The AASHTO Guide for Enterprise Risk Management, published in 2016, defines enterprise risk management as "the formal and systematic effort to control uncertainty and variability on an organization's strategic objectives by managing risks at all levels of the organization."
The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Research Report 986: Implementation of the AASHTO Guide for Enterprise Risk Management documents how several state departments of transportation are adopting risk management principles and practices.
Supplemental to the report are a presentation, a risk assessment tool, a Washington State Department of Transportation budget template, and a video of a webinar by the project team.
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2022. Implementation of the AASHTO Guide for Enterprise Risk Management. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Chapters | skim | |
Front Matter | i-x | |
Summary | 1-3 | |
Chapter 1 - Introduction | 4-11 | |
Chapter 2 - Report Organization | 12-12 | |
Chapter 3 - The Pilot Risk Implementation Process | 13-18 | |
Chapter 4 - Pilot Case Studies | 19-81 | |
Chapter 5 - Other Case Studies | 82-97 | |
Chapter 6 - Tactics for Successful Risk Management | 98-110 | |
References | 111-111 | |
Appendix A - TDOT Documents and Tools | 112-168 | |
Appendix B - UDOT Documents and Tools | 169-368 | |
Appendix C - WSDOT Documents and Tools | 369-377 | |
Appendix D - Managing Risks in Uncertain Times Proceedings of the Webinar | 378-404 |
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