Equity of Evolving Transportation Finance Mechanisms
TRB Special Report 303: Equity of Evolving Transportation Finance Mechanisms addresses the equity of alternatives to current transportation finance mechanisms, notably mechanisms based on tolling and road use metering (i.e., road pricing). The committee that developed the report concluded that broad generalizations about the fairness of high-occupancy toll lanes, cordon tolls, and other evolving mechanisms oversimplify the reality and are misleading. The fairness of a given type of finance mechanism depends on how it is structured, what transportation alternatives are offered to users, and which aspects of equity are deemed most important.
The committee identified the various dimensions of equity important for public policy debates about evolving finance mechanisms, proposed specific issues for policy makers to consider when evolving mechanisms are proposed, and identified areas where future research is needed for a better understanding of the equity implications of such mechanisms.
To move beyond superficial analysis, the report calls on policy makers to insist on well-designed studies of transportation finance that yield reliable information about the likely distribution of burdens and benefits, and that facilitate comparison of a given finance strategy with alternatives. In addition, public policy makers who wish to promote equity should engage their constituents and other stakeholders early and often when considering the use of new or unfamiliar transportation finance mechanisms.
The report calls on researchers to explore further how people modify their use of the transportation system in response to changes in prices and services and the consequences of these responses. It also recommends the development of a handbook for state and local governments describing procedures for conducting equity analyses of transportation finance policies.
four-page summary of the report is available online. In October 2011, TRB conducted a webinar about the findings and recommendations included in the report.
A recording of that webinar is available for purchase on TRB's website.
summary of the report was also published in the January-February 2012 issue of the TR News.
To inform the development of its report, the committee commissioned four papers. Links to the papers are below:
The Incidence of Public Finance Schemes
The Empirical Research on the Social Equity of Gas Taxes, Emissions Fees, and Congestion Charges
Remediating Inequity in Transportation Finance
Equity, Pricing, and Surface Transportation Politics
This Summary Last Modified On: 3/7/2016