staff and women, are needed. Complete your nomination via MyTRB by January 27.
TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program needs potential principal investigators for synthesis topics. There is an associated fixed-price award of $75,000. Share your expertise and submit your Letter of Interest for one of these topics by February 3.
The National Academies Gulf Research Program’s Science Policy Fellowship program helps scientists hone their skills by putting them to practice for the benefit of Gulf Coast communities and ecosystems. Apply by February 26 for a fellowship to gain first-hand experience spending one year on the staff of a federal, state, local, or non-governmental agency in the Gulf of Mexico region.
- TRB Annual Meeting in Traffic Transportation Today: TRB 2025: Annual Meeting Review
- TRB/National Academies Consensus Report in Science: National Academies Panel Embraces New Index to Measure Transportation "Insecurity"
- TRB Annual Meeting in Engineering News-Record: Collaborative Project Delivery Explored at Transportation Research Board Panels
- TRB Annual Meeting in AASHTO Journal: "Centering Safety" Focus of State DOT CEO Roundtable