Transformational Technologies
Transformational Technologies Reports
Multistate Coordination and Harmonization for AV LegislationJune 17, 2024 Over two-thirds of states in the U.S. have enacted automated vehicle (AV) legislation, an executive order regarding AVs, or both. AV laws and regulations may differ for licensing, registration, operator requirements, equipment, insurance, and platooning, among others. A consistent deployment framework for AV technology and AV regulations among state, local, and tribal territories is necessary so AVs can operate seamlessly. NCHRP Legal Research Digest 91: Multistate Coordination and Harmonizat...
Developing a Guide for New Mobility Options in Travel Demand Forecasting and ModelingMay 27, 2024 The transportation field is undergoing a transformative change in response to several technological innovations resulting in the emergence and widespread adoption of new mobility options (NMOs) such as shared micromobility, transportation networking companies (TNCs), and connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs). NCHRP Web-Only Document 399: Developing a Guide for New Mobility Options in Travel Demand Forecasting and Modeling , from TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program, offers p...
New Mobility Options in Travel Demand Forecasting and Modeling: A GuideMay 24, 2024 Emerging transportation technologies and shared mobility services, or new mobility options (NMOs), are affecting travel behavior and demand. NMOs may include shared micromobility, transportation networking companies (TNCs), and connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs). As NMOs grow in availability and use, transportation planners and decision-makers need to be able to understand how to harness positive and mitigate negative impacts. NCHRP Research Report 1113: New Mobility Options in Travel D...
Transformational Technologies and Mobility Inclusion PlaybookApril 4, 2024 Changes in technology provide opportunities and risks to mobility, particularly as they relate to traditionally and newly underserved populations. In recent years, economic, environmental, and social forces have quickly given rise to shared and on-demand mobility—a collective of entrepreneurs and consumers leveraging technology to maximize transportation and financial resources and generate capital. For instance, shared mobility services have become part of a trend that has pushed shared, on-...
Transformational Technologies and Mobility Inclusion PlaybookApril 4, 2024 Changes in technology provide opportunities and risks to mobility, particularly as they relate to traditionally and newly underserved populations. In recent years, economic, environmental, and social forces have quickly given rise to shared and on-demand mobility—a collective of entrepreneurs and consumers leveraging technology to maximize transportation and financial resources and generate capital. For instance, shared mobility services have become part of a trend that has pushed shared, on-...
Truck Emergency Escape Ramp Design and OperationApril 4, 2024 Many state departments of transportation (DOTs) build and operate escape ramps to allow heavy trucks that cannot maintain safe speeds on steep downgrades to safely exit the highway instead of losing control and crashing. Some escape ramps use upward-sloping beds of loose aggregate to slow the vehicles, while others employ passive or active mechanical devices such as cables to slow the vehicles. Some agencies use intelligent transportation technologies to detect trucks that are driving at exce...
Impacts of Connected, Automated Vehicle Technologies on Traffic Incident Management ResponseMarch 15, 2024 Traffic Incident Management (TIM) is the process to detect, respond to, and clear traffic incidents so that traffic flow may be restored as safely and quickly as possible. Traffic incidents are unplanned events, such as crashes, that impact traffic flow, and TIM refers to the coordinated process to respond to and clear the incidents. NCHRP Web-Only Document 395: Impacts of Connected, Automated Vehicle Technologies on Traffic Incident Management Response , from TRB's National Cooperative Highw...
TR News 348: Fresh Perspectives: Artificial Intelligence Frontiers in TransportationFebruary 29, 2024 AI technologies have fueled advances in autonomous driving and intelligent transportation systems, for example, enabling the public in Phoenix, San Francisco, and other cities to hail a self-driving taxi from their smartphone apps. Transportation professionals also are tapping computer-vision technologies to manage transportation assets, collect traffic data, and dynamically adjust traffic signals. Despite such promising developments, many who work in transportation continue to see AI as a th...
TR News September-December 2023: Transportation in Rural AmericaFebruary 5, 2024 TR News 347: September–October 2023 explores the theme of transportation in rural areas. The authors look at such topics as the availability of automated vehicles and associated infrastructure, how research and workshops inform transportation along low-volume roads, and how a vast network of airports serves Alaska’s traveling public.
Deploying Transportation Security Practices in State DOTsNovember 10, 2023 System-disrupting events, including those stemming from integrated cyber and physical components, intentional criminal acts, a global pandemic, accidents or unintentional human intervention, and natural causes, have only become more sophisticated since NCHRP Research Report 930: Update of Security 101: A Physical Security and Cybersecurity Primer for Transportation Agencies . NCHRP Web-Only Document 379: Deploying Transportation Security Practices in State DOTs , from TRB's National Cooperati...
Application of Big Data Approaches for Traffic Incident ManagementOctober 19, 2023 Big data is evolving and maturing rapidly, and much attention has been focused on the opportunities that big data may provide state departments of transportation (DOTs) in managing their transportation networks. Using big data could help state and local transportation officials achieve system reliability and safety goals, among others. However, challenges for DOTs include how to use the data and in what situations, such as how and when to access data, identify staff resources to prepare and m...
Realistic Timing Estimates for Automated Vehicle ImplementationAugust 11, 2023 Most of the literature that discusses the future effects of automated vehicles assumes they will become the dominant form of transportation and then explores how AVs may affect transportation systems and society more broadly. However, relatively little research has provided details meant to support assumptions that significant AV deployment is inevitable. The quality of forecasting and the types of assumptions made vary widely. NCHRP Research Report 1049: Realistic Timing Estimates for Automa...
Wrong-Way Driving Solutions, Policy, and GuidelinesAugust 3, 2023 There are many strategies and treatments that agencies can consider for implementation to address wrong-way driving maneuvers, ranging from conventional traffic control devices to specialized geometric design elements and various intelligent transportation systems-based solutions. NCHRP Web-Only Document 357: Wrong-Way Driving Solutions, Policy, and Guidelines , from TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program, is supplemental to NCHRP Research Report 1050: Wrong-Way Driving Solutions...
Integrating Resilience Concepts and Strategies into Transportation Planning: A GuideJuly 28, 2023 Transportation systems are increasingly vulnerable to natural and human-generated risks caused by factors such as extreme weather events and conditions, cyberattacks, pandemics, and other unanticipated events. NCHRP Research Report 1052: Integrating Resilience Concepts and Strategies into Transportation Planning: A Guide , from TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program, provides planning and policy professionals with six key building blocks to successfully integrate resiliency into ...
Preparing Transportation Agencies for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Work ZonesJuly 19, 2023 More widespread adoption and use of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) and supporting technologies could improve work zone safety. However, the full impacts of CAVs on work zones are not yet known. NCHRP Research Report 1051: Preparing Transportation Agencies for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Work Zones , from TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program, presents guidelines to help state departments of transportation (DOTs) prepare for the impacts that CAV technologies will...
Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Inspection of Stormwater Best Management PracticesJune 28, 2023 State departments of transportation (DOTs) are facing the challenge of maintaining and preserving local environmental systems while meeting transportation needs. Stormwater best management practices (BMPs) can help mitigate ecological impacts, and unmanned aerial systems (UAS) can be used to track, monitor, and document BMPs throughout their life cycle. NCHRP Synthesis 609: Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Inspection of Stormwater Best Management Practices , from TRB's National Cooperative ...
State and Local Impacts of Automated Freight Transportation SystemsJune 6, 2023 Policy-makers and planners must balance the benefits of operating freight automated vehicles (FAVs) with the additional burden they could place on state agencies and local jurisdictions. NCHRP Research Report 1028: State and Local Impacts of Automated Freight Transportation Systems , from TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program, details the impact of FAVs on state and local agencies and authorities. While the benefits of FAV operation are recognized, it is unclear how state and lo...
Toward a National Regulatory Framework for Automated Vehicles: Challenges and OpportunitiesMay 24, 2023 The deployment of automated vehicles, shared mobility services, and other transformational transportation technologies has the potential to dramatically increase safety, reduce congestion, improve access, enhance sustainability, and spur economic development. However, success in meeting these goals is not assured and there are significant risks that these deployments could cause unintended consequences. TR Circular E-C284: Toward a National Regulatory Framework for Automated Vehicles: Challen...
Cybersecurity Issues and Protection Strategies for State Transportation Agency CEOs: Volume 2, Transportation Cyber Risk GuideMay 4, 2023 Chief executive leadership of transportation agencies have placed substantial emphasis on the protection of IT systems against cyber threats. Less focus has been devoted to the risks to operational technology (OT) and equipment or in protecting transportation business operations. The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Web-Only Document 355: Cybersecurity Issues and Protection Strategies for State Transportation Agency CEOs seeks to mitigate that imbalance, especially as...
Cybersecurity Issues and Protection Strategies for State Transportation Agency CEOs, Volume 1: Project Summary ReportMay 4, 2023 Chief executive leadership of transportation agencies have placed substantial emphasis on the protection of IT systems against cyber threats. Less focus has been devoted to the risks to operational technology (OT) and equipment or in protecting transportation business operations. The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Web-Only Document 355: Cybersecurity Issues and Protection Strategies for State Transportation Agency CEOs seeks to mitigate that imbalance, especially as...
Smart Installation and Monitoring System for Large Anchor Bolts of Support Structures Made with 3D Printing EnhancementFebruary 2, 2023 Anchor bolts, as a connection system used at the base of most highway support structures, commonly suffer from loosening effects that may impose high risk on collapse for the structures. The TRB IDEA (Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis) Program's NCHRP IDEA Final Report for Project 196: Smart Installation and Monitoring System for Large Anchor Bolts of Support Structures Made with 3D Printing Enhancement aims to develop a capacitance-based smart washer system that serves as an efficie...
Guidelines on Collaboration and Information Security for State DOTsJanuary 9, 2023 State departments of transportation (DOTs) have various practices for ensuring information security, cybersecurity, and physical security, and for controlling permissions for interactive tools, which can make collaboration, information access, and knowledge sharing difficult. The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Research Report 1034: Guidelines on Collaboration and Information Security for State DOTs presents guidelines for facilitating secure collaboration and inform...
TR News: July-August 2022: New Technologies in Highway ConstructionJanuary 6, 2023 TR News: July–August 2022 features a roster of articles on the theme of new construction technologies. Some of the subjects authors explore include the implementation of cyberphysical systems in the highway construction industry, human-augmented technology interaction that improves construction quality control and task monitoring, and unmanned aerial systems.
Airfield Design for Large Unmanned Aircraft Systems—A GuideDecember 22, 2022 Developments in unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) technology and the seemingly endless applications of this technology offer society a broad spectrum of enhancements and solutions to many problems. The TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Research Report 238: Airfield Design for Large Unmanned Aircraft Systems—A Guide provides a fundamental understanding of large UAS (L-UAS) and their typical supporting infrastructure needs, which will assist airport sponsors with determining po...
Algorithms to Convert Basic Safety Messages into Traffic MeasuresDecember 22, 2022 Connected vehicles (CVs), travelers using connected mobile devices, intelligent transportation system (ITS) devices, and traffic management systems sharing and using SAE J2735 basic safety messages (BSMs) and other CV messages have the potential to transform transportation systems management, traveler safety and mobility, and system productivity. The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Research Report 997: Algorithms to Convert Basic Safety Messages into Traffic Measures...
Shared Automated Vehicle Toolkit: Policies and Planning Considerations for ImplementationDecember 6, 2022 Technology is changing the way people move and is reshaping mobility and society. The integration of transportation modes, real-time information, and instant communication and dispatch—possible with the click of a mouse or the touch of a smartphone app—is redefining mobility. The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Research Report 1009: Shared Automated Vehicle Toolkit: Policies and Planning Considerations for Implementation provides resources that identify key stakehold...
Safety Assessment of the Interaction Between the Autonomous Shuttle Bus and Vulnerable Road UsersJuly 14, 2022 There is a growing interest in deploying autonomous vehicles for public transportation. In the U.S., transportation agencies are exploring the impacts of incorporating automation on safety or mobility, especially for low-speed automated vehicles (LSAV). The TRB IDEA (Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis) Program's Transit IDEA Final Report 98: Safety Assessment of the Interaction Between the Autonomous Shuttle Bus and Vulnerable Road Users identifies potential safety issues regarding LS...
Highway Infrastructure Inspection Practices for the Digital AgeMay 20, 2022 Historically, state departments of transportation (DOTs) have employed on-site workforces to execute infrastructure inspection using traditional inspection methods. The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Synthesis 582: Highway Infrastructure Inspection Practices for the Digital Age documents the various technologies - such as unmanned aircraft systems (UASs), embedded and remote sensors, intelligent machines, mobile devices, and new software applications - used by DOTs ...
Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Highway ConstructionMarch 24, 2022 In the last decade, new technologies have transformed all stages of highway construction as more industry stakeholders have begun incorporating new technologies into their daily construction activities. The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Synthesis 578: Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Highway Construction documents the use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) by state departments of transportation (DOTs) during highway construction, identifies potential benefits and...
Cybersecurity in Transit SystemsJanuary 26, 2022 The COVID-19 pandemic is having a profound effect on every infrastructure sector in North America, including transit systems, and on the information technology and operational technology systems that are embedded in their ongoing operations. The TRB Transit Cooperative Research Program's TCRP Synthesis 158: Cybersecurity in Transit Systems identifies and documents emerging cybersecurity trends related to teleworking/remote worker offices, contactless customer services, real-time information s...
Initiating the Systems Engineering Process for Rural Connected Vehicle Corridors, Volume 2: Model Concept of OperationsNovember 1, 2021 Connected vehicle deployments in rural areas present opportunities for potential improvements in safety, mobility, and efficiency. It is important for the agencies that operate and maintain rural corridors to have a vision for connected vehicle deployment. The National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Research Report 978: Initiating the Systems Engineering Process for Rural Connected Vehicle Corridors, Volume 2: Model Concept of Operations is designed to guide agencies responsible...
Initiating the Systems Engineering Process for Rural Connected Vehicle Corridors, Volume 1: Research OverviewNovember 1, 2021 Connected vehicle technology has garnered substantial consideration and analysis in urban areas but less in rural settings due to infrastructure constraints. The National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Research Report 978: Initiating the Systems Engineering Process for Rural Connected Vehicle Corridors, Volume 1: Research Overview identifies good starting points for these projects and also develops a model concept of operations ( Volume 2 ), a model system requirements specifica...
Evaluation and Synthesis of Connected Vehicle Communication TechnologiesOctober 13, 2021 In 1999, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allocated the intelligent transportation system (ITS) band, also known as the “5.9 GHz band,” for transportation purposes including connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technologies. These technologies enable a host of applications for vehicle‐to-vehicle, vehicle‐to‐infrastructure, and vehicle‐to‐pedestrian communication — collectively known as vehicle‐to‐everything (V2X). Today, the connectivity required for V2X is enabled by dedicated sh...
Resilience Primer for Transportation ExecutivesAugust 6, 2021 CEOs of departments of transportation (DOTs) face many challenges, including some that will have serious impacts on people's mobility and safety, and possibly on the tenure of CEOs. Many of these challenges revolve around the resilience of the transportation system—how well it can withstand disruptions from natural causes, catastrophic failures of the infrastructure or cyber events, and how quickly the agency can restore services when they are impacted. The TRB National Cooperative Highway Re...
Intelligent Transportation Systems in Headway-Based Bus ServiceApril 30, 2021 Intelligent transportation systems and, in particular, computer-aided dispatch and automatic vehicle location (CAD/AVL), have become quasi-universal in urban bus operations and support a variety of functions. The TRB Transit Cooperative Research Program's TCRP Synthesis 155: Intelligent Transportation Systems in Headway-Based Bus Service synthesizes the current state of the practice of headway-based service operations and focuses on the proactive use of intelligent transportation systems tech...
TR News: November-December 2020: Recycled Material Web MapApril 8, 2021 TR News 330: November–December 2020 issue of TR News features articles on topics including incorporating resiliency into freight mobility, living with transformational technologies, and pollution-reducing highway barriers.
Rethinking Airport Parking Facilities to Protect and Enhance Non-Aeronautical RevenuesMarch 4, 2021 Ongoing and emerging shifts in customer ground access behavior, resulting from the growing use of transportation network companies (TNCs) and the eventual adoption of emerging technologies, are posing a significant challenge to the reliance of airports on parking revenue. The TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Research Report 225: Rethinking Airport Parking Facilities to Protect and Enhance Non-Aeronautical Revenues is a guidance document that identifies near-term and long-term s...
Low-Speed Automated Vehicles (LSAVs) in Public TransportationJanuary 21, 2021 Interest in driverless vehicles, including low-speed automated vehicles (LSAVs), continues to expand globally and in the United States. The TRB Transit Cooperative Research Program's TCRP Research Report 220: Low-Speed Automated Vehicles (LSAVs) in Public Transportation presents current use cases for LSAVs and provides a practitioner guide for planning and implementing LSAV services as a new public transportation service.
Leveraging Unmanned Systems for Coast Guard MissionsDecember 31, 2020 As unmanned systems (UxS) continue to develop and be used by other military services and federal agencies, the U.S. Coast Guard should proceed more aggressively and deliberately in taking advantage of UxS advancements, says a new congressionally mandated report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The Coast Guard should also produce a high-level strategy with critical goals and actionable steps toward fully utilizing UxS technology, according to TRB Special Repo...
Updated Survey of Laws and Regulations Applicable to Airport Commercial Ground TransportationDecember 10, 2020 Commercial ground transportation at U.S. airports includes public transit, door-to-door shuttle van service, charter buses, limousines, rental cars, taxicabs, hotel courtesy shuttles, wheel chair services, and courier operators. Technological developments, such as transportation network companies, car-sharing operations, and driverless cars, have added more options and challenges for airport ground transportation operations. The TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Legal Research D...
Framework for Managing Data from Emerging Transportation Technologies to Support Decision-MakingOctober 21, 2020 The amount of data surrounding the application of emerging technologies is expanding, producing “big data” at magnitudes not previously seen. While a few agencies have found some success with individual projects, most are uncertain on how to handle this level of big data at an organizational level. The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Web-Only Document 282: Framework for Managing Data from Emerging Transportation Technologies to Support Decision-Making is designed to ...
Business Models to Facilitate Deployment of Connected Vehicle Infrastructure to Support Automated Vehicle OperationsSeptember 28, 2020 State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) and other government agencies recognize the value of connected vehicle (CV) technologies in helping achieve the strategic objectives of saving lives and relieving congestion. Several agencies are currently planning and preparing for a future where CV technologies could become a part of their routine business operations. A core consideration in any such planning effort is an assessment of the need for and the nature of public CV infrastructure investm...
Shared Mobility and the Transformation of Public TransitAugust 25, 2020 There are issues, opportunities, and challenges related to technology-enabled mobility services, and lots of ways that transit can learn from, build upon, and interface with new ways of traveling. The TRB Transit Cooperative Research Program's TCRP Report 188: Shared Mobility and the Transformation of Public Transit examines the relationship of public transportation (including paratransit and demand-responsive services) to shared modes, including bikesharing, carsharing, microtransit, and rid...
Airports and Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Volume 3: Potential Use of UAS by Airport OperatorsJuly 27, 2020 The introduction of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) has presented a wide range of new safety, economic, operational, regulatory, community, environmental, and infrastructure challenges to airports and the National Airspace System. These risks are further complicated by the dynamic and shifting nature of UAS technologies. The Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Research Report 212: Airports and Unmanned Aircraft Systems provides guidance for airports on UAS in the areas of managing UAS...
Airports and Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Volume 2: Incorporating UAS into Airport Infrastructure— Planning GuidebookJuly 27, 2020 The introduction of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) has presented a wide range of new safety, economic, operational, regulatory, community, environmental, and infrastructure challenges to airports and the National Airspace System. These risks are further complicated by the dynamic and shifting nature of UAS technologies. The Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Research Report 212: Airports and Unmanned Aircraft Systems provides guidance for airports on UAS in the areas of managing UAS...
Airports and Unmanned Aircraft Systems, Volume 1: Managing and Engaging Stakeholders on UAS in the Vicinity of AirportsJuly 27, 2020 The introduction of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) has presented a wide range of new safety, economic, operational, regulatory, community, environmental, and infrastructure challenges to airports and the National Airspace System. These risks are further complicated by the dynamic and shifting nature of UAS technologies. The Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Research Report 212: Airports and Unmanned Aircraft Systems provides guidance for airports on UAS in the areas of managing UAS...
TRR: Understanding the Highway Safety Benefits of Different Approaches of Connected Vehicles in Reduced Visibility ConditionsJuly 23, 2020 Traffic flow characteristics deteriorate significantly in fog conditions compared to normal weather conditions, which might result in high crash risk. "Understanding the Highway Safety Benefits of Different Approaches of Connected Vehicles in Reduced Visibility Conditions," by Md Sharikur Rahman, Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Ling Wang, and Jaeyoung Lee, from 2018, was 2019's fourth-most cited article from Transportation Research Record . The study examined how to improve traffic safety in fog condition...
Developing a Physical and Cyber Security Primer for Transportation Agencies July 17, 2020 Small events pose threats of great consequences since the impact of any incident is magnified when a transportation network is operating at or past its capacity—as is the case in portions of many states as travel demand on their transportation networks grows. The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Web-Only Document 266: Developing a Physical and Cyber Security Primer for Transportation Agencies is a supplemental document to NCHRP Research Report 930: Update of Security ...
Update of Security 101: A Physical Security and Cybersecurity Primer for Transportation AgenciesJuly 17, 2020 Since 2009, when NCHRP's last Security 101 report was released, there have been significant advances in transportation security approaches, including new strategies, programs, and ways of doing business that have increased the security of transportation systems as well as ensured their resiliency. Hazards and threats to the system have also continued to evolve since 2009. While the incidence of large-scale terrorist attacks has remained small, transportation agencies are at increasingly ...
TRR: Modeling Individual Preferences for Ownership and Sharing of Autonomous Vehicle TechnologiesJuly 16, 2020 Lifestyle factors play an important role in shaping use of autonomous vehicles. Younger, urban residents who are more educated and technologically savvy are more likely to be early adopters of AV technologies than are older, suburban, and rural individuals, a fact that favors a sharing-based service model over private ownership. "Modeling Individual Preferences for Ownership and Sharing of Autonomous Vehicle Technologies," by Patrícia S. Lavieri, Venu M. Garikapati, Chandra R. Bhat, Ram...
TR News 326: Driver Training for Advanced Driver Assistance SystemsMay 21, 2020 Issue Number 326 of TR News magazine is available in full to subscribers. Here is a sample from the issue: a feature article on the trap that drivers could fall into by believing that autonomous vehicles are more capable than they really are. As with traditional driving instruction, a solid understanding of the concepts of automation is important—not just knowing which buttons to press.
Transportation Network Companies (TNCs): Impacts to Airport Revenues and Operations—Reference GuideMarch 31, 2020 Transportation network companies (TNCs) have become an increasingly popular form of transportation since initially permitted at some airports in 2014. While many airports receive significant revenue from TNCs, others have recorded declines in parking revenue and rental car transactions that are perceived to be a direct result of TNC operations. The TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Research Report 215: Transportation Network Companies (TNCs): Impacts to Airport Revenues and Oper...
Foreseeing the Impact of Transformational Technologies on Land Use and TransportationFebruary 6, 2020 Examples of transformational technologies—many are discussed in technical and popular media—include wireless telecommunications, shared vehicles, connected vehicles, fully autonomous vehicles, alternative-fuel vehicles, smart cities and communities, big data analytics, internet-of-things, as well as UAVs or drones, 3-D printing, and more. Public agencies face significant challenges continuing to perform their governmental functions in the face of the private sector’s prodigious output of thes...
Case Studies in Cross-Asset, Multi-Objective Resource AllocationJanuary 15, 2020 Transportation agencies face a complex set of challenges as they make cross-asset resource allocation decisions. Such decisions entail deciding how much to invest in an agency’s roads, bridges, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), and other traffic and safety assets to achieve a variety of competing objectives, such as improving pavement and bridge conditions, increasing mobility, and enhancing safety. The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Research Report 921: Cas...
Current Landscape of Unmanned Aircraft Systems at AirportsDecember 16, 2019 The unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) industry is on the cutting edge of aviation innovation. Airports, including tenants and contractors, are discovering the benefits of UAS to their operations and bottom line. Yet, with the diversity of UAS applications at airports, there has been a lack of relevant industry data on this topic to inform the airport industry on current practices. The TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Synthesis 104: Current Landscape of Unmanned Aircraft Systems a...
Forum on Preparing for Automated Vehicles and Shared MobilityDecember 11, 2019 The deployments of automated vehicles, shared mobility services, and other transformational transportation technologies have the potential to dramatically increase safety, reduce congestion, improve access, enhance sustainability, and spur economic development. However, success in meeting these goals is not assured, and there are significant risks that these deployments could cause unintended consequences. The National Academies-TRB Forum on Preparing for Automated Vehicles and Shared Mobilit...
Transformational Technologies in Transportation: Impacts on Traditional Research Processes and ProgramsOctober 25, 2019 Automated vehicles, shared mobility, and other transformational technologies in transportation provide a unique opportunity to make significant advances in meeting societal goals. TRB's Transportation Research E-Circular 253: Transformational Technologies in Transportation: Impacts on Traditional Research Processes and Programs explores whether and how, in an era of rapidly evolving transformational technologies, research projects and processes can provide the needed answers in a timely manne...
Leveraging Big Data to Improve Traffic Incident ManagementOctober 14, 2019 "Big data" is not new, but applications in the field of transportation are more recent, having occurred within the past few years, and include applications in the areas of planning, parking, trucking, public transportation, operations, ITS, and other more niche areas. A significant gap exists between the current state of the practice in big data analytics (such as image recognition and graph analytics) and the state of DOT applications of data for traffic incident management ( TIM) (such as ...
Partnerships Between Transit Agencies and Transportation Network Companies (TNCs)September 25, 2019 Public transit agencies are increasingly partnering with mobility service providers. Among these providers are transportation network companies (TNCs), which include companies like Uber and Lyft and are the specific focus of this research effort. The transit industry has produced research to describe primary considerations transit agencies should have in mind for partnerships with TNCs, but existing research has yet to identify specific project frameworks for transit agencies that have decide...
Emerging Technologies for Construction DeliveryAugust 7, 2019 The uses and levels of maturity of five advanced technology areas visualization and modeling, interconnected technologies, safety technologies, instrumentation and sensors, and unmanned aircraft systems in transportation highway construction projects are documented in TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 534: Emerging Technologies for Construction Delivery. The synthesis also investigates the implementation barriers and success factors for these technology are...
The Vital Federal Role in Meeting the Highway Innovation ImperativeJuly 11, 2019 TRB Special Report 331 concludes that with sustained and adequate funding and modest improvements in research, development, and technology (RD&T), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) will continue to serve and advance the national interest and international competitiveness well into the future. TRB’s Research and Technology Coordinating Committee, which produced the report, believes that rapidly advancing tech...
TRB Forum on Preparing for Automated Vehicles and Shared Mobility: Mini-Workshop on the Importance and Role of ConnectivityJune 7, 2019 TRB’s Forum on Preparing for Automated Vehicles and Shared Mobility has released Transportation Research Circular E-C247: TRB Forum on Preparing for Automated Vehicles and Shared Mobility. The circular provides a summary of a February 2019 mini-workshop on the importance and role of connectivity within the automated vehicles and shared mobility environment. Key takeaways from the workshop suggest that (1) more needs to be done to create consumer awareness of the differences between and ...
TR News 326 March-April 2019: Critical Issues in TransportationJune 5, 2019 A featured article in the March-April 2019 issue of TR News explores TRB's most recent list of the critical issues facing transportation today. Theses issues include transformational technologies and services; serving a growing and shifting population; energy and sustainability; resilience and security; safety and public health; equity; governance; system performance and management; funding and financing; goods movement; institutional and workforce capacity; and research and innovation. ...
Microtransit or General Public Demand–Response Transit Services: State of the PracticeApril 4, 2019 TRB’s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Synthesis 141: Microtransit or General Public Demand–Response Transit Services: State of the Practice provides an overview of the current state of the practice of transit systems that are directly providing general public demand–response or microtransit with their own vehicles and personnel or using a traditional contractor. The report presents a literature review and results from a survey of 22 transit agencies that have had current experienc...
TR News September-October 2018: Traffic Impacts of the 2017 Solar EclipseMarch 13, 2019 TR News 317: September–October 2018 examines Canadian activity in connected and automated vehicles technology testing and development—including government and industry associations and research facilities and programs. Also explored are automated vehicles for transit—driverless metro, automated people movers, and personal rapid transit technologies—in various planning, construction, and operation stages in jurisdictions across the globe. Other articles offer a look at lessons learned from the...
Dedicating Lanes for Priority or Exclusive Use by Connected and Automated VehiclesJanuary 11, 2019 TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Research Report 891: Dedicating Lanes for Priority or Exclusive Use by Connected and Automated Vehicles identifies and evaluates opportunities, constraints, and guiding principles for implementing dedicated lanes for connected and automated vehicles. This report describes conditions amenable to dedicating lanes for users of these vehicles and develops the necessary guidance to deploy them in a safe and efficient manner. This analysis...
Socioeconomic Impacts of Automated and Connected VehiclesJanuary 10, 2019 TRB's Conference Proceedings 56: Socioeconomic Impacts of Automated and Connected Vehicles summarizes a symposium held in June 26–27, 2018, in Brussels, Belgium. Hosted by the European Commission and TRB, it was the sixth annual symposium sponsored by the European Commission and the United States. The goals of these symposia are to promote common understanding, efficiencies, and trans-Atlantic cooperation within the international transportation research community while accelerating transporta...
Implications of Connected and Automated Driving Systems, Vol. 4: Autonomous Vehicle Action Plan October 26, 2018 TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Web-Only Document 253: Implications of Connected and Automated Driving Systems, Vol. 4: Autonomous Vehicle Action Plan (AVAP) develops awareness of the legislative landscape and the foundational laws and regulations that may need to be prioritized for modification for Connected and Automated Driving Systems (C/ADSs) technologies. The AVAP is intended to provide guidance and resources to state departments of motor vehicles (DMVs) and ...
Implications of Connected and Automated Driving Systems, Vol. 5: Developing the Autonomous Vehicle Action PlanOctober 26, 2018 TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Web-Only Document 253: Implications of Connected and Automated Driving Systems, Vol. 5: Developing the Autonomous Vehicle Action Plan provides technical background on developing Volumes 1 through 4 of NCHRP Web-Only Document 253. It includes further background on terminology and definitions used in the suite of reports; legal and regulatory reviews and needs assessment; state legal and regulatory audit; a prioritization and harmoniza...
Implications of Connected and Automated Driving Systems, Vol. 1: Legal LandscapeOctober 26, 2018 TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Web-Only Document 253: Implications of Connected and Automated Driving Systems, Vol. 1: Legal Landscape explores federal, state, and international legal activities and practices regarding Connected and Automated Vehicles and Highly Automated Vehicles (C/AV/HAVs): Section 1 reviews United States federal activities within the sphere of regulating C/AV/HAVs. Section 2 reviews practices in each of the 50 states and local activities that ...
A Primer to Prepare for the Connected Airport and the Internet of ThingsOctober 24, 2018 TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Research Report 191: A Primer to Prepare for the Connected Airport and the Internet of Things introduces the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) within the airport environment to leverage current and emerging technologies. IoT can be used to provide information and services to airport passengers with current and evolving technologies. Airports, airlines, and other stakeholders can use these innovative technologies and data to enhance ...
National Academies–TRB Forum on Preparing for Automated Vehicles and Shared MobilityOctober 5, 2018 TRB E-Circular 236: National Academies–TRB Forum on Preparing for Automated Vehicles and Shared Mobility summarizes the deliberations of a TRB forum launched in early 2018 to facilitate evidence-based research needed to deploy automated vehicle technologies in a manner and timeframe that informs policy to meet long-term goals. The deployments of automated vehicles, shared mobility services, and other transformational transportation technologies have the potential to dramatically increase safe...
Tools and Case Studies for NextGen for AirportsOctober 1, 2018 TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) WebResource 5: Tools and Case Studies for NextGen for Airports is a companion to the five-volume ACRP Report 150: NextGen for Airports. It provides downloadable engagement materials from the NextGen Outreach Toolkit, discussed in Volume 2: Engaging Airport Stakeholders, and the Public Information Toolkit, discussed in Volume 3: Resources for Airports. A table that identifies the volume and page number of all case studies discussed in the five ...
Broadening Understanding of the Interplay Among Public Transit, Shared Mobility, and Personal AutomobilesJuly 18, 2018 TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Research Report 195: Broadening Understanding of the Interplay Among Public Transit, Shared Mobility, and Personal Automobiles explores the effects of app-based transportation network companies on the cities in which they operate, including on public transit ridership, single-occupancy vehicle trips, and traffic congestion. Built upon the findings of TCRP Research Report 188 , this report explores how shared modes—and ridesourcing companies in...
Automated Vehicles Symposium 2017: Summary of a SymposiumApril 13, 2018 TRB's E-Circular 232: Automated Vehicle Symposium 2017: Summary of a Symposium highlights the themes from an event that took place on July 11–13, 2017 in San Francisco, California. The event explored the development, testing, building, and deployment of autonomous vehicles (AVs). The 2017 AVS provided the opportunity for communication, collaboration, and information sharing on a wide range of topics, including potential public policy, safety and security, ethical, and equity concerns, as well...
Public Transit and BikesharingApril 9, 2018 TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Synthesis 132: Public Transit and Bikesharing explores cooperative transit and bikesharing relationships and documents the experiences of transit systems with bikesharing as a mode. An increasing number of transit agencies have developed cooperative arrangements with bikesharing programs to strengthen the relationship between the modes. The implementation and integration of bikesharing programs can sometimes present challenges to transit agenc...
NextGen for Airports: A PrimerJanuary 1, 2018 TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 150: NextGen for Airports, A Primer broadly address potential airport impacts and include background information so that airport personnel can discern which NextGen programs will impact them and how. View the suite of materials related to ACRP Report 150: NextGen for Airports: Volume 1 : Understanding the Airport’s Role in Performance-Based Navigation: Resource Guide Volume 2 : Engaging Airport Stakeholders: Guidebook Volume 3 : Resourc...
Transportation System Resilience: Preparation, Recovery, and AdaptationNovember 20, 2017 TRB's E-Circular 226: Transportation System Resilience: Preparation, Recovery, and Adaptation explores research issues related to implementing transportation systems resilience, and explores themes of a whole system approach to resilience, weather and advances in forecasting, an integrated approach to cyber-physical security for transportation, a European perspective on research for resilient road infrastructure, training and recruiting qualified employees who can assist during adverse events...
Evolving Law on Airport Implications by Unmanned Aerial SystemsOctober 24, 2017 TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Legal Research Digest 32: Evolving Law on Airport Implications by Unmanned Aerial Systems provides guidance to enhance understanding of the basic legal and operational issues presented by civil unmanned aerial systems (UAS), and evaluates best practices for managing these issues. The digest covers background on UAS uses, applications, regulations, and definitions, leading to operations within the National Airspace System (NAS), the issues of f...
Strategies to Advance Automated and Connected VehiclesAugust 31, 2017 TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) has released Strategies to Advance Automated and Connected Vehicles: Briefing Document. It is intended for state, regional, and local agency and political decision makers who are framing public policy making for these transformational technologies. The briefing document makes the case for taking action in spite of uncertainties and presents 18 policy and planning strategies that may be useful in advancing societal goals. The b...
Advancing Automated and Connected Vehicles: Policy and Planning Strategies for State and Local Transportation AgenciesAugust 31, 2017 TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Research Report 845: Advancing Automated and Connected Vehicles: Policy and Planning Strategies for State and Local Transportation Agencies assesses policy and planning strategies at the state, regional, and local levels that could influence private-sector automated vehicle (AV) and connected vehicle (CV) choices to positively affect societal goals. The report aims to assist agencies with exploring actions that might increase the lik...
Transportation Network Companies: Challenges and Opportunities for Airport OperatorsAugust 28, 2017 TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 84: Transportation Network Companies: Challenges and Opportunities for Airport Operators compiles experiences and effective practices by airports in facilitating customer access to Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) like Uber and Lyft. This synthesis also summarizes the amount of revenue airports receive from TNCs and how TNCs are affecting airport operations and other businesses. As of December 2016, TNCs are permitted to opera...
Automated Vehicles Symposium 2016 July 7, 2017 TRB's E-Circular 222: Automated Vehicles Symposium 2016 presents the proceedings from the Automated Vehicle Symposium (AVS) on July 19-21, 2016 in San Francisco, California. The 2016 AVS provided the opportunity for communication, collaboration, and information sharing on a wide range of topics, including potential public policy, safety and security, ethics, and equity concerns, as well as technology innovations and applications. The presentations by speakers in the general sessions are summa...
Connected and Automated Vehicles: NCHRP Support for Transportation Agency LeadersMay 24, 2017 TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) has released a brochure that summarizes its research in the field of connected and automated vehicle. This resource explores how TRB is coordinating research to explore the legal, societal, operational, and other impacts that connected and automated vehicle technology may have on transportation agencies and the traveling public. The brochure explores how TRB is administering projects, issuing reports, and convening top-level leaders ...
NextGen for Airports, Volume 5: Airport Planning and DevelopmentMay 9, 2017 TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 150: NextGen for Airports, Volume 5: Airport Planning and Development provides guidance to help airports of all sizes plan for and incorporate NextGen capabilities. The document will help airports accomodate Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) requirements while also taking advantage of the potential benefits of these federal programs designed to modernize the National Airspace System. ACRP’s NextGen initiative aims to i...
Challenges to CV and AV Applications in Truck Freight OperationsApril 15, 2017 TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Web-Only Document 231: Challenges to CV and AV Applications in Truck Freight Operations explores connected vehicle (CV) and automated vehicle (AV) technology, focusing on heavy trucking. The report identifies existing and emerging freight regulatory, planning, policy, and operational environments and challenges for connected and autonomous truck technologies. The report examines barriers and opportunities that the public and private ...
TR News July-August 2016: Flight Plans for Aviation ResearchJanuary 11, 2017 The TR News July-August 2016 edition addresses key issues in aviation: the workforce of the future—the needs to be filled and the sources of personnel; addressing the challenges of civil aviation safety; airline consolidation, competition, and the evolution of air service; optimizing cybersecurity for commercial aviation; the operation of unmanned aircraft in the National Airspace System; aviation’s evolving role in a changing climate; airports and transportation network companies; a state-of...
NextGen for Airports, Volume 3: Resources for AirportsDecember 18, 2016 TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 150: NextGen for Airports, Volume 3: Resources for Airports presents an overview of the many elements of NextGen, in terms and context that are relevant, familiar, and understandable to airport operators. This guide and associated primer broadly address potential airport impacts and include background information so that airport personnel can discern which NextGen programs will impact them and how. The report includes a list of NextGen ...
NextGen for Airports, Volume 4: Leveraging NextGen Spatial Data to Benefit Airports: GuidebookNovember 10, 2016 TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 150: NextGen for Airports, Volume 4: Leveraging NextGen Spatial Data to Benefit Airports: Guidebook provides information for airport operators on the benefits to airports associated with the creation, maintenance, and use of spatial data that is generated in conjunction with NextGen initiatives. The guidebook also describes costs, and financial and legal considerations of this data. In addition to the guidebook, a PowerPoint presentatio...
NextGen for Airports, Volume 2: Engaging Airport Stakeholders: GuidebookOctober 25, 2016 TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 150: NextGen for Airports, Volume 2: Engaging Airport Stakeholders: Guidebook helps airports engage the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), aircraft operators, community representatives, and other airport stakeholders during the planning, environmental review, design, deployment, and monitoring phases of NextGen implementation. The guidance references a NextGen Outreach Toolkit, which contain videos, an interactive flow chart, a...
March-April 2016: Technology-Enabled Transportation ServicesOctober 14, 2016 This edition documents an array of sessions, workshops, events, interactions, exchanges, awards, and more at TRB's 2016 Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. Feature articles present transportation-related findings from a series of policy studies by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine on the global connection to changes in the Arctic; plus results from research projects on sustainability as an organizing principle for transportation agencies; the rise of technology...
NextGen for Airports, Volume 1: Understanding the Airport’s Role in Performance-Based Navigation: Resource GuideJuly 8, 2016 TRB's Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 150: NextGen for Airports, Volume I: Understanding the Airport’s Role in Performance-Based Navigation: Resource Guide, the first report in this series, provides comprehensive information to practitioners concerning all aspects of Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) and how implementation affects overall airport operations. This Resource Guide encompasses background information, description of effects on short- and long-term airport devel...
Multimobility and Sharing Economy: Shaping the Future Market Through Policy and ResearchJuly 7, 2016 TRB's E-Circular 210: Multimobility and Sharing Economy: Shaping the Future Market Through Policy and Research Multimodal explores the results of a workshop that focused on new developments in the shared-mobility sphere, the use of smartphones in pushing the goal of shared mobility forward, and on rural and suburban mobility problems. It also raised the issue of equity for paratransit options in relation to innovative transportation modes and touched on strategies that could foster an environ...
Protection of Transportation Infrastructure from Cyber Attacks: A PrimerMay 13, 2016 TRB's Protection of Transportation Infrastructure from Cyber Attacks: A Primer provides transportation organizations with reference materials concerning cybersecurity concepts, guidelines, definitions, and standards. The primer is a joint product of two TRB Cooperative Research Programs, and is categorized as Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Web-Only Document 67 and National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Web-Only Document 221. The Primer delivers strategic, managemen...
Transformational Technologies in Transportation: State of the Activities May 12, 2016 TRB's E-Circular 208: Transformational Technologies in Transportation: State of the Activities explores the status and applications of transportation goods, services, and systems that fall under the umbrella of transformational techology. Key transformational technologies include connected and automated vehicles, including shared use services; unmanned aerial systems (drones); Internet of Things (including smart cities); and cybersecurity. In addition, the following technologies that have pot...
Automated and Connected Vehicles: Summary of the 9th University Transportation Centers Spotlight ConferenceApril 26, 2016 TRB's Conference Proceedings on the Web 19: Automated and Connected Vehicles: Summary of the 9th University Transportation Centers Spotlight Conference highlights a November 4-5, 2015 conference held in Washington, D.C. on Automated and Connected Vehicles. This conference was the 9th in a series of Spotlight Conferences funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (U.S. DOT) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R), which sponsors the University Transportatio...
TR News January-February 2016: Steering the Way Through Disruptions and TransformationsApril 12, 2016 A featured article in the January-February 2016 issue of the TR News explores the concerns and benefits of transformational technologies through the lens of state departments of transportation (DOTs). States are experiencing technological disruptions in every mode, and are exploring how new technologies will impact social issues, environmental issues, legal issues, and have other ramifications. The article also examines how state DOTs are planning to test and deploy automated vehicle and inte...
A Look at the Legal Environment for Driverless Vehicles March 17, 2016 TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Legal Research Digest 69: A Look at the Legal Environment for Driverless Vehicles explores legal policy issues that may be associated with driverless vehicles. It provides an introduction to how civil and criminal liability may adhere to driverless vehicles, the implications of these vehicles for privacy and security, how these vehicles are likely to become subject to and potentially alter prevailing automobile insurance regimes, and...
Big Data Hit the Road: The First Year of Use of the SHRP 2 Safety DatabasesJanuary 28, 2016 A featured story in the November-December 2015 TR News provides an overview of the data and the tools available to researchers during the Phase 1 experimental operational period of the second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2) naturalistic driving study data. The SHRP 2 naturalistic driving, unprecedented in size and scope, has produced unparalleled data on how drivers actually drive, what they are doing just before they crash or almost crash, and how they successfully avoid incident...
Between Public and Private Mobility: Examining the Rise of Technology-Enabled Transportation ServicesJanuary 24, 2016 TRB Special Report 319: Between Public and Private Mobility: Examining the Rise of Technology-Enabled Transportation Services analyzes how innovative transportation services, including ridesharing, carsharing, bikesharing, and microtransit, are changing mobility for millions of travelers. Such services could reduce congestion and emissions from surface transportation if regulated wisely to encourage concurrent, rather than sequential, ride sharing. Rapidly growing transportation network comp...
Linking the Past to the Future: Lessons from History About Emerging TechnologyNovember 6, 2015 TRB E-Circular 201: Linking the Past to the Future: Lessons from History About Emerging Technology explores the presentations made at a one-day, invitational workshop that took place on June 13, 2014 and was hosted by the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (JPO) of the U.S. Department of Transportation and the History Committee of the Transportation Research Board. The workshop explored how technology can be enhanced by an understanding of the social and institutional asp...
Commercial Ground Transportation at Airports: Best PracticesOctober 19, 2015 TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 146: Commercial Ground Transportation at Airports: Best Practices covers best management practices to ensure the provision of safe, comfortable, easy-to-use, and efficient commercial ground transportation service. Commercial ground transportation services include taxicabs, limousines, shared-ride services, transportation network companies, courtesy vehicles, buses, and vans. The guidebook reviews the ground transportation industry, pote...
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) at Airports: A PrimerSeptember 30, 2015 TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 144: Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) at Airports: A Primer provides airports of all sizes with information about unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and their potential use and impact on airports. The report includes a glossary of key terms, a background on the current state of UAS operations, UAS costs and benefits to airports, regulatory and community considerations, UAS infrastructure and operational considerations, UAS safety and securi...
Guidebook on Best Practices for Airport CybersecurityJuly 9, 2015 TRB’s Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Report 140: Guidebook on Best Practices for Airport Cybersecurity provides information designed to help reduce or mitigate inherent risks of cyberattacks on technology-based systems. Traditional IT infrastructure such as servers, desktops, and network devices are covered along with increasingly sophisticated and interconnected industrial control systems, such as baggage handling, temperature control, and airfield lighting systems. The guideboo...
Research Pays Off: Developing Decision Support Tools for Florida’s Traffic Management CentersJuly 3, 2015 The latest edition of Research Pays Off explores a data analytics tool developed by the Florida Department of Transportation that combines archived intelligent transportation systems (ITS) data collected at the state’s regional transportation management centers (TMCs) with data from other sources to inform transportation planning and operation decisions. With traffic analysis, simulation modeling, data fusion and mining, and optimization, the accumulated data can support performance measureme...
TR News May–June 2014: Changing Energy Outlook; King Coal Highway; Automated Vehicles—and MoreNovember 17, 2014 The full PDF version of the May-June TR News examines the shift in the U.S. energy outlook, including the increase in domestic natural gas production, and the implications for energy security, transportation, and climate policies. Another article describes how public–private partnerships in West Virginia are used to build roads and other facilities. A third feature identifies ten research areas to follow in the field of automated vehicle technology. Two opinion pieces offer insights on progra...
TR News March-April 2013: Deploying Transportation Research: TRB 92nd Annual Meeting HighlightsMay 15, 2013 Photographic highlights of sessions, events, presentations, meetings, exhibits, awards, and more from TRB’s 92nd Annual Meeting—including valedictory speeches by two major transportation leaders—is accompanied in the March–April issue of TR News by feature articles on the promise of connected vehicle technology; the accomplishments and vision of more than two decades of TransTech Academy, preparing urban students for careers in transportation; and practical insights from TRB’s first-ever virt...
Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations; Managed Lanes 2008December 17, 2008 TRB’s Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2065 includes 8 papers that explores a new active traffic management approach for metropolitan freeways; an innovative approach to statewide sketch planning for traffic operations in Wisconsin; intermediate access to buffer-separated managed lanes; and dual-system urban interchange design. This issue of the TRR also examines high-occupancy toll lanes and public transportation; automated vehicl...
Infrastructure MaintenanceAugust 27, 2008 TRB’s Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2044 includes 13 papers that explore relating cost to condition in highway maintenance, a sampling procedure for road maintenance evaluations, and shaping the future of the workforce for intelligent transportation systems. This issue of the TRR also examines bridge inspection in Europe; bridge deck assessment by ground-penetrating radar, chain drag, and ground truth; electrical injection of co...
Accident Modification Factors for Traffic Engineering and ITS ImprovementsJuly 29, 2008 TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 617: Accident Modification Factors for Traffic Engineering and ITS Improvements explores the development of accident modification factors (AMFs) for traffic engineering and intelligent transportation system improvements. AMFs, also known as crash reduction factors, are designed to provide a simple and quick way of estimating the safety impacts of various types of engineering improvements, encompassing the areas of signi...
Leveraging ITS Data for Transit Market Research: A Practitioner's GuidebookJuly 8, 2008 TRB’s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report 126: Leveraging ITS Data for Transit Market Research: A Practitioner’s Guidebook examines intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and Transit ITS technologies currently in use, explores their potential to provide market research data, and presents methods for collecting and analyzing these data. The guidebook also highlights three case studies that illustrate how ITS data have been used to improve market research pra...
Transportation Security; Emergency Response and RecoveryFebruary 18, 2008 TRB’s Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2022 includes 11 papers that explore emergency resource allocation for critical transportation infrastructure protection, intelligent transportation system networks survivability, information sharing during emergency response and recovery, multiple hazards protective measures, and the spatiotemporal model for infrastructure reconstruction following a large-scale disaster. This issue of the TRR...
Maintenance Operations: Work Zones, Pavement Markings, and WeatherJanuary 31, 2008 TRB’s Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2015 includes 15 papers explore issues related to work zones such as speed-activated signs, a variable advisory speed limit system, the use of drone radar, sequential portable changeable message signs, alternative dates for advance notification on portable changeable message signs, worker safety, nighttime construction work zone devices, and crashes. This issue of the TRR also examines pavemen...
Guide to Contracting ITS ProjectsApril 26, 2006 TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 560: Guide to Contracting ITS Projects provides guidance on the procurement of intelligent transportation systems (ITS), including variable message signs, traffic detectors, signal controllers, and a variety of other hardware and software that entails applications of advanced electronics and information management to regulate and facilitate traffic flow. The report highlights best practices and recommends contracting st...
Maintenance and Operations of Transportation Facilities: 2005 Strategic VisionFebruary 10, 2006 TRB’s Transportation Research Circular E-C092, Maintenance and Operations of Transportation Facilities: 2005 Strategic Vision explores the major trends that affect maintenance; cites current and emerging innovations in management systems, technology, and intelligent transportation systems; and examines some of the key maintenance challenges of this century.
Strategies to Expand and Improve Deployment of ITS in Rural Transit SystemsMay 23, 2005 TRB’s Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report 84: e-Transit: Electronic Business Strategies for Public Transportation Volume 6, Strategies to Expand and Improve Deployment of ITS in Rural Transit Systems examines Internet and communication technologies that are being deployed at rural transit agencies. The report provides information on statewide intelligent transportation systems (ITS) plans that include provisions for rural ITS initiatives. The declining costs of communications,...
TR News: March-April 2005 School Transportation: Securing the Best OptionsMay 10, 2005 The March-April 2005 issue of TR News includes the following articles: School Transportation: Improving the Safety, Security, and Quality of Student Travel Neighborhood Schools and Sidewalk Connections: What Are the Impacts on Travel Mode Choice and Vehicle Emissions? The Dynamics of School Location and School Transportation: Illustrated with the Dutch Town of Zwijndrecht Automated Vehicle Location for School Buses: Can the Benefits Influence Choice of Mode for School Trips? How Risky Is the...
Transit: Planning and Development, Management and Performance, Marketing and Fare Policy, and Capacity and Quality of ServiceMarch 9, 2005 TRB’s Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1887 presents case studies of Chicago’s regional transit program for welfare to work, the development of the Bay Area Rapid Transit system expansion criteria and process, the estimation of statewide urban public transit benefits in Tennessee, the travel demand and car ownership impacts of City CarShare in San Francisco, transit customer response to intelligent transportation system technologies in ...
TR News: January-February 2004 IssueMarch 16, 2004 The January-February 2004 issue of TR News includes the following articles: Go Light with the Salt, Please: Developing Information Systems for Winter Roadway Safety Planning the Road Ahead with Market Research: Transportation Agencies Stay in Gear with Customers, Resources, and Performance Measures Transportation Agencies Meet Fiscal Challenges: The Transportation Research Board’s 2003 Field Visit Program Cybersecurity of Freight Information Systems: A Scoping Study “Analyze This!” -- Taking...
Development and Deployment of Standards for Intelligent Transportation SystemsJanuary 14, 2004 TRB Special Report 280: Development and Deployment of Standards for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS): Review of the Federal Program presents recommendations for future management of the Federal Highway Administration’s ITS Standards Program. A summary of Special Report 280 as published in the January-February 2005 issue of TR News is available.
Research and Technology Coordinating Committee Letter ReportJanuary 9, 2004 A December 4, 2003, letter report from TRB’s Research and Technology Coordinating Committee to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) covers local/regional stakeholder involvement in highway research and technology programs, the Department of Transportation’s intelligent transportation systems program, the research activities of the Office of Operations, the status of implementation efforts for the FHWA’s corporate master plan for highway research and technology, and plans for an assessmen...
Cybersecurity of Freight Information Systems: A Scoping StudyJune 10, 2003 TRB Special Report 274 - Cybersecurity of Freight Information Systems: A Scoping Study reviews trends in the use of information technology in the freight transportation industry and assesses potential vulnerabilities to a cyberattack.
TR News: March-April 2003 IssueMay 20, 2003 The March-April 2003 issue of TR News includes the following articles: "Rural Passenger Transportation," "The Changing Demographics of Rural America: What Are the Implications for Transportation Providers?," "Intelligent Transportation Systems for Rural Transit: Not Just for Urban Systems Anymore," " The Trip to Town: Rural Transportation Patterns and Developments Since 1900 ," and "Intercity Bus Links: Moving into New Territory" are among th...
TR News: January-February 2002 Issue Intelligent Transportation Systems: Determining DirectionsJanuary 29, 2002 "Intelligent Transportation Systems: Making Inroads," "Introducing Intelligent Transportation Systems: Paradigm for 21st Century Transportation," "Intelligent Transportation Systems at the Turning Point: Preparing for Integrated, Regional, and Market-Driven Deployment," " Security Redefines the Agenda: TRB's 2001 Field Visit Program ," and "California's Performance Measurement System: Improving Freeway Efficiency Through Transportation Intelligence" are among the articles in the January-Febr...
Impact of New Information and Communication Technologies on Transportation AgenciesDecember 1, 2001 TRB’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 296: Impact of New Information and Communication Technologies on Transportation Agencies examines the impact that information and communication (I/C) technologies are having on transportation agencies and offers data to understand how agencies are dealing with these impacts. Four classes of technologies were examined: intelligent transportation systems, communication technology, software tools, and remote work arrangements.
Roadway Flash Flooding Warning Devices Feasibility StudyNovember 1, 2001 This Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) project explored the feasibility of a flash flood warning system for motorists on the road. A system with a modular design was proposed to allow flexibility in technology implementation and its components or subsystems were identified. These included water level sensors, data processing subsystem, data dissemination subsystem, alerting subsystem, monitoring subsystem, motorist warning subsystem, tr...
IRIS: Intelligent Ranging with Infrared SensorsJanuary 1, 2000 The objective of this Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) project was the development of a new technology for ranging sensors called IRIS (Intelligent Ranging with Infrared Sensors). This technology has the potential to produce a new generation of sensors with significantly lower cost and substantially increased accuracy and reliability than any of the technologies available today. Such sensors would be useful in almost every aspect of IT...
AVL Systems for Bus TransitJune 1, 1997 TRB's Transit Cooperative Reserach Program (TCRP) Synthesis 24: AVL Systems for Bus Transit examines various aspects of developing and deploying automated vehicle location (AVL) systems over the last 20 years. Current practice; AVL architecture and technologies; and the institutional context of AVL defined in terms of funding, justification, staffing, and procurement are explored. |