TRB Publications
To fulfill one of its oldest missions, TRB disseminates transportation research results and technology information through an
extensive array of publications. These include books and reports assessing the state of the art or practice in specific areas of transportation, presenting the results of transportation research, addressing major national transportation policy issues, and identifying research needs. TRB books and reports span the range of transportation functions, disciplines, and modes. To search for publications produced by TRB since 1923, visit
TRB's Publications Index. To purchase a TRB publication, visit
TRB's online bookstore. TRB publications can be browsed
by series or by
subject areas.
TRB produces and distributes about 200 publications annually. Most of the printed publications are also available electronically. The following are the major publications series:
Transportation Research Record (TRR) contains technical papers that have been accepted for publication through a rigorous peer-review process refereed by TRB technical committees. |
Special Reports present the results of policy studies, including studies mandated by Congress or requested by executive-branch federal agencies. These studies are conducted by expert committees appointed by the National Research Council (NRC). |
Cooperative Research Program (CRP) Reports, Syntheses of Practice, Research Results Digests, Web-Only Documents, and Legal Research Digests contain the findings of individual research projects sponsored by TRB's Cooperative Research Programs. Syntheses of Practice are also published for the Commercial Truck and Bus Safety Synthesis Program. |
Strategic Highway Research Program 2 (SHRP 2) Reports, Project Briefs, Program Briefs, and Quarterly newsletter include the findings of individual research projects as well as updates on ongoing activity within SHRP 2. |
Conference Proceedings contain papers, presentations, and summaries of discussions from conferences, workshops, and symposia convened by TRB. |
Transportation Research Circulars present technical material considered to be of immediate interest to the transportation community. |
In addition, TRB issues a variety of other publications, ranging from the Highway Capacity Manual to general-interest periodicals.
TR News,
a bimonthly magazine with an international circulation of 10,000, features timely articles on innovative and state-of-the-art research and practice in all modes of transportation.
Ignition contains news of the Innovations Deserving Exploratory Analysis (IDEA) programs.
TRB Weekly newsletter provides free weekly updates on TRB reports and events, together with other news and research information of interest to the transportation community.
Secure copyright permissions with the following contacts by publication:
If a publication is online at
NAP Bookstore, use Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) automated process. For specific questions, contact
TR News magazine, TRB Research Circulars, or Conference Proceedings on the Web, contact Jennifer J. Weeks (
For articles in TRR from 1996-present, contact SAGE Publications ( For earlier articles or to secure use of your own published paper for thesis or dissertation, contact
Jennifer J. Weeks (
TRB does not own the copyright of papers presented at the TRB Annual Meeting which are not published in TRR. Contact the paper authors if possible. For additional questions, contact Jennifer J. Weeks (